Sakshi Dhoni Reveals Life As MS Dhoni’s Wife, Says ‘Evenings Are Reserved For Family Time’ With Chennai Super Kings Skipper | Cricket News | Zee News

Sakshi Dhoni Reveals Life As MS Dhoni’s Wife, Says ‘Evenings Are Reserved For Family Time’ With Chennai Super Kings Skipper

Sakshi Dhoni has become the face of MS Dhoni’s film production company ‘Dhoni Entertainment Pvt Ltd’ which released it’s first film – ‘Let’s Get Married (LGM) – in Tamil last week. 

Sakshi Dhoni Reveals Life As MS Dhoni’s Wife, Says ‘Evenings Are Reserved For Family Time’ With Chennai Super Kings Skipper MS Dhoni with wife Sakshi Dhoni. (Source: Instagram)

Former India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni celebrated his 13th marriage with wife Sakshi Dhoni last month. The Chennai Super Kings (CSK) remains a reserved family man although he is one of the most recognized and adored cricketers in the world even after his retirement.

Sakshi Dhoni has become the face of MS Dhoni’s film production company ‘Dhoni Entertainment Pvt Ltd’ which released it’s first film – ‘Let’s Get Married (LGM) – in Tamil last week. In an interview with Deccan Chronicle newspaper, Sakshi Dhoni revealed what it is like being married to MS Dhoni.

The CSK captain’s wife revealed that the mornings are busy with getting their daughter Ziva ready for school, followed by a ‘a quick round of the house follows, to ensure everything is in order, after which she sits down to make a few phone calls. The afternoons are spent doing work-related chores’, the report said. 

“Evenings are reserved for chitchatting with the family, watching films and TV shows,” Sakshi Dhoni revealed in an interview to Deccan Chronicle newspaper.

“Mahi wanted the first film to be a Tamil one, because, as you know, he is emotionally connected to the place. It was only natural for Dhoni Entertainment to venture into filmmaking from there,” Sakshi is quoted as saying in the report.

Sakshi Dhoni, who hails from Dehradun, revealed that life is full of challenges for everyone including her. “The difference is that you are always in the limelight, scrutinised, and have very little personal space! I was bothered in the beginning, but now it’s just a part of our lives!” Sakshi said about being married to MS Dhoni.

Asked about Ziva, whether is she more like Sakshi or MSD, she said, “Ziva is a bit of both of us. She is currently interested in becoming a Naturalist and has a lot of questions about environment and animals.”

In a recent media interaction, Sakshi opened up on her relationship with her husband MS Dhoni, and also revealed a couple of other things about her marriage. Sakshi also revealed how she jelled with MSD’s family in the early days of her marriage.

“I met my mother-in-law one day before the marriage. The first time, yes! So today, touchwood we have a very good bond and we are like friends actually, We share everything. Earlier when I was new at the house and Dhoni was out for games, I was waking up, like literally they were strangers to me,” informed Sakshi about her early days with Dhoni's family after getting married.