Steven Spielberg is the best and the GOAT and it is not even close. : r/TrueFilm Skip to main content

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Steven Spielberg is the best and the GOAT and it is not even close.

I know a few people consider others to be better than him like Kubrick, Kurosawa, Ford, Ozu, Tarkovsky, etc.

But I will quickly argue why Steven Spielberg really is better than all of them (not just as a director but an all round motion picture artist, producer, director, creator).

  1. He made Schindler's list and Jurassic Park in the same year! One is the second biggest blockbuster of 1990s and very good and entertaining film and the other one is one of the most important, realest films about the holocaust that is actually based on a true story and is actually hopeful even in the horrifying time of WW2[Oskar Schindler and his wife Emilie Schindler are are awarded Righteous Among Nations honor by Israel]. That is some feat that no director can match -
    Paul Thomas Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Denis Villeneuve consider him a master filmmaker. Denis Villeneuve loved Spielberg's recent work - The Fabelmans. Did you know that Bergman, Aldrich, Polanski, Herzog, PT Anderson, Peter Jackson, Scorsece, Truffaut, Renoir love Spielberg? (I actually did not know that)

  2. Spielberg is the extremely versatile as he has created films of different genres and those genres are very different from each other. So, Jaws (Thriller, action), E.T (sci-fi, children's movie), Indiana Jones (action-adventure), Schindler's list (historical, biographical), Saving Private Ryan (WW2, action, gritty realism), Jurassic Park (not sure if it is sci-fi fantasy or what), West Side Story (musical), Catch me if you can (crime comedy-drama), Adventures of Tintin (animated, action-adventure), The Fablemans (semi-autobiography), The Post (political thriller), Munich(spy action, thriller).

  3. Spielberg is THE highest grossing director along with creating one of the greatest television miniseries - Band of Brothers (probably the greatest). Not only that, his production companies went on to create The Pacific (tv mini series, a companion piece to Band of Brothers), Back to the future (movie), and if that is not enough, then consider that he created the story of Medal of Honor (the original), a playstation 1 first person shooter game that was an acclaimed game that led to a big franchise and this game series had massively influenced Call of Duty. So, Spielberg not only directed some of the greatest films that people still watch and love but also created and produced other great films by other filmakers like Clint Eastwood and created and produced greatest tv miniseries and video game series. Spielberg launched two big franchises like Jurassic Park and Medal of Honor. His production companies created and produced films from animation to WW2 films. Sam Mendes worked with his DreamWorks Pictures to create 1917, Road To Perdition (two of my favorite films).

  4. The impact of Jurassic Park was seismic such that even my parents, who are Indian and generally only watch Indian films and tv shows, know Jurassic Park (the original... not just the franchise). Kurosawa, Bergman, Tarkovsky, Kubrick, Ford's films are not so well known in poor countries to non-film buffs people. But Spielberg's few movies are actually loved by people from multiple different countries from the developing countries to the developed countries and that is no easy feat. Did I mention that Saving Private Ryan massively influenced Nolan (Dunkirk), Tarantino (Inglorious bastards), Eastwood(Flags of our fathers), and Gibson (Hacksaw Ridge)? Saving Private Ryan also renewed interest in WW2 stories (some of them real life stories that need to be told).
    The two points below are more personal and ideological.

  5. I don't know any director that is like Spielberg. Spielberg is the most successful. I think, to a libertarian capitalist like me, just the fact that this guy is STILL the highest grossing director in motion picture business would be alone enough to make a capitalist like me say that he is the best! But Spielberg is also business savvy and successful in launching production companies that have produced lots of good works and blockbusters and that pretty much tells me that HE MUST BE THE BEST. Now, I know popularity does not equal "good" to artists and snobs and intellectuals in the academia. But money does speak though. And the fact that this guy creates blockbusters that are also well made shows that he is a rare type who can deliver quality AND quantity. To me, Spielberg is the Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Schubert of motion picture because he makes films loved by everyone (including the masses and the snobs... at least some snobs if not all snobs)! Just like Beethoven and Mozart's music is something that even a poor illiterate peasant can love, Spielberg's films are something that are loved by the poor and the rich alike and even those who are film-buffs and filmmakers. Come on, you got to consider the fact that a large amount of people love him AND he is an excellent family friendly director!

  6. Personally, the fact that Spielberg's has such good, optimistic or positive themes make me love him more than other directors with their nihilism and coldness like Kubrick - " One of his[Spielberg's] most pertinent themes revolves around "ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances."[324][336] The ordinary people often have limitations, but they succeed in becoming a "hero".[336] A consistent theme in his family-friendly work is a childlike sense of wonder and faith, and "the goodness in humanity will prevail."[336] He has also explored the importance of childhood, loss of innocence, and the need for parental figures.[337] In exploring the parent-child relationship, there is usually a flawed or irresponsible father figure. This theme personally resonates with Spielberg's childhood.[338] Exploring extraterrestrial life is another aspect to his work. Spielberg described himself as like an "alien" during childhood,[339] and this interest came from his father, a science fiction fan.[340] " -

So, that is why he is the BEST and the GOAT in the motion picture field.

