The Night Train to Kathmandu (TV Movie 1988) - The Night Train to Kathmandu (TV Movie 1988) - User Reviews - IMDb
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I Love this Movie
bouncykangaroo27 June 2006
Like a lot of people who have commented on this film, i also saw this movie when i was 8-10 yrs. My grandfather had found it at an old movie rental and we watched it together. I was mesmerized, and now that i'm older...i have fond memories. For a long time, i forgot what it was called. All i could remember was something about a "train"! I was looking up on Milla, when i say the movie.....ahhhh! Was i surprised. So, now me and the film are reunited. I love this movie for the mystery and romance...the scenery rocks. Milla is beautiful in the movie and the music is great. It isn't too long...and the time moves quickly when watching it. I love it!
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great movie!!!!
aurexii30 January 2005
By far one of Milla Jovovich's best films.I first saw it when i was around 9 or 10 and watched it over and over.It has pretty much everything in it, adventure, romance, drama,etc..This is the film that got me into foreign films even though I'm not sure how foreign it is, this is also one of the movies that got me into studying foreign cultures and customs. It's definitely a great story and something the whole family can watch together.The scenery is awesome, i love the way the movie plays out , you never know whats going to happen(well the first time you see it anyway :)).I don't wanna say too much more or i'll just end up spoiling it for you. You really need to see this movie to understand how great it is!
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Rejoicen28 May 2003
Lucky for me my video store carry's random movies, so I did manage to find this one. It was totally awesome. It was magically, memorable, romantic, and unforgetable. There were even a few little funny parts that I thought were adorable. I recommend it to anyone, and it gets a 10/10 from me.
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Little-known but worth seeing
TPK24 January 1999
When I first saw "The 5th Element," I kept thinking, "Where have I seen her before? Those eyes..." Then I remembered. There was a little movie, romantic, suspenseful, beautiful, very mystical, that I'd seen nearly a decade before called "Night Train to Kathmandu," starring a very young Milla Jovovich. This is a truly remarkable movie.
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tomee18 January 1999
I have just seen the movie on TV. I planned to watch it just to see how Milla looked when she was young. But Milla's eyes ain't the only thing worth seeing in that movie. The story is quite nice, and the Himalayas panoramas and Nepal views are really fantastic. "I'll miss Nepal everyday in my life, until I come back here..." :)
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Sabu would have been perfect for the lead years ago
bkoganbing21 June 2015
Had Night Train To Kathmandu been made 40 years earlier this would have been a perfect film for Sabu. Sabu also would have had first billing in the credits as well instead of villain Pernell Roberts.

Part Sabu adventure, part Lost Horizon, part Brigadoon, Night Train To Kathmandu has American visiting professor Robert Stoeckle taking his family to Kathmandu, Nepal's capital to teach at their university, the family consists of wife Jan Pesano also a professor and children Milla Jovovich and Trevor Eyster. The family meets up with young Eddie Castrodad who kind of attaches himself to the family to get where he has to go.

Which is a mythical Brigadoon like city who we would say exists in another dimension. But every so often the ruler of the city has to venture forth into our world, but make sure to go back lest some dire consequences occur. What they are I won't tell, but even the scholars aren't quite sure. It's all part of Nepalese mythology. Pernell Roberts also a visiting professor publicly scoffs, but actually thinks it's real and he's determined to go there.

So is young Milla Jovovich who likes what she sees in the boy who looks like a beggar, but says he's a prince. This is a Sabu plot if I ever heard one.

But I'm not scoffing. Night Train To Kathmandu is a nice family style adventure. If your kids see this one, put a copy of Lost Horizon in their hands.

You may inspire folks to see if there is a Shangri-La.
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Very cool
BethKyleXYnet7 March 2002
Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen this movie. The pieces of it that I still remember were good enough that I'm thinking of buying it. It's time to see it again and re-live the magic.
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Loved this movie as a teen!
kevee124 January 2008
This was one of my favorite movies. I was 14 when it came out, and I watched it over, and over, and over again!! There's not much to it, but it was exactly that, the "sweet simplicity" of the fairy tale type storyline that I loved, and still love. Back then I didn't even know who Milla was...I just thought she was so cool after I saw this film. Plus you have to admit, the scenery is pretty amazing. In fact it was after watching that I became very interested in traveling to India one day. Perhaps even riding that same train line through the mountains to Kathmandu. The only disappointing thing I find, is that it only exists on VHS. I only have a DVD player!! I guess it's just not popular enough to make putting it on DVD worthwhile. Well, even though it's not an incredible hit of a movie, I would still recommend it as a good wholesome family film!
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The Night Train to Kathmandu: kid's fare
jonathanruano23 October 2009
After the remarkable "Anna to the Infinite Power," writer-director Robert Wiemer goes wrong with "The Night Train in Kathmandu." The problem is that a story about an Indian prince (Eddie Castrodad) who is searching for his lost kingdom which appears or disappears depending on whether a certain jade medalion is in his possession is not really a good idea for a film. The plot is too basic and the strong suggestion of a love affair with Lily Macleod (Milla Jovovich) and the prince does not make the film any more interesting to watch. "The Night Train to Kathmandu" is the kind of film that is so puerile that you feel silly for having watched it. The opening sequences remind me of children trying and failing to put on a play in front of their parents who applaud anyway only because it is the polite thing to do.

