The Meaning Behind The Song: Just to Behold His Face by Mahalia Jackson - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Just to Behold His Face by Mahalia Jackson


The Meaning Behind The Song: Just to Behold His Face by Mahalia Jackson

Below is a table with information about the song:

Title Just to Behold His Face
Artist Mahalia Jackson
Writer/Composer Unknown
Album Great Gettin’ Up Morning (1959)
Release Date 1959
Genre R&B, Christian, Gospel
Producer Nedra Olds-Neal

Just to Behold His Face is a powerful gospel song performed by Mahalia Jackson. Released in 1959 as part of her album “Great Gettin’ Up Morning”, this song holds deep meaning and resonates with listeners through its heartfelt lyrics and Jackson’s soulful voice.

The lyrics of this song express a strong desire to see and behold the face of Jesus. It goes beyond wanting to be in the presence of angels or reuniting with loved ones who have passed away. The focus is on the unparalleled joy and fulfillment that comes from being able to see Jesus face-to-face in heaven.

Throughout the verses, Mahalia Jackson emphasizes the sacrifices made by Jesus. She acknowledges the crown of thorns He wore and the afflictions He willingly suffered, all for the redemption of humankind. The song reflects on the grace found in the sacrifice on Calvary and the profound joy that will be experienced when finally beholding the face of Jesus.

Personally, this song has always had a special place in my heart. Growing up in a religious family, gospel music was an integral part of our household. I remember hearing Mahalia Jackson’s voice fill the rooms, creating a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere. Just to Behold His Face was a song that often played during family gatherings or quiet moments of reflection.

The song’s lyrics resonated with me on a deep level. It reminded me of the importance of seeking a personal connection with God and the longing to see Him face-to-face. It served as a reminder of the ultimate goal and purpose of my faith – to strive towards a deeper relationship with God and to one day experience the joy of being in His presence.

The beauty of gospel music lies in its ability to evoke emotions and offer solace. Just to Behold His Face does just that. It touches the depths of the soul and instills a sense of hope and anticipation. Mahalia Jackson’s soulful rendition combined with the heartfelt lyrics creates a powerful experience for listeners.

Although the writer or composer of this song is unknown, its message transcends time and continues to inspire people of all generations. The desire to behold the face of Jesus is universal and speaks to the core of our faith.

In conclusion, Just to Behold His Face by Mahalia Jackson is a timeless gospel song that holds deep meaning and significance. Its lyrics convey a longing to see Jesus face-to-face and bask in the joy and fulfillment of being in His presence. The song resonates with listeners, inspiring a deeper connection with God and reminding us of the ultimate goal of our faith.

As I listen to this song, I am reminded of the profound impact gospel music has had on my life. It serves as a constant source of comfort, reassurance, and strength. Just to Behold His Face is a masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of gospel music, and it will continue to touch hearts for years to come.

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