Cesca Litton looking for new venue after Balesin bump-off issue

Cesca Litton looking for new venue after Balesin bump-off issue


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Cesca Litton looking for new venue after Balesin bump-off issue
'The issue here is not Heart nor Chiz, it's the way Balesin handled it,' she said on Twitter

MANILA, Philippines – TV host and bride-to-be Cesca Litton is now looking for a new wedding venue, after saying that her preferred date for wedding festivities at Balesin Island Club was given up in favor of recently engaged Heart Evangelista and senator Chiz Escudero. 

In her Facebook post, Cesca thanked everyone for their suggestions and support.

“Guys, thank you for all the support, comments, and suggestions, but I can no longer speak on the issue as it is my future in laws who are members in Balesin, and they will be handling the situation. But I will say, my wedding will definitely not be held in Balesin, I know God has a beautiful venue for me somewhere out there. God bless you all,” she wrote.

In her Twitter posts, Cesca also clarified the involvement of actress Heart Evangelista and Sen. Chiz Escudero in the incident, saying that they weren’t at the heart of the issue. 







Tyke Kalaw, Cesca’s fiancé also spoke up on the issue. While the post was deleted afterward, Pep was able to screengrab it.

“We asked to reserve Balesin for February 14 in May, and that is already considered pencil booking.

 “We tried to make a down payment and reserve the entire Balesin village for this occasion. We’ve been trying to since May.

“Balesin did not let us because Mr. Ongpin did not approve it yet. They said everything is a go pending Mr. Ongpin’s approval and that he was already informed that we wanted to reserve the date. 

“I was furious on Saturday when I found out the reason we were disapproved. “The reason they gave me was Heart and Chiz called Mr. Ongpin wanting the same date for their wedding.

“I am assuming, even hoping that the couple did not know that was our date even if they were informed  by someone they tried to hire  that’s already doing our wedding.. They knew Ongpin and we did not. That is what it came down to. Now address me and stop bugging my fiancee so we can plan our amazing wedding.” 

On Tuesday, September 2, in a statement sent to Aquino and Abunda Tonight, Cesca said and Tyke were scheduling February 14, 2015 as their wedding date in the resort, and was told by the management twice that the date was still open.

However, she said that she was surprised that she got a call from their wedding coordinator, telling them that Heart and Chiz were also scheduled on the same date.

Balesin Island Club owner Roberto “Bobby” Onpin also released a statement on the issue, saying that there was no bump-off and that the date was available when the reservation was made for Chiz and Heart.

Heart and Chiz have both issued separate statements, denying they had anything to do with the incident.

On Wednesday, September 3, Chiz confirmed that he and Heart are scheduled to wed on February 15, 2015. – Rappler.com


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