On the bright side, "The Night Train to Kathmandu" is probably entertaining for kids, though I cannot see it doing much for their imaginations. Instead the only thing this film is notable for is the beautiful, but very young Ukranian model Milla Jovovich. But Jovovich's acting unfortunately does not approximate her looks.
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An enjoyable TV movie
mattymath25 January 2002
The story is lame, the acting is hokie, but it all works to be a fully enjoyable tv movie. Milla is so charming in this without being sensual or sexy. I give it a 7. A movie that is more than the sum of its parts.
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Cloying leading lady (early teen girl) can't destroy magical story that takes her to her lost horizon.
mark.waltz1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The performance of Pernell Roberts in this silly fantasy reminds me of George Sanders, playing a self-centered villain who desperately wants pictures of a magical world that only exists through the power of a mystical necklace that young Eddie Castrodad needs to return home, otherwise he'll die. He meets impish 13 year old Milla Jovovich who somehow ends up with the necklace that falls in the hands of Roberts, and a sweet friendship grows. Like other 13 year old girls, Jovovich has an unrealistic worldview of romance, and Castrodad (a good 4 years older than her) leads her to this mystical City with the promise that the decision of her to enter the city and disappear from the rest of the world is up to her. She's got typical non-understanding parents who don't listen to her, that is until it's too late and she's already on the journey.

So this is definitely a world audiences have seen through "Brigadoon", "Lost Horizon" and in another sense, "Tuck Everlasting", although I found absolutely no chemistry existing between the two young leads. She's gone on to more successful works, and he would follow this up by playing a gay teen in "Torch Song Trilogy", showing complete charm with his performance here, one dimensionally good in every way with absolutely no flaws, a teenage girl's dream of what a Disney prince should be. This is basically "Aladdin" without the magic carpet, and I concur with someone else's statement that this would have been a perfect part for Sabu in the 1940's. But it is filled with so many aspects of these types of teen fantasies that I just find to send poor messages, even if I was transfixed for most of the film. The photography is beautiful, and at least Robert's character isn't a nasty, violent one. He's definitely the Dr. Smith of Lost in Space type character, although the camp value is much more subtle. Definitely a popcorn movie to enjoy ones and move on from immediately afterwards.
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Great movie!
cutyjoyce3 June 2005
Well, let me start by saying that I was probably 10 or 11 when I watched the movie for the first time, and by that time I just thought it was great. It is a really good movie. It is about 2 teenagers that fall in love with each other, however they do not end up together, I have to admit that is really sad!! I do not remember pretty well, but I think that he was a prince and he lived in an unknown place, then, he asked her to come with him, but she hesitated about it, and finally let him go to his kingdom.

I think that not everybody knows that Milla Jovovich starred in this movie, that was one of the first movies that she starred and I really liked it.
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A loving story with some fantasy thrown in.
mj-livengood18 April 2005
This was one of my favorite movies when I was younger and still is today. It contains beautiful scenery of Napal as well as local people. A touching love story between two teenagers which is safe for the whole family to watch. You will find no nudity and no profanity in the entire thing. A great choice for family movie night along the lines of Anne of Green Gables but more modern. A young girl and her family move to Napal, against her wishes and there she meets a young man. Add in some local legends and the kids coming of age and deciding what they want out of life and you have a great movie. The soundtrack is also amazing. You will never ask a cab driver to wait for you the same way again. :)
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Erin-1915 October 1998
I love this movie! I remember first seeing it , and thinking it was just so wonderful! The romance and suspense is beautiful! Because of this movie, I have considered the name Kathmandu Nepal as a name for a little girl! (Crazy as that may seem!!)
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it can't get much worse
zackfriend3 September 2005
The movie would be better without the acting and 'plot,' but the photography was spectacular. absolutely terribly bad. Thankfully it's not too long - but the plot which is supposed to be mysterious is weak, with mediocre acting - not convincing in the least bit. The incredible scenery is the only redeeming feature of this movie. probably the worst movie I have EVER seen - cheesy plot turns and a predictably boring romance make this movie corny and tacky. not worth an hour of anyone's time ever. If you are really interested in Nepalese history and don't mind bad acting and no plot then this movie is great. otherwise. . . . I would rate this a 1 out of ten.
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