Hope and Wire - Full Series | Television | NZ On Screen
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Hope and Wire - Full Series

Television (Full Length Episodes) – 2014

This six-part drama follows 11 Cantabrians after the 2011 earthquake which devastated Christchurch. The ambitious series mixes drama and documentary footage to portray the people of a broken city. Len (Brit Bernard Hill) and Joycie (Rachel House) form their own inclusive backyard community. Ryan and Donna (Jarod Rawiri and Miriama McDowell) find the aftermath of the quake straining their relationship. Ginny (The Strip's Luanne Gordon) wonders exactly where her husband was when the first shock hit; property developer Greggo (Joel Tobeck) smells only opportunity. Writer/director Gaylene Preston writes here about Hope and Wire's birth — and filming in a quake zone. 

Rachel House is simply tremendous as Joycie: she carries the drama and embodies the terrible mix of anxiety and fatigue that people in Christchurch know. The rendering of the earthquakes themselves and the blending of real-life footage with acted drama are a technical triumph...
– Writer Russell Brown on the first episode of Hope and Wire, Public Address website, 4 July 2014