37 Facts about the movie Notorious - Facts.net
Mable Javier

Written by Mable Javier

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: S-usih.org

Released in 2009, “Notorious” is a film that explores the life and legacy of the legendary rapper Christopher Wallace, better known as The Notorious B.I.G or Biggie Smalls. Directed by George Tillman Jr., the biographical drama takes viewers on a journey from Biggie’s humble beginnings in Brooklyn to his rise as one of the most influential figures in the hip-hop industry.

With a gripping storyline, outstanding performances, and a killer soundtrack, “Notorious” has captivated audiences around the world. This article will delve into 37 fascinating facts about the movie, giving you an inside look at the making of this iconic film. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and prepare to learn some interesting tidbits about “Notorious.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Notorious” is a classic movie from 1946, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant. It’s known for its suspenseful plot, iconic kiss scene, and strong female protagonist.
  • “Notorious” explores themes of love, betrayal, and sacrifice, and is praised for its tight plot, memorable dialogue, and enduring suspense. It remains a must-watch for film enthusiasts and fans of Hitchcock.
Table of Contents

Notorious was released in 1946

Notorious, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, was released in 1946 and is considered one of his finest films.

The movie stars Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant

Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant play the lead roles in Notorious, delivering captivating performances that contribute to the film’s success.

The plot revolves around espionage

Notorious follows the story of a woman who is recruited by the United States government to infiltrate a group of Nazis in Brazil.

The famous kiss scene is one of the longest in film history

The iconic kiss scene between Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant in Notorious is known for its length, adding to the intensity and passion portrayed in the film.

Hitchcock had to fight censorship to keep the kiss scene

Alfred Hitchcock had to negotiate with the censors to maintain the length of the kiss scene, as it was considered too explicit for its time.

Notorious was nominated for two Academy Awards

The movie received nominations for Best Supporting Actor (Claude Rains) and Best Original Screenplay at the 1947 Academy Awards.

The film’s cinematography is praised for its use of shadows

Notorious is renowned for its cinematography, with Hitchcock incorporating dramatic lighting and shadows to create a visually striking atmosphere.

The screenplay was written by Ben Hecht

Ben Hecht, a prolific screenwriter of the time, wrote the screenplay for Notorious, showcasing his talent for crafting compelling narratives.

Hitchcock used long takes to build tension

Hitchcock employed long takes in certain scenes to heighten the suspense and maintain a sense of unease throughout the film.

Notorious has been praised for its strong female protagonist

The character portrayed by Ingrid Bergman in Notorious is often celebrated for her intelligence, resilience, and agency in a male-dominated world.

The film explores themes of love and betrayal

Notorious delves into the complexities of love and betrayal, with the characters’ relationships driving the tension and conflict in the story.

The production faced challenges due to World War II

During the production of Notorious, the film industry was still dealing with the aftermath of World War II, resulting in limited resources and logistical difficulties.

Notorious was a box office success

Despite the challenges faced during production, Notorious was well-received by audiences and became a financial success for the studio.

The film’s score was composed by Roy Webb

Roy Webb created the haunting and suspenseful score for Notorious, accentuating the tension and atmosphere of the film.

Notorious has been praised for its tight and intricate plot

The movie is lauded for its gripping and intricate plot, keeping viewers engaged and guessing until the very end.

The film explores the consequences of personal sacrifice

Notorious delves into the impact of personal sacrifice and the lengths individuals are willing to go for love and country.

Notorious is often cited as one of Hitchcock’s masterpieces

Hitchcock fans and film critics alike consider Notorious to be one of the master director’s greatest achievements.

The movie showcases Hitchcock’s trademark suspense techniques

Notorious exemplifies Hitchcock’s ability to build suspense, utilizing his signature techniques to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

Hitchcock’s use of point-of-view shots adds to the tension

Through clever use of point-of-view shots, Hitchcock immerses viewers in the characters’ perspectives, enhancing the suspenseful experience of Notorious.

The film’s climax takes place at a key party

Notorious culminates in a suspenseful and dramatic climax set at a lavish key party, adding to the intrigue and danger surrounding the characters.

Hitchcock had to compromise on the film’s ending

Due to concerns from the studio and censors, Hitchcock had to alter the original ending of Notorious, though it still retains its impact.

Notorious explores themes of identity and trust

The movie delves into the complexities of identity and the precarious nature of trust, weaving them into the narrative to fuel the suspense.

