Elon Musk Told Justine He Was the 'Alpha' in the Relationship at Wedding - Business Insider
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Elon Musk whispered to his first wife, Justine, that he was 'the alpha in this relationship' at their wedding reception

Pictures of Elon Musk and Justine Musk
Elon Musk and Justine Musk met while studying at Queen's University in Canada. Chesnot/Getty Images; Ryan Miller/Getty Images
  • During Elon Musk's wedding to Justine Musk, he told her he was the "alpha" in the relationship.
  • She wrote in Marie Claire that he'd told her to dye her hair blonder and seemed to be turning her into a "trophy wife."
  • Justine Musk was his first wife and the mother of five of Elon Musk's surviving children.

Elon Musk used the dance floor at his wedding to author Justine Musk to establish the nature of their relationship.

"As we danced at our wedding reception, Elon told me, 'I am the alpha in this relationship,'" Justine, his first wife, revealed in a 2010 column for Marie Claire.

Elon met Justine when he was a sophomore and she a freshman at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.

Elon first saw her at a party and invited her for ice-cream, but when he came to her room to pick her up she wasn't there. Instead, he bought her some ice-cream anyway and walked around campus carrying the dripping cone until he found her studying, she wrote.


"He's not a man who takes no for an answer," she wrote.

Justine wrote that Elon dated other women, too, but that the couple stayed in touch after he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania. He'd sometimes send her flowers, she wrote.

Later on they rekindled their relationship and Justine moved in with Elon and his housemates in Palo Alto, California.

Their relationship had highs and lows. "Elon and I were used to having big arguments in public," Walter Isaacson quoted Justine as saying in his recent biography of her ex-husband. "I don't think you can be in a relationship with Elon and not argue."


Some of Elon's friends and family didn't want him to marry Justine His younger brother Kimbal Musk and college friend Navaid Farooq both tried to stop him from marrying her, per the book. Elon's mother, Maye Musk, also wasn't a fan of her.

Elon did come close to calling the wedding off after the couple got into an argument the day before they were due to get married, Isaacson wrote. But it ultimately went ahead, and they married on the Caribbean island of Saint Martin.

Their honeymoon, however, was postponed by months so Elon could sort out X.com's merger with PayPal. The couple finally had their honeymoon in September, eight months after the wedding, though they had to book last-minute flights back to the US amid turmoil at the company.

Justine and Elon had their first child, Nevada, in 2002. He died of sudden infant death syndrome. Through IVF, Justine gave birth to twins Griffin and Jenna in 2004 and triplets Kai, Saxon, and Damian in 2006.


Though couple went to parties with celebrities and lived in a mansion in Bel Air with five nannies and housekeepers, they weren't happily married.

"It was basically a massive cluster fuck of disruptive things," Justine told Isaacson.

During some arguments, Justine would say how much she hated Elon and he would call her a "moron" or "idiot," per the book.

She wrote in her Marie Claire column that Elon told her to dye her hair blonder and that she felt like she was being turned into a "trophy wife."


"I met him when he didn't have much at all," Justine wrote. "The accumulation of wealth and fame changed the dynamic."

"The strong will and emotional distance that makes him difficult as a husband may be reasons for his success in running a business," she told Isaacson.

The couple ultimately divorced in 2008 after attempting marriage counselling, Justine wrote. Elon started dating actor Talulah Riley that same year.

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