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You spend such a large portion of this saying that because he makes a lot of money that means he’s the best, and then you use Kubrick as an example of nihilism? As another commenter said this just reads like a high schooler wrote it.

Come back to this in like 5 years when you have experienced more and you will see what we mean. Box office means nothing in terms of quality, and neither does how many different people like something.

u/NonConRon avatar

But dude people in India know about the dinosaur movie! /s

Spielburg is the king of well executed mass appeal films.

OP's best point is that he put out two big films in a year.

Proudly proclaiming that you are of an ideology that literally anyone can pick on strikes me as very highschool as well.

The GOAT is Kubrick. Spielburg is a master but I don't recall a single one of his films on my top 50. Again, I'm not knocking Spielburg. His movies are very effective while not aiming to drench the viewer in complex themes.

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u/Dimpleshenk avatar

I can agree that Spielberg is a great filmmaker, but I don't see any point in bringing up your economic philosophy.

Also, you're not telling most people anything they already know. Spielberg is versatile, revered, has positive themes in his films, etc.....that's all straightforward stuff.

Regarding Spielberg being "the greatest of all time," why does it matter if he is? Is there an award he's up for if we all agree that he's more successful than other directors? Maybe a big, golden statue, or a golden head in a booby-trapped crypt? Will Spielberg's winning prize end up in a plain wooden crate and put away randomly among thousands of other mysterious unmarked storage items?

I'm glad you like him. I like him too -- at least, his works and what he brought to popular entertainment.

On the downside of the equation, I feel like Spielberg's talents, over the years, were almost always at least partially focused on box-office returns, at the expense of him exploring film more as an art form.

u/llliminalll avatar

Would love if this sub had more active moderation so that it stuck to its principles. Posts like this, with the cringy term GOAT, would be better made in more mainstream cinema subs.

u/SoggyCabbage avatar

Its not an interesting post, but he did bare minimum, and seems to be genuine rather than trolling. I think the reaction in the comments has generated some discussion, or at least glee from picking on OP.

Not sure I agree. Everybody trying to tell OP that generated revenue is not the best metric with which you should judge art and OP putting his fingers in his ears is not worthy of Truefilm, IMO.

well, at least I am grateful and glad that you think I am genuine and sincere because I am, friend. I genuinely believe that Spielberg is the best!

u/SoggyCabbage avatar

This made me smile :)

See, we don't need to hate each other, my friend. I am glad that I made you smile.

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u/Ryman13333 avatar

What you have clearly communicated is that you don't understand or simply don't believe in art. You seem to equate greatness with checking boxes, specifically those relating to making money. You make no reference to anything remotely engaged with the work and actually seeking to say something. It is hard to communicate how absurdly far off you are from understanding why people love Ozu, or Tarkosvky, or cinema itself.

ok. I do like art, music, movies, video games and tv shows! I love lots of tv shows and movies that are acclaimed critically and commercially. But ok. I think, people here probably don't like Spielberg. Well, I tried to argue with a few reasons why I think he is the best.

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u/SoggyCabbage avatar

Not to be rude, but was this a high school assignment where you had to argue why your favourite director was Speilberg? No new observations, just listing genres and box office success, something everyone who is familiar with Spielberg already knows.

Then again, this is a good example of the incapability of neoliberals to understand creativity. All the praise for Spielberg's versatility in accruing profits, but no observance of the actual filmmaking itself.

Now now, at the very least they've skim read the Spielberg wikipedia article.

u/SoggyCabbage avatar

Hey man, these are straight from the archives (IMDb trivia section)

This reminds me of when my Sociology professor told us not to cite wikipedia, when I was 16. Needless to say, he was less enthused about Libertarian Capitalism.

Most economists are at least capitalists. Libertarian Capitalists are a minority in economists, sure. But the minority is relatively higher percentage of total than in other disciplines. Not to mention that Milton Friedman, Hayek are still very respected in economics. And they seem to be proven correct again and again after all the failed socialist experiments.

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u/Rage_Your_Dream avatar

This is definitely a funny example of the libertarian phase a lot of teenagers go through

u/billyman_90 avatar

They must be in Highschool cause they are a self described libertarian capitalist

“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."


