GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)

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Author Topic: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)  (Read 48463 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Hi guys, would you help me assemble this guide? It's just a list of thing you can do, but more important what you cannot do in Adventure Mode.
I'd want to make this list, because often I find myself researching the wiki and forums, for a simple task i'd like to do.
Most of the things you can do can be found here, but not always how to do it.
See the examples here, and please fill in as much as you know! I'll try to update this first post to collect all your submissions, and then write a wiki page.
Anything relevant may be added, as long it is a valid consideration to do in Adventure mode.

Important to mention: the actions here collected as CANNOT, are actions you may be able to do in Fortress Mode, but not in Adventure Mode. Or actions frequently seen in other RPG-games, or environment interactions, you might consider doing if you knew you could.

You CAN:
  • Write a book, (How)
  • Compose a song or a dance
  • Ride a mount
    Spoiler: How (click to show/hide)
  • Ride a minecart
  • Pull levers
  • Create a stone axe
  • Become a necromancer + vampire
  • Fly (With certain races)
  • Swim underwater without drowning (With certain races)
  • Changing beliefs
    Spoiler: How (click to show/hide)
  • cross the ocean by swimming
  • Extracting venoms from weapons
    Spoiler: How (by: Mobilescrub) (click to show/hide)
  • put something into a barrel, bin, bucket, cauldron, mortar, pestle, cage, wheelbarrow, bowl, hive
  • pick a flower
  • dance
  • recite a poem
  • perform music (sing or chant)
  • play an instrument
    Spoiler: How (click to show/hide)
  • simulate an instrument
  • give a sermon
  • climb and move a stepladder
  • climb in a tree by the trunk
  • climb in a tree by first grabbing the branches
  • make a campfire
  • set bushes on fire
  • swim up and down underwater (while drowning!!)
  • Go through a locked door (for example in your own fortress), by bashing it in, or picking the lock
    Spoiler: how (click to show/hide)
  • Fill a pool with water, using a minecart
  • Join a Bandit Group
    Spoiler: How (click to show/hide)
  • become the leader of a bandit camp/criminal orginization
  • Kill someone with alcohol
    Spoiler: How (by: Erik Blank) (click to show/hide)
  • Get drunk
  • Drink from a mug or goblet
  • Store different liquids unmixed in one container
  • Perform 'surgery', by first suffocating someone, and then chop his bodyparts away
  • ..Remove someones bodyparts controlled
  • look though a window
  • jump through a wallgrate
  • jump through standing bars
  • jump at an campfire
  • move (carefully) into a fire
  • wrap cloth around your hands (without any use by the way, use the {w} to wear
  • wear crowns
  • heat things slowly at an campfire
  • heat things at lava, magma, burning stuff
  • heat stuff in a cauldron, placed on a fire
  • melt tin into 'molten tin', using above
  • hold molten tin in you bare hands
  • evaporate water in a cauldron on a fire
  • talk to your pet
  • influcence your pets mood by talking to it
  • Slow heat yourself up next to a fire, to the point your fat gets melting
  • Spoiler: Become a necromancer (click to show/hide)
  • Spoiler: Become a vampire (click to show/hide)
  • Spoiler: Become a werebeast (click to show/hide)
  • Spoiler: Become a thrall/husk (click to show/hide)
  • Spoiler: Become a king/queen (click to show/hide)

In green, you can with Mods. some of them needs links, please help me fill in the gaps
In orange, you can by retiring your character in a fortress, and play in fortress mode, or by comparable operations
In yellow, you can with DFHack, but in some cases I need some guidance on how.
In pink: next to impossible. These things can theoretically happen, however unlikely, or are insanly hard to pull of.

