Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel, Gilmore Girls Season 2

Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Gilmore Girls?

Gilmore Girls, Quizzes

Is there really any TV show better for re-watching over and over again than Gilmore Girls? Is there anything more comforting?

We didn’t think so either. There’s nothing quite like watching the mother-daughter duo and their adventures in Stars Hollow.

Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls

Chances are, if you’re a passionate Gilmore Girls fan, you’ve watched the entire series (or at least seasons 1-6) more than just once or twice. You probably also have a strong opinion about which one of Rory’s boyfriends was the best, or which one of Lorelai’s was the worst.

But how much do you know about the show, really? Can you recall even the smallest details about the Gilmores and the town of Stars Hollow?

How much do you remember about Rory’s days at Chilton? What do you remember about her friends from Yale?

What about Lorelai’s favorite music, Rory’s favorite books, Luke’s rules at the diner, or Sookie’s famous dishes?

Take our quiz and find out how well you know Gilmore Girls now! Once you take the quiz, be sure to share your results with us in the comments. 

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Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Gilmore Girls?

1. gilmore girls season 1 episode 2When Rory first started Chilton, what was the nickname she received?


2. gilmore girls season 5

When Lorelai, Luke, Rory, and Dean go on that awkward double date in Season 5, what movie do they see?


3. Gilmore Girls Kirk Sean Gunn plays Kirk on Gilmore Girls, but actually had a different name in his first episode. What was it?


4. gilmore girls season 2

What book does Jess take from Rory when they first meet, returning it later with notes in the margins?


5. gilmore girls season 7

Fill in the blank: “Bicycle, unicycle, unitard, hockey puck, ____________, monkey, monkey, underpants.”


7. dave rygalski gilmore girls

Where does Dave Rygalski move to go to college?


8. gilmore girls sookie

Sookie is upset when a restaurant critic calls which of her dishes “fine”?



gilmore girls season 1

Lorelai and Sookie take Rory, Paris, Madeline, and Louise to what concert?


10. gilmore girls season 5 party

Rory attends a party with one of Logan’s friends while she and Logan agree that they can see other people while they date. What’s the theme of that party?


Question 1 of 10


How did you do on our Gilmore Girls quiz? Don’t forget to share your results in the comments below, and be sure to share this quiz with a friend!

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Ashley Bissette Sumerel is a television and film critic living in Wilmington, North Carolina. She is editor-in-chief of Tell-Tale TV as well as Eulalie Magazine. Ashley has also written for outlets such as Rolling Stone, Paste Magazine, and Insider. Ashley has been a member of the Critics Choice Association since 2017 and is a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic. In addition to her work as an editor and critic, Ashley teaches Entertainment Journalism, Composition, and Literature at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

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