The Meaning Behind The Song: Many Rivers To Cross by Jimmy Cliff - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Many Rivers To Cross by Jimmy Cliff

The Meaning Behind The Song: Many Rivers To Cross by Jimmy Cliff

Many Rivers To Cross is one of the most soulful and emotional songs ever written by Jimmy Cliff. The song was first released in 1969 on the Jimmy Cliff album and then re-released on the soundtrack to the movie, The Harder They Come, in 1972.

The song is a reflection of the struggles and challenges faced by Jimmy Cliff throughout his life, from his humble beginnings in rural Jamaica to his rise to fame as a reggae legend. The lyrics of the song are deeply personal, and they speak to the universal human experience of facing obstacles and persevering through adversity.

At its core, Many Rivers To Cross is a song about hope and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. In this article, we will explore the deeper meaning behind the song and the impact it has had on fans and listeners around the world.

Verse One: The Struggle Begins

The first verse of Many Rivers To Cross sets the tone for the rest of the song. In this verse, Jimmy Cliff reflects on his challenging upbringing and the obstacles he faced as a young man trying to make a name for himself in the world.

He sings:

Many rivers to cross
But I can’t seem to find my way over

These first two lines capture the feeling of being lost and alone in the face of an overwhelming challenge. The metaphor of “many rivers to cross” suggests that there are many obstacles standing in the way of Jimmy Cliff’s success, and he is struggling to navigate his way through them.

The next lines of the verse further emphasize the sense of isolation that Jimmy Cliff feels:

Wandering, I am lost
As I travel along the white cliffs of Dover

The image of wandering along the white cliffs of Dover adds to the feeling of being lost and alone in the world. It’s a powerful metaphor that captures the sense of isolation and uncertainty that Jimmy Cliff is feeling.

Chorus: Hope and Resilience

Despite the challenges and obstacles he has faced, Jimmy Cliff remains resilient and hopeful. The chorus of Many Rivers To Cross reflects this spirit of optimism:

Many rivers to cross
And it’s only my will that keeps me alive
I’ve been licked, washed up for years
And I merely survive because of my pride

These lines are incredibly powerful, and they speak to the universal human experience of facing adversity and persevering in the face of overwhelming odds. The mention of Jimmy Cliff’s pride suggests that he is determined to succeed no matter what, and he refuses to give up in the face of adversity.

Verse Two: Reflection and Self-Discovery

The second verse of Many Rivers To Cross is a reflection on Jimmy Cliff’s personal journey of self-discovery. He sings:

And this loneliness won’t leave me alone
It’s such a drag to be on your own
My woman left me and she didn’t say why
Well, I guess I’ll have to try

These lines speak to the deep sense of loneliness and isolation that Jimmy Cliff has felt throughout his life. The mention of his ex-girlfriend leaving him further emphasizes this feeling of abandonment and loss.

Despite this, Jimmy Cliff remains hopeful and determined to keep fighting:

Many rivers to cross
But just where to begin, I’m playing for time
There are times I find myself
Thinking of committing some dreadful crime

The mention of committing a dreadful crime suggests that Jimmy Cliff is feeling desperate and frustrated, but he refuses to give up. The line “playing for time” suggests that he is biding his time, waiting for the right opportunity to make his move and overcome his obstacles.

Verse Three: Overcoming Adversity

The third and final verse of Many Rivers To Cross is a reflection on Jimmy Cliff’s journey of overcoming adversity. He sings:

I’m hungry but I can’t eat
All my pride is gone
Oh, no, no, no
I’m crying but I can’t weep

These lines capture the sense of desperation and hopelessness that Jimmy Cliff has felt at times throughout his life. Despite this, he remains resilient and determined to keep fighting:

Many rivers to cross
And it’s only my will that keeps me alive
I’ve been licked, washed up for years
And I merely survive because of my pride

The final chorus of the song is a powerful expression of hope and resilience:

Many rivers to cross
But I can’t seem to find my way over
Wandering, I am lost
As I travel along the white cliffs of Dover
Many rivers to cross
And it’s only my will that keeps me alive
I’ve been licked, washed up for years
And I merely survive because of my pride

These lines speak to the universal human experience of facing adversity and persevering in the face of overwhelming odds. They remind us that no matter how difficult the journey may be, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.


1. What inspired Jimmy Cliff to write Many Rivers To Cross?

Many Rivers To Cross was inspired by Jimmy Cliff’s personal struggles and challenges in life. The song reflects his humble beginnings in rural Jamaica and his rise to fame as a reggae legend. Through his music, Jimmy Cliff has always sought to inspire hope and resilience in his listeners, and Many Rivers To Cross is a powerful example of this.

2. What is the meaning behind the phrase “many rivers to cross?”

The phrase “many rivers to cross” is a metaphor for the obstacles and challenges that we face in life. It suggests that no matter how difficult our journey may be, we must persevere and keep moving forward in order to overcome these obstacles and reach our goals.

3. What is the significance of the white cliffs of Dover in the song?

The white cliffs of Dover are a powerful symbol of isolation and uncertainty in the song. They represent the feeling of being lost and alone in the world, and they add to the sense of isolation and desperation that Jimmy Cliff is feeling throughout the song.

4. What is the message of hope in the song?

Despite the challenges and obstacles that Jimmy Cliff has faced, he remains hopeful and optimistic in the face of adversity. The message of hope in the song is that no matter how difficult our journey may be, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

5. How has Many Rivers To Cross impacted listeners around the world?

Many Rivers To Cross has had a profound impact on listeners around the world. The song’s message of hope and resilience has resonated with people from all walks of life, and it has inspired countless individuals to persevere in the face of adversity.

6. What role does pride play in the song?

Pride is a key theme in Many Rivers To Cross. Jimmy Cliff’s pride is what enables him to persevere in the face of adversity and overcome his obstacles. It is this same pride that allows him to maintain his sense of hope and optimism throughout the song.

7. What is the significance of the line “I merely survive because of my pride?”

This line speaks to the power of pride in helping us to persevere in the face of adversity. In the song, Jimmy Cliff’s pride is what enables him to keep fighting and overcome his obstacles, even when it seems like all hope is lost.

8. How has Many Rivers To Cross influenced the reggae genre?

Many Rivers To Cross is widely regarded as one of the greatest reggae songs of all time. Its message of hope and resilience has influenced countless artists within the reggae genre and beyond. The song’s profound impact on the music industry continues to this day.

9. What is the message that Jimmy Cliff wants listeners to take away from the song?

Jimmy Cliff’s message to listeners is one of hope and resilience. He wants his listeners to know that no matter how difficult the journey may be, there is always hope for a better tomorrow. Through his music, Jimmy Cliff seeks to inspire his listeners to persevere in the face of adversity and never give up on their dreams.

10. What is the universal appeal of the song?

The universal appeal of Many Rivers To Cross lies in its timeless message of hope and resilience. The song speaks to the universal human experience of facing obstacles and persevering through adversity. Its message of hope and optimism has resonated with listeners from all walks of life, making it one of the most beloved and iconic songs of all time.

11. What is the legacy of Many Rivers To Cross?

The legacy of Many Rivers To Cross is a lasting one. The song’s message of hope and resilience continues to inspire and uplift listeners around the world. Its impact on the music industry and popular culture is undeniable, and it remains one of the most beloved and iconic songs of all time.

12. What can we learn from the lyrics of Many Rivers To Cross?

The lyrics of Many Rivers To Cross teach us the importance of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. They remind us that no matter how difficult our journey may be, we must never give up on our dreams. Through his music, Jimmy Cliff seeks to inspire his listeners to persevere in the face of adversity and find hope in even the darkest of times.

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