  • Mine (Mod link?)
    Spoiler (click to show/hide)
  • Plant seeds
    Spoiler: How (by: Urist9876) (click to show/hide)
  • Craft a quire (Mod link?)
  • Fishing / catching a fish
  • Use an animal trap
  • Build workshops
    Spoiler (click to show/hide)
    (except Carpender)
  • Use workshops (Mod link?) (except Carpender)
  • Create weapons (Mod link?) (exept stone axe)
  • Create Armor (Mod link?)
  • Make Clothing (Mod link?)
  • Build a trap (Mod link?)
  • Shear an animal
  • Milk an animal
  • Sit in a chair
  • Sit at a table
  • Lie in a bed, (but you can lie down at the same tile as a bed)
  • Pick up a boulder
  • Target a bodypart when throwing or firing with a crossbow
  • Have a house inside a settlement
  • Become a vampire and a werebeast at the same time
  • Become a vampire or a werebeast, when you are a zombie
  • Marry, get a wife or husband, get children
    Spoiler: How (click to show/hide)
  • Become member of a guild
  • Become member of a sect
  • Become member of...
  • Own a room, using retirement and fotressmode
  • Become a noble in a fortress or settlement, or have some occupation or position
  • become Outpost Liason
  • Fullfil the need: Be with friends or family
  • Fullfil the need: Helping someone
  • kill small animals, like snails
  • play with a toy
  • let a toy boat float on the water, use a toy axe as axe, use a toy hammer as hammer
  • do something usefull with a picked flower
  • drive or push a wheelbarrow
  • stack multiple stepladders and clim them all
  • Operate a pump
  • Operate a siege engine
  • Break through a grate, window, floorhatch or vertical bars by brute force, of pick the lock
  • Throw something through the window to break it
  • Peek through a closed door
  • Put an animal inside a cage
  • Put yourself in a coffin
  • Dye thread, cloth or clothing, by putting dye and these stuff together in a container, even combined with water  + heating
  • Breath underwater in a minecart
  • Lock a door
  • destroy a building by brute force
  • use a ladle to stir in a cauldron
  • use a bowl for other use than putting something in it
  • Fill a pool with liquids other than water, using a minecart
  • Engrave
  • Do medical stuff, like setting bones or sewing wounds
  • use a pestle and mortar to grind someting
  • Scholary stuff, like 'pondering' over some subject
  • Decorating, like encrusting or craftsman-decorating with bone
  • tie someone or something to a rope
  • tie up your mount / horse
  • cook something by putting things in a boiling caudron of water
  • Lock a door in your own personal site
  • dress your own wounds or those of companions
  • Open a grate
  • Dye something
  • Be a building destroyer (even with the right tag)
  • Talk meaningfull to your pet
  • Give your pet anything, such as food
  • melt sand into glass, using a cauldron (see above)
  • bake clay into keramics, using a cauldron (see above)
  • get salt from evaporating seawater, using a cauldron
  • be save in magma with a nethercap armour.
  • carry a wounded companion to safety, either personally or on the back of an animal.
  • Drink blood to quench your thirst
  • Drink vampire blood to become vampire

Things needed to be figured out
  • Husbandry / breeding with company and pets
  • Become a necromancer + werebeast
  • Become a necromancer + zombie
  • Become a priest, lead a sect
  • Beekeeping
  • Gelding, other than hurting someone in his lowerbody.
  • Copy a book
  • Having a uncontrolled Tantrum
  • Fly using a winged mount (pegasus style)
  • being thrown in jail by the justice system
  • get honey or honeycombs from a beehive
  • Be a villian in the sense of the game considering you as a villain. Like doing plots and such.
  • snatch a child
  • catch a living fish and keep it alive in a aquarium
  • be catched in a cage trap
  • have a romance
  • become a ghost,
    Spoiler: for example (click to show/hide)
  • climb a smooth or block wall
  • be hospitalized when getting wounded in a fortress of which you are a citizen
  • become member of a criminal organization
  • become member of a merchant company
  • lead a merchant company
  • From a performers troupe (I think so, as you can ask people to join as performer
  • Give a skill demonstration
  • Watch a skill demonstration and learn from it (Student skill)
  • prevent falling damage by sitting in a minecart
  • carry a unconsious creature, like a wild animal...
  • ..then put it into a cage...
  • ..then feed it food...
  • it becomes tame...
  • ..then train it for hunting or war
  • Swim in magma
  • Use a weighted bag as a (efficient) weapon
  • Can you damage someone�s reputation by speeading rumors about him or through impersonating him? Will this have an effect on their social standing, plots against them and generally their life post world-gen?
  • Do a training session with training weapons, to improve your combat skill?
« Last Edit: April 05, 2022, 02:51:43 pm by joostheger »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2020, 08:35:16 am »

