Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis | National MS Society
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Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Exploring Symptoms of MS

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are variable and unpredictable. No two people have exactly the same symptoms, and symptoms can change or fluctuate over time. One person might experience only one or two of the possible symptoms. Another may experience many more.Learn more about your symptoms or those of someone you care about. Use our MS Symptom Tracker to keep track of what you are experiencing. With the help of your team of healthcare professionals, you can find the management strategies you need to manage your symptoms.

Secondary Symptoms

Primary symptoms are the direct result of damage to the central nervous system. They can cause secondary symptoms. For example:
  • Bladder dysfunction can cause repeated urinary tract infections.
  • Inactivity can cause loss of muscle tone and decreased bone density.
  • Immobility can cause pressure sores.
It is best to avoid secondary symptoms by addressing the primary symptoms. Work with your care team to treat all symptoms.

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