Guri: Sim�n Bol�var Hidroelectric power station - Venezuela Tuya
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Guri: Sim�n Bol�var Hidroelectric power station

Guri Raul Leoni Hidroelectric power station

On the Caroni River, one hundred kilometers from the confluence with the Orinoco River stands an impressive engineer work and art masterpiece. We are talking about Simon Bolivar (formely "Raul Leoni") Hydroelectric Power Station