Just saw Spielberg's The Fabelmans today. It was great! That made me think and write that post. I think, neoliberals understand economics better than almost all ideologies people except libertarian capitalists.

u/Powerfist_Laserado avatar

Look dude, economics are certainly a facet and fact of the realities of comercial film making, but boiling the discussion of film "greatness" down to box office sales is ultimately shallow, and uninteresting for the most part (unless we are trying to talk about the cultural factors that drive swathes of people to be more or less receptive to various stories at various times. That could actually be interesting.) I do think Spielberg has made some phenomenal films in the past, although it has been a long time since he has made anything compelling to me personally. Anyways, if all you wanna say is, a director's box office draw is your main personal measurement of worth, well, that's kind of the end of the discussion, then isn't it? Dollars = greatness, so just find highest dollar and that = the greatest. The end. OK whatever I guess.

The Eagles are the best band of all time because their greatest hits album is the best selling album of all time.

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u/SoggyCabbage avatar

Your ideology causes misery on a mass scale and is slowly killing the planet. Believing in neoliberalism makes you a bad person.

But, before you can change your politics, I recommend Thompson and Bordwell's Film Art so you can better acquaint yourself with film as a artistic medium, and not solely as a consumer product.

Your ideology causes misery on a mass scale and is slowly killing the planet. Believing in neoliberalism makes you a bad person.

no, it doesn't. If capitalism cannot solve climate change, nothing can. Though, I believe capitalism is solving climate change in various ways like green tech in the market. I think, reading this will help you understand my views a bit -

u/SoggyCabbage avatar

The fictional stories that Spielberg has made are more grounded in reality than anything written by Hayek.

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u/BazookaJoeSA avatar

I'll never understand this obsession people have with trying to rank art and find "the greatest". You can't say that Spielberg is better than Kubrick or Kurosawa on any objective level, and to try to place a definitive ranking on them is a pointless waste of time.

It seems like you really like him, which is fine, he makes great films, but I and a lot of other people are going to vehemently disagree with you. I especially disagree with the fact that so much of your justification is based on his box office returns, because that's an incredibly myopic way to appreciate art.

I think, Spielberg has created more positive value in this world than all other directors and I consider that at least to be an objective fact.

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u/futbolenjoy3r avatar

His worldview, as experienced through his films, is very off-putting to me, and I won’t even go into it because this is Reddit, and actually not the place for such a discussion.

There are better visual directors, there are more nuanced storytellers, there are thousands others with more interesting imaginations.

Give Spielberg a script about the Mau-Mau revolt in Kenya. Let’s see him make a good film out of that. He can’t.

Let’s have him adapt Jodorowsky’s Incal. He’ll make a mess.

i think he can do that stuff. Other directors respect him. Producers love him and he created multiple production companies.

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u/Jskidmore1217 avatar

I’ll give you this- you ve certainly delivered an interesting perspective of criticism I’ve not encountered much. I don’t agree with you at all, but I appreciate the diversity.

As far as feedback- I think you would be much benefited, simply by a newfound appreciation of art that you don’t already agree with, to stop judging art on its agreement with your political beliefs at all. Watch art as a portrait of an individuals worldview aside from you. Appreciate the beauty and unique perspectives that others can see in the world. Judge films not on how much you agree, but on the features of the films that are not reliant on political beliefs. Try to put yourself in the shoes of people you don’t understand.

Spielberg is not a libertarian capitalist. I just meant he makes well made blockbusters and just good films and franchises.

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u/GauntAnchorite avatar
  1. Should it carry weight that Tarkovsky "loved" Spielberg? Should we care that Israel awarded a prize that's apparently prestigious? I would much rather have had some meaningful insight about his cinematography or storytelling that tells me why YOU like him so much, after all, this is YOUR opinion.

  2. Well at least we know ChatGPT didn't write this. Instead of name-dropping extremely famous films, extrapolate. Tell me about the versatility of his styles, what did he do differently, how did he show his experience and skill in different settings. All you've done is churn out a list of names without any critical thinking whatsoever.

  3. Woo, capitalism! The more money something makes, the better it is! Inverse also true! Bergman could never make a billion dollars so he sucks, my neighbour doesn't even know who he is!!! I heard Lav Diaz lost money on his last film so I changed my Letterboxd rating to a half star!!!!

  4. This has something to do with your second point. His films cast as wide a net as humanly possible. They're built from the ground up to be enjoyable to as broad of an audience as humanly possible, while offending as few people as possible (which often comes with trade-offs in the realm of sincerity, intent and potency). This could have been a more interesting point if you expanded on the cultural aspect of it and his ability to connect disparate people, instead you describe the mainstream and proclaim it as good because it's known. Why is that good?

  5. Why are you trying so hard to connect profit to quality? This isn't an entirely objective and quantifiable metric where you can say that until a director makes more than him, he's the best. Putting your political beliefs in bold is irrelevant, uninteresting and serves no relevant purpose I can think of.