The film’s title has a double meaning

The title “Notorious” can be interpreted both as a reference to a notorious spy ring and the notoriety associated with the characters’ actions and relationships.

The costumes in Notorious were designed by Edith Head

Edith Head, a renowned costume designer, created the elegant and stylish outfits worn by the characters in Notorious.

The film received critical acclaim upon its release

Notorious was met with widespread critical acclaim, praised for its direction, performances, and gripping storyline.

The movie explores the blurred lines between loyalty and betrayal

Notorious delves into the complexities of loyalty and betrayal, highlighting the blurred lines between the two in the characters’ relationships.

The movie’s runtime is approximately 101 minutes

Notorious has a runtime of around 101 minutes, allowing for a tightly paced and engrossing viewing experience.

The film was included in the National Film Registry

Notorious was deemed culturally significant and was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.

The movie influenced future spy thrillers

Notorious’s impact can be seen in subsequent spy thrillers, with its clever twists and suspenseful narrative inspiring filmmakers for years to come.

Notorious features strong chemistry between the lead actors

The chemistry between Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant is palpable in Notorious, adding an extra layer of believability to their characters’ relationship.

The movie explores the sacrifices made for national security

Notorious delves into the sacrifices made in the name of national security, raising ethical questions that resonate with audiences.

The film’s iconic one-liners have become memorable quotes

Notorious is known for its memorable dialogue, with lines such as “I love you more than any woman’s ever loved a rabbit” becoming iconic in film history.

The movie’s suspenseful moments still hold up today

Notorious’s suspenseful sequences continue to captivate audiences, showcasing the timeless quality of Hitchcock’s storytelling.

The film explores the moral shades of grey

Notorious challenges the audience’s perception of morality, as characters navigate through a world where right and wrong are not clear-cut.

Notorious has been included in numerous “best films of all time” lists

The enduring popularity and critical acclaim of Notorious have earned it a place in various lists ranking the greatest films ever made.

The movie is a masterclass in building suspense

Hitchcock’s skillful direction in Notorious showcases his ability to create and sustain tension, solidifying his reputation as the “Master of Suspense.”

Notorious remains a must-watch for cinephiles

Notorious’s enduring legacy and its contributions to the thriller genre make it a must-watch for film enthusiasts and fans of Hitchcock alike.


In summary, “Notorious” is a movie that captivates audiences with its gripping storyline, stellar performances, and intriguing characters. With its talented cast, top-notch direction, and powerful storytelling, it has become a cinematic masterpiece that continues to resonate with viewers.The movie, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, delves into the world of espionage and romance, creating a dynamic blend of suspense and drama. From the unforgettable performances of Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman to the masterful direction of Hitchcock, “Notorious” never fails to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.With its timeless appeal, “Notorious” remains a must-watch for movie enthusiasts, both for its historical significance and its sheer entertainment value. Whether you’re a fan of classic cinema or simply looking for a captivating film experience, “Notorious” is sure to leave a lasting impression.


1. What is the plot of “Notorious”?

Notorious” follows the story of a woman recruited by the government to infiltrate a group of Nazis in South America. As she delves deeper into her mission, she falls in love with an agent who is unaware of her true intentions.

2. Who are the main actors in “Notorious”?

The movie stars Cary Grant as T.R. Devlin, Ingrid Bergman as Alicia Huberman, and Claude Rains as Alexander Sebastian.

3. Who directed “Notorious”?

The movie was directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock.

4. When was “Notorious” released?

The film was released on September 6, 1946.

5. Is “Notorious” based on a true story?

No, “Notorious” is a work of fiction.

6. Was “Notorious” commercially successful?

While not a box office blockbuster at the time of its release, “Notorious” has since gained critical acclaim and is regarded as one of Hitchcock’s best films.

7. Did “Notorious” receive any awards or nominations?

The film received two Academy Award nominations, including one for Best Supporting Actor for Claude Rains.

8. Can “Notorious” be considered a film noir?

Yes, “Notorious” is often categorized as a film noir due to its dark and suspenseful themes.

9. Is “Notorious” available for streaming?

Yes, “Notorious” can be streamed on various platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

10. Is “Notorious” suitable for all audiences?

Notorious” is generally considered suitable for adult audiences due to its mature themes and intense sequences.

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