But you can fly and swim underwater while playing certain species of animal-people.
Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when disaster comes from afar?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2020, 08:53:29 am »

  • Craft a quire
  • Create weapons (exept stone axe)
  • Create Armor
  • Make Clothing
These are all possible with some light RAW modding; in fact several mods for them exist already, I think (I make my own, so I'm not sure what's publicly available)

  • Use workshops (except Carpender)
Actually you can use any workshop - it's just that there are no Adventure Mode reactions for any shops other than Carpenter's. But if, say, you mod in some smithing reactions that happen at a metalsmith's forge, you can totally use a forge to do them.
Of course the problem there is the forge itself - since you can't build one (without DFHack) you have to find one in a dwarven fortress. But it is at least possible.

  • Lie in a bed
I mean, you can lie down anywhere (with "s") - just lie on top of the bed?

  • Have a house inside a settlement
  • Own a room, using retirement and fotressmode
While you can't "own" a house in a pre-generated settlement (though nothing stops you from squatting) you can assign a room to yourself in a settlement that you build. Then, if you retire that character at the site, they will remain in their room.

  • Become a noble in a fortress or settlement, or have some occupation or position
You can claim ownership of a site you create, or of any human site (town/hamlet, possibly castles in .47.xx?) either by killing the former occupants or by claiming an abandoned site. It should be possible, also, to give your adventurer a position in a player fortress (including nobility), using retirement shenanigans, but I've never tried it.

  • Marry, get a wife or husband
  • Get children
All adventurers start out asexual - so, in vanilla, these are impossible. You can change this with DFHack's "fix-ster" script, though, which should theoretically allow adventurers to get married and procreate. I don't know a way to "choose" your lover/spouse, though; but if you retire a fix-ster'd adventurer and let them operate on their own for a while there's a chance they'll hook up with someone.

  • Swim underwater
  • Fly
Unless you start as a species that can breathe underwater or fly, no. Swimming underwater as a non-amphibious creature (or a non-vampire) always causes you to be Drowning, and you'll die pretty quickly if you don't swim back up. Most bird-men can fly, and some bug-men too, but there's no way for one of the standard races to fly.

If I may say, this topic seems a little... loose? Like, there's a whole lot of things you "can do" in Adventure Mode: you can walk around, talk to people, attack people, look at objects... but obviously that's not the kind of activities you want to know about. Similarly, there's potentially infinite things you can't do: you can't build a spaceship, or travel to other planes, or gamble... these things haven't been added to the game. It might be helpful to add some extra parameters to your question: like, "What can you not do it Adventure Mode that you can do in Fort Mode," or something like that? Otherwise we could could go on ad infinitum with things we can and can't do.
Thob Goes to the Surface (Adventure Mode story, in progress)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ghosts are stored in the balls.
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Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2020, 09:47:03 am »

    Hi guys, would you help me assemble this guide? It's just a list of thing you can do, but more important what you cannot do in Adventure Mode.
    I'd want to make this list, because often I find myself researching the wiki and forums, for a simple task i'd like to do.
    Most of the things you can do can be found here, but not always how to do it.
    See the examples here, and please fill in as much as you know! I'll try to update this first post to collect all your submissions, and then write a wiki page.
    Anything relevant may be added, no matter how mundane or extreme, as long it is a valid consideration to do in Adventure mode.

    You CAN:

    You CANNOT:
    • Mine
    • Plant seeds
    • Craft a quire
    • Fishing / catching a fish
    • Use an animal trap
    • Build workshops (except Carpender)
    • Use workshops (except Carpender)
    • Create weapons (exept stone axe)
    • Create Armor
    • Make Clothing
    • Shear an animal
    • Milk an animal
    • Sit in a chair
    • Sit at a table
    • Lie in a bed
    • Pick up a boulder
    • Target a bodypart when throwing or firing with a crossbow
    • Have a house inside a settlement
    • Become a vampire and a werebeast at the same time
    • Become a vampire or a werebeast, when you are a zombie
    • Build a trap

