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VS Battles Wiki
Gremlin (Gremlins)


Gremlins are small monsters who serve as the main antagonists of the Gremlins franchise. In Gremlins and Gremlins 2, gremlins spawned by the hundreds, terrorizing the people of Kingston Falls. Mogwai turn into gremlins if they were allowed to eat after midnight (in which timeframe after midnight is uncertain), in which case they develop cocoons and turn into gremlins.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 10-C, possibly 10-B

Name: Gremlins

Origin: Gremlins

Gender: Sexless; usually referred to as male

Age: Unknown; gremlins are seen as adults in their life cycle, but their lifespan is unknown

Classification: Aliens

Powers and Abilities: Accelerated Development (Gremlins who spawned from gremlins instead of mogwai immediately become adults[1]), Duplication when hit by water, Resistance to Water Manipulation (Water allows gremlins to duplicate). Resistance to Light Manipulation with Genetic Sunblock[2]

Attack Potency: Below Average Human level (It took three to physically kill a man wearing a Santa suit[1]), possibly Human level (Killed an elderly man who reached into a mailbox[1])

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Average Human (They can strangle a person; one attempted to do so against Kate until Bill decapitated it)

Striking Strength: Below Average Human level

Durability: Below Average Human level (Despite being a horror movie villain of sorts, gremlins can easily be killed by conventional tools such as blenders, microwaves, shredders, and weapons such as knives and swords)

Stamina: High

Range: Below Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: None

Optional Equipment: Genetic Sunblock

Intelligence: Below Average; Gremlins are reckless creatures who generally show disregard towards anything around them, although they are capable of doing things humans can do and can tamper with machinery. An exception to this is Brain Gremlin, who developed a genetic sunblock that nullifies the effects of sunlight on gremlins.[2]

Weaknesses: Can be killed by sunlight and camera flashes. Gremlins in Gremlins 2 got around their weakness against sunlight through genetic sunblock, though camera flashes close-up are still deadly.

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Gremlins (1984)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Gremlins 2 (1990)


Discussion threads involving Gremlin (Gremlins)