21 best Gilgamesh quotes from Fate/zero – Share it now

21 best Gilgamesh quotes from Fate/zero

21 Best Gilgamesh quotes

1- “You brake the law and I’ll punish you, there is no room for discussion.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

2- “Mongrels though they may be, they’re still figures of some slight renown
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

3- “Surely there must be limits to which one may sink.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

4- “You mongrels. By our next meeting see that you’ve culled your numbers. Only a true hero is worthy to look upon my glorious presence.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

5- “You have yet to see what form your soul has taken. That’s what it actually means when you claim that you lack joy in your life.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

6- “Do exactly as you like. That is the true meaning of pleasure. Pleasure leads to joy and joy leads to happiness. Your path is now clear, Kirei. So clear there is no longer any need to hesitate.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

7- “If a couple curses stopped me, what kind of hero would I be?!
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

8- “Isn’t the foolishness of the few a more precious commodity than the wisdom of the masses? There are those who were born human but harbor wishes that man was not meant for and have renounced their humanity in its pursuit.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

9- “There are two kinds of arrogance. One where you are unequal to the task and one where your dreams are too big. The former is commonplace stupidity… but the latter is a rare species that is difficult to find.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

10- “Fool… I belong among the heavens? Yet you would have me trod upon the ground?! Your impudence has guaranteed your death! Mongrel! When I am through with you, nothing will remain of your corpse!
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

11- “So, you would question me, you filthy mongrel? Me, the one true king? If you cannot now discern my identity in the presence of my magnificent glory, then you’re ignorant blindness will serve to seal your doom!
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

12- “The things we can’t obtain are the most beautiful ones.
” Gilgamesh

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Gilgamesh quotes

13- “”Hero of Justice? A world where no one is hurt?” Don’t be absurd. “Humanity” is the name for an animal that cannot find joy in life without sacrifice. The pretty lie that is “equality” is nonsense spouted by weaklings who cannot look upon the darkness. Nothing but an excuse to cover up life’s ugliness.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

14- “To unite dreams beneath a banner of conquest. I praise your efforts. But, warriors… did you not understand? That all dreams must disappear when the dreamer wakes. Every last one of them. Therefore, it was inevitable that I would stand in your way. King of Conquerors, know the end of your eternal dream. I, myself, shall show you harsh reality. Now awaken, Ea! A worthy stage has been set for you! Look up and behold… Enuma Elish!
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

15- “Sinful? Corrupt? I don’t understand your logic. Why must pleasure and sin be connected? Pleasure gotten through evil means could be a sin. But pleasure can also result from good deeds. What kind of philosophy calls pleasure itself a sin?
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

16- “[To Waver] The path of devotion is a great labor. Do not ever mar it.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

17- “Ephemeral and brilliant one, fall to my embrace. That is my decision.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

18- “Did you not understand? All dreams eventually disappear when the dreamers wake.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

19- “What you speak of at greatest length is what interests you the most.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

20- “A soul naturally seeks pleasure, consciously or not.
” Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh quotes

21- “A lot of something is ugly in itself.
” Gilgamesh

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Gilgamesh quotes

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