    Things needed to be figured out
    • Husbandry / breeding with company and pets
    • Marry, get a wife or husband
    • Get children
    • Swim underwater
    • Fly
    • Become member of a guild
    • Become member of a sect
    • Become member of...
    • Become a necromancer + werebeast
    • Become a necromancer + zombie
    [li]Own a room, using retirement and fotressmode[/li]
    [li]Become a noble in a fortress or settlement, or have some occupation or position[/li]

    Possible with mods
    Green means possible with mods, orange means possible if they become a citizen in an active fort, and you later unretire them in adventure mode.
    Ghosts are stored in the balls?[/quote]
    also George_Chickens quit fucking my sister

    peasant cretin

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #4 on: May 09, 2020, 12:37:08 pm »

    Become a noble in a fortress or settlement, or have some occupation or position
    Passively you can receive a position in Adventure Mode, but this is RNG-ish as it's determined by the unseen line of succession that is the result of an insurrection at the site/civ to which your character is a member of.

    So far I've had a character end up as broker, and one as sheriff.

    And since this line of succession is unknown, you can't simply kill your way to becoming mayor or chief medical.
    « Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 03:28:45 pm by peasant cretin »


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #5 on: May 09, 2020, 02:13:16 pm »

    Once a retired adventurer joins a player controlled fortress, he is eligible for all positions you normally can bestow upon a dwarf. You will keep the position if your retire the fortress. World gen might replace you, but that never happened to me.

    Since you can elect the baron in a growing fortress, most positions are possible for an adventurer: baron  (and higher ranks, if you care to grow your fortress first), mayor (albeit without the democratic support of the other citizens), sheriff/captain of the guard, militia commander or captain (with ability to recruit companions into militia), manager, broker, tavern keeper scholar or poet.

    Outpost liaison and king are next to impossible.

    Priest would require the adventurer to be in a fortress where an appropriate god is worshipped and a temple is present. A temple would require at least 9 other followers of the same god and that is hard to control. Perhaps followers can be created by giving sermons?

    Joining a sect or guild would depend on the other npcs as well. Guild is fairly easy in fortress mode as you can assign and create jobs to train 10 dwarves into a skill.

    All these only work by retiring twice. Only a few positions would be possible with only adventurer-mode: lord or lady when you declare yourself in charge of a site, militia or guard member (hearth person) if you manage to get accepted as such with questing or performer.

    Not sure to where you want to expand that list, but these might be interesting:

    In addition to the list of things that are possible: changing believes (nature is good for you, you silly dwarf!) is possible by stating and arguing believes. It depends on skills on both sides whether this works easy or is next to impossible. Much easier now you can control multiple characters in adventurer mode.

    You can talk all day in adventurer-mode with friends or family, the needs for friends or family never get fulfilled. Helping someone is also next to impossible. It is possible to remove those needs during character creation or possibly by arguing.

    Riding a mount is done with 'h'. Normally the key to climb. When next to an animal you get the options to ride it or lead it. No-one seems to care if you walk into a settlement and jump on a beast or lead it away. A very strong dwarf in full armor with good armor skill is faster on foot as riding a very encumbered animal.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #6 on: May 09, 2020, 03:03:24 pm »

    Thanks for all the info and submissions so far! I updated the first post.

    I have some more questions:
    - can you give the links to the mods, in which said thing can be done? or the best example of one of these mods?

    While you can't "own" a house in a pre-generated settlement (though nothing stops you from squatting) you can assign a room to yourself in a settlement that you build. Then, if you retire that character at the site, they will remain in their room.
    I dont understand this. can you elaborate?

    You can claim ownership of a site you create, or of any human site (town/hamlet, possibly castles in .47.xx?) either by killing the former occupants or by claiming an abandoned site. It should be possible, also, to give your adventurer a position in a player fortress (including nobility), using retirement shenanigans
    I dont understand the last part. can you elaborate?


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #7 on: May 09, 2020, 03:51:08 pm »

    You can fly, that doesn't need any figuring out. Just choose race which can fly or ride a mount which can fly.

    Ride a mount by pushing "h" when standing next to it.

    Own a room is something that you can just do. Build a site, claim a room.

    You can't marry and have children yet and your adventurer won't do either while retired.

