
15th May, 2024

Kathryn Bevis Obituary

Kathryn Bevis is white woman with shoulder-length brown hair. She is wearing a blue beanie hat and a purple scarf and is looking at the camera and smiling.

We are very sorry to hear the news that Kathryn Bevis has passed away.

Kathryn’s relationship with Seren first began during lockdown, when she was a regular open mic reader at our online First Thursday events. Since then we have been honoured to publish her work in Poetry Wales Magazine and more recently in both her acclaimed pamphlet Flamingo, and debut collection The Butterfly House.

Perhaps one of the finest poets of her generation, Kathryn captured hearts and minds with her innovative use of form, language and metaphor to describe everyday life, experiences of women and terminal illness. She had a skill for finding light in the dark, celebration in sadness, and joy in the smallest moments.

Kathryn was a great supporter of other writers. As founder of The Writing School Online, she ran workshops, writing courses and offered mentoring to writers across the UK. She performed at events and festivals across the country and her love for poetry, positivity and, above all, her family and friends always shone through.

Kathryn’s passing is an immense loss. Knowing and working with her was an honour and a pleasure and the entire team sends their heartfelt condolences to her family and friends. For all those who knew her, or will come to know her through her work, we hope that you too will find love, celebration and joy.

Photograph of Kathryn taken by Tina Norris.