The end of Catherine Carey, daughter of Mary Boleyn - The Anne Boleyn Files

The end of Catherine Carey, daughter of Mary Boleyn


On this day in history, 15th January 1569, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, Catherine Knollys (née Carey) died at Hampton Court Palace, she was about 45 years of age.

Catherine was the wife of Sir Francis Knollys, daughter of Mary Boleyn, niece of Queen Anne Boleyn, and cousin of Queen Elizabeth I. Some also believe her to have been the daughter of King Henry VIII, although there is no evidence that she was.

Catherine had a successful court career and a happy and loving marriage, which produced lots of children – one of the reasons why so many people are related to Mary Boleyn!

You can find out more about her final days, and how her husband was not allowed to be with her, in my “on this day in Tudor history” video:

You can find out about Catherine’s mother, Mary Boleyn, in my Mary Boleyn playlist of videos:

And here is my video on Catherine and Francis’ marriage:

Also on this day in history, 15th January 1559, Elizabeth I, daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, was crowned queen at Westminster Abbey. Here is my video on her coronation:

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