School planning and reporting - Gorokan High School
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Gorokan High School

Gorokan High School


Telephone02 4393 7000

School planning and reporting

Planning and reporting help us meet the needs of our community, improve the quality of teaching and enhance outcomes for all of our students.

Strategic Improvement Plan

We have developed a Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) in consultation with our community, identifying student outcomes and connected to a budget.

The School Excellence Framework (SEF) underpins our school planning and reporting approach. The framework provides a clear description of the key elements of high-quality practice across learning, teaching and leading.

The SIP is a working document that details the steps our school will take to improve learning outcomes, and the achievement and growth of all students. To ensure continuous improvement, the SIP reflects where our school is at and how it will further improve learning, teaching and leading.  

It demonstrates our alignment and our commitment to excellence as part of public education in NSW to ensure a profound difference to the ongoing growth and development of our students.

Download our current and previous school plan/s:

Gorokan High School P&C 

GHS P&C welcomes anyone willing to take "time out" from their busy lives to contribute their talents and time to the growth and development of the GHS school community. Please think about coming along as it's a friendly and informative environment.

Our P&C has two meetings each term, which run for approximately one hour each they include a report from Principal, Mr Matthew Boake.  Anyone attending a P&C meeting can ask that a subject be addressed during gereral business to provide opportunities that will benefit our students current and future needs. Being a P&C member at a yearly cost of $1.00 enables you to attend all meetings and cast votes affecting the direction of an outcome that could benefit our student's education.

All interested parents/care givers and community members are most welcome and all points of view are valued. 

Gorokan High School P&C aims to:

  • Promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation, and 
  • assist in providing facilities and equipment for our school and promoting the recreation and welfare of students at our school.

School annual report

The annual report provides an account of our operations and achievements throughout the year. It's the result of rigorous self-assessment by staff, parents and carers, as well as student leaders.

Download our annual reports for a detailed account of:

  • the progress we have made to provide high-quality educational opportunities for every child as set out in the school plan
  • the impact of our strategies for improved learning
  • the benefit to all students from resources including equity funding
  • our operations and achievements throughout the year.

Download our current and previous annual report/s: