The Revenant Film Review (docx) - Course Sidekick

The Revenant Film Review

Langley Secondary **We aren't endorsed by this school
Apr 28, 2024
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The Revenant Film Review Description of the Film: "The Revenant", which is directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu, encapsulates the pain and struggle during the North American Fur Trade of the 1820's. The movie takes place in the rugged wilderness of South Dakota, and Montana. Leonardo DiCaprio stars as the fur trapper and frontiersman Hugh Glass, The movie shows Hugh Glass's Survival of the harsh fur trade and revenge. The movie received many awards and acclaim for its rough performances, although of the movie's acclimation there are some historical inaccuracies of indigenous peoples and other recounts of the real story. Historical Accuracies and Inaccuracies: "The Revenant" historical accuracy is questionable, The movie portrays Pawnee and Arikara Peoples, The Revenant depicts Hugh Glass's time with the pawnee, which results in Hugh Glass having a Pawnee Wife and son. In Reality Hugh Glass had no Son or Pawnee Wife. The film portrays through flashbacks of a military attack on a Pawnee village resulting in his wife's death. There is no evidence that a Military attacked a Pawnee Village that Hugh Glass was living with. The movie also hints that Hugh Glass murdered a lieutenant whilst living with the Pawnee, There is no evidence that he murdered an officer. The film depicts Hugh Glass arriving back at Fort Kiowa where He embarks on another journey to find John Fitzgerald, where he finds and battles John Fitzgerald, which results in Hugh Glass murdering John Fitzgerald. In reality he couldn't kill him because John Fitzgerald was a Soldier, at the time he would've been tried for killing in a military court for John Fitzgerald. Some savior complex elements do take place in the film, such as when Hugh Glass saves Powaqa from imminent danger of French Traders. Acknowledging and critiquing the historical inaccuracies is important, it is important to recognize the efforts of the production team to authentically portray Arikawa and Pawnee first nations. Craig Falcon, the film's cultural consultant ensured that indigenous peoples were portrayed accurately. Although many creative liberties were taken during the creation of The Revenant, it was still a great and stunning movie.
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