  6. "Personally" - exactly. Personally, to you he is your favourite, he's your GOAT, very cool. You're projecting your opinion as fact in a brash way that makes me feel you're not actually prepared to listen to anyone and came here expecting a pat on the back for proving once and for all the Spielberg is better than everyone else who has ever made a film. Shockingly, I don't think you will, film subs tend to be full of people who think for themselves and don't take much offence at other people disliking things they like, or liking things they dislike, and I don't believe anyone here over the age of 15 would be interested in discussing who the best director is within the confines of consumer capitalism.

  1. When lots of experts like something, then probably that thing is good.

  2. I am using critical thinking.

  3. My points are sort of combined and that is not a charitable interpretation of why I think Spielberg is the best.

  4. The art that maximizes happiness is a better art than any other art. (I am a moral realist and a utilitarian so I believe that the goal of all individuals is to maximize total happiness in this world, that is, maximize pleasure minus pain or pleasantness minus unpleasantness to be precise)

  5. Profit does reflect value that the creator is producing to some extent.

  6. I do think for myself.

There is no need to constantly label or define yourself. Just be.

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Spielberg is probably squarely within my personal Top 3 all time but posts like these are a tad silly. I’d encourage you to take some interest in the old legends who were heavily influential on Spielberg like Howard Hawks and John Ford.

I am not interested in old films (before 1970s) really. I just don't find them enjoyable. I can't force myself to enjoy them. So, sorry, friend.

This comment right here should just close this whole conversation up. Let's move on everybody.

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u/EverythingIThink avatar

Just to entertain the argument from income, James Cameron has made nearly as much money as Spielberg with less than half as many films. He will inevitably overtake the #1 spot with the next Avatar or two.

maybe. But Spielberg would still be at the top given his massive influence and versatility and work on tv series. James Cameron is fantastic too though.

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u/AdmiralLubDub avatar

Jodorowsky could make a Jaws but Spielberg could never make a holy mountain.

Jk that type of thought is reductive and so is your claim because film is an art and art is at its best when artists are able express themselves in their own way. Each one does so differently so it’s impossible to say who is “best”. Not one is better than another, just artist contributing to the cultural zeitgeist.

i kinda like your response.

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Ayyy...but here's the RUB! Steven Spielberg loved Stanley Kubrick so much, that he went on to complete A.I.

And I don't mean this lightly, because Spielberg and Kubrick had a wonderful relationship from a distance as friends, directors, and film-makers.

They would have long, drawn-out phone calls about film, each other's work, and Kubrick wanted to collaborate with Spielberg on a film.

There was a phone conversation between Stanley and Steven where Kubrick told Spielberg..."Well what do you think about, A Stanley Kubrick Production, Directed By Steven Spielberg?"

And Kubrick was serious in that regard, because he felt A.I.'s sentimentality as a film, would be better suited for Spielberg's sensibilities. And Kubrick was correct, regardless of how you feel about the film.

Steven Spielberg looks at Stanley Kubrick as a Giant among directors, that he himself stands upon Stanley's shoulders. So I don't think the man himself would agree with you.

He's okay. I prefer Michael Bay and Zack Snyder's films as big screen experiences. Apart from Jurassic Park, he hasn't really made a big screen spectacle. All of these are better than Denis The Menace Villenuve though. Also, Kubrick and Tarkovosky might be better filmmakers than Spielberg. This is cinema. - Martin Scorsese.

Taste is subjective

Spielberg is objectively one of the greatest filmmakers directors producers of all time

Is he the best or the GOAT? No way there’s ever a clear consensus on that.

I love Spielberg but my GOAT is the Coen Bros. That’s just my taste, my filmmaking partner isn’t a big fan. His feelings are as valid as mine

i like this reply. Other replies are ad-hominems and insults which makes me a bit sad.

Spielberg is in my top five for sure. Objectively and Subjectively

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Outside of Jurassic Park I don't love any of his films enough for him to beat directors like Nolan - let alone the best directors ever.

I respect that he's made a lot of popular movies (and produced even more) but that's it really.

Nolan considers Spielberg a master filmmaker. Nolan was inspired by Saving Private Ryan. Schindler's list, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers are some of the best motion pictures I have ever watched.

Everybody knows Spielberg is a master filmmaker. That's not up for debate.

That doesn't means he makes the best movies though. He knows how to but his creative and stylistic decisions precludes him from being the best imo.

He's the Michael Jackson of filmmaking and I always preferred Prince.

But if the top directors love his work, then he is one of the best. See my 6 points again.

If that's what makes you the best then Fritz Lang is the greatest of all time

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