    Also, "can be done with mods" is pretty much anything when you take Dfhack into account. Whether those mods exist or are stable is a different matter. It's a confusing category to put here.
    « Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 03:59:36 pm by Shonai_Dweller »

    peasant cretin

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #8 on: May 09, 2020, 04:00:00 pm »

    Thanks for all the info and submissions so far! I updated the first post.

    I edited my above post with links for context.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #9 on: May 09, 2020, 04:07:21 pm »

    You can fly, that doesn't need any figuring out. Just choose race which can fly or ride a mount which can fly.

    Ride a mount by pushing "h" when standing next to it.

    Own a room is something that you can just do. Build a site, claim a room.

    You can't marry and have children yet and your adventurer won't do either while retired.

    Also, "can be done with mods" is pretty much anything when you take Dfhack into account. Whether those mods exist or are stable is a different matter. It's a confusing category to put here.
    Already edited some of this! see the first post

    Thanks for all the info and submissions so far! I updated the first post.

    I edited my above post with links for context.



    • Bay Watcher
    • a Moal
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #10 on: May 09, 2020, 07:15:17 pm »

    While you can't "own" a house in a pre-generated settlement (though nothing stops you from squatting) you can assign a room to yourself in a settlement that you build. Then, if you retire that character at the site, they will remain in their room.
    I dont understand this. can you elaborate?
    When you build a site in Adventure Mode (with "b") you can assign various "zones" to it, much like in Fort Mode. One of these is (IIRC) is a bedroom zone, and you can assign these rooms to yourself or your companions.
    As for squatting: just find an empty house and move in. As long as no one else lives there, they won't bother you about sleeping or waiting inside.

    You can claim ownership of a site you create, or of any human site (town/hamlet, possibly castles in .47.xx?) either by killing the former occupants or by claiming an abandoned site. It should be possible, also, to give your adventurer a position in a player fortress (including nobility), using retirement shenanigans
    I dont understand the last part. can you elaborate?
    Retirement shenanigans? Something like:
    1. Build a fort, set up a fortress guard squad, then retire the fort
    2. Start and adventurer, go to the retired fort and join the fortress guard - this should make you a citizen of the fort, eligible for jobs/positions
    3. Retire the adventurer, then unretire the fort. Adventurer should be there and be able to be made, say, baron if you get elevated to a barony.
    ***I don't know for certain if any of the above is true, I've never tried it, I've only read about it. Caveat lector.
    Thob Goes to the Surface (Adventure Mode story, in progress)


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #11 on: May 10, 2020, 02:37:39 am »

    ***I don't know for certain if any of the above is true, I've never tried it, I've only read about it. Caveat lector.

    Yes, that is how it works.

    You can join a fortress by talking to captain of the guard or militia captain to join as soldier. Often you will be required to complete quests. You also can join as a performer. Talk to mayor for that.

    If you just retire your adventurer in a nearby fortress, odds are quite good he'll join in a migrant wave or asks for citizenship anyway.

    Once in fortress mode you can assign a work animal (animals that are trained for war or hunt). Upon retiring fortress mode and starting as adventurer again, the animal will keep following you. That way you could train special animals in fortress mode and get a pet after character creation.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #12 on: May 10, 2020, 03:03:54 am »

    I'm not sure why dance is under "things to figure out". Just dance. Surely that's on the wiki? Same with poetry.


    • Bay Watcher
    • Ghosts are stored in the balls.
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #13 on: May 10, 2020, 03:36:27 am »

    Building workshops and mining requires Advfort, a DFhack plugin. Using workshops, creating weapons, armour and clothing can be done through modded adventure mode reactions or Advfort. Building a trap and planting seeds I THINK are possible with Advfort, also, but I cannot remember.
    Ghosts are stored in the balls?[/quote]
    also George_Chickens quit fucking my sister


    • Bay Watcher
    • Is that a crab with
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    Re: GUIDE: What you CAN and CANNOT do in Adventure Mode (help needed)
    « Reply #14 on: May 11, 2020, 06:39:04 am »

    PTW; while not definitive at the moment this guide could become an excellent source.
    and the quadriplegic toothless vampire killed me effortlessly after that
    bool IsARealBoy = false
    dropping clothes to pick up armor and then dropping armor to pick up clothes like some sort of cyclical forever-striptease
    if a year passes, add one to age; social experiment
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