Frases de Lou Reed (53 citas) | Frases de famosos

Frases de Lou Reed

Lewis Allen Reed, más conocido como Lou Reed ,[1]​ fue un poeta, cantante, guitarrista y compositor de rock, considerado el padre del rock alternativo, primero como líder del grupo The Velvet Underground y luego en solitario.

Enormemente influyente en la cultura pop desde la década de 1960, entre sus discos suelen destacarse Transformer , Berlin , Rock'n'Roll Animal , Live: Take No Prisoners , New York y, entre sus actuaciones en directo, el concierto ofrecido en el Meltdown Festival en 1998: Perfect Night Live in London.

Nacido en Brooklyn, residió habitualmente en Nueva York; ciudad cuya faceta menos amable plasmó en muchas de sus letras. Hizo colaboraciones y contactos con creadores como Andy Warhol y David Bowie. Su original estilo e influencia le generó gran fama entre las vanguardias musicales posteriores, fama a la que no fue ajena su ajetreada vida personal durante sus años de mayor éxito. Sin embargo, Reed fue considerado habitualmente como un músico «de culto», ajeno en parte a las listas de éxitos y el marketing de las multinacionales discográficas.

En su época de The Velvet Underground escribió canciones especialmente reconocidas, como "Heroin", "Rock and Roll", "I'm Waiting for the Man" y "Sweet Jane". Su mayor éxito comercial, sin embargo, es una canción posterior: "Walk on the Wild Side" , que dio visibilidad a la prostitución y la transexualidad; una temática que hasta la fecha la música rock no solía abordar. Wikipedia  

✵ 2. marzo 1942 – 27. octubre 2013
Lou Reed Foto
Lou Reed: 53 frases12 Me gusta

Frases célebres de Lou Reed

“Nada supera a dos guitarras, un bajo y una batería.”

—  Lou Reed

En su álbum New York.

“Lou era paranoico y al final hacía a todo el mundo paranoicos.”

—  Lou Reed

John Cale sobre LR.

Lou Reed Frases y Citas

“Oh sí, quiero que tomen drogas. Porque es mejor que el Monopoly.”

—  Lou Reed

Entrevista en Sydney, respuesta a la pregunta de si quiere que la gente tome drogas.

“Que le jodan a Radio Ethiopia, ¡yo soy Radio Brooklyn!”

—  Lou Reed

En su álbum Live Take No Prisioners, haciendo referencia a un disco de Patti Smith.

Lou Reed: Frases en inglés

“Things always seem to end before they start”

—  Lou Reed

Fuente: Pass Thru Fire: The Collected Lyrics

“I'll be your mirror
Reflect what you are
In case you don't know”

—  Lou Reed

I'll Be Your Mirror

“First thing you learn
is that you've
always got to wait”

—  Lou Reed

"I'm Waiting for the Man"

“Nothing beats 2 guitars, drum and bass.”

—  Lou Reed

In the liner notes of New York

“I'm still not sure I didn't die”

—  Lou Reed

Pass Thru Fire: The Collected Lyrics

“"Just watch," said Sheila, touching her finger to her head.”

—  Lou Reed

The Gift (written by Lou Reed, narrated by John Cale)

“When she turned blue, all the angels screamed.”

—  Lou Reed

" Run Run Run"

“Candy came from out on the Island
In the backroom she was everybody's darlin'
But she never lost her head
Even when she was giving head
She says, Hey babe
Take a walk on the wild side”

—  Lou Reed

Walk on the Wild Side Full lyrics online
The title was inspired by Lou Reed being approached in 1970 for a musical based on Nelson Algren's 1956 novel A Walk on the Wild Side.

“Of course. All the best people are.”

—  Lou Reed

When asked if he was Jewish. Quoted in the Jewish Chronicle obituary, 1 November 2013, p. 31

“It always bothers me to see people writing 'RIP' when a person dies. It just feels so insincere and like a cop-out. To me, 'RIP' is the microwave dinner of posthumous honors.”

—  Lou Reed

Attributed posthumously in social media, but actually a hoax originating from Twitter "Hoax Lou Reed quote fools Twitter (and most of the rest of the internet)", EN4 News, 28 October 2013

“And Pontiff, pretty Pontiff
Can anyone shake your hand?
Or is it just that you like uniforms
and someone kissing your hand”

—  Lou Reed

Good Evening Mr. Waldheim
Attacking the Pope for receiving ex-Nazi Kurt Waldheim

“Jesse you say Common Ground
Does that include the PLO?”

—  Lou Reed

Good Evening Mr. Waldheim
Attacking Jesse Jackson's support for terrorist organisations

“Anyone that gets to side four is dumber than I am.”

—  Lou Reed

Of his 'Metal Machine Music' double album, as quoted at BBC - collective - Lou Reed: RR Buyer's Guide (and elsewhere; please put the original here if you know it.)

“Life's like a mayonnaise soda
And life's like space without room
And life's like bacon and ice cream
That's what life's like without you”

—  Lou Reed

What's Good Full lyrics online

“My week beats your year.”

—  Lou Reed

In the liner notes of Metal Machine Music

“Just watch me now.”

—  Lou Reed

Sweet Jane

“An eye for an eye is elemental.”

—  Lou Reed

I Believe

“And I feel just like Jesus' son”

—  Lou Reed


“Impossible doesn't mean very difficult, very difficult is winning the Nobel Prize, impossible is eating the sun.”

—  Lou Reed

In the video game Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors, after Reed murders the player on the "Impossible" difficulty level.
Fuente: Penn & Teller's Smoke and Mirrors - The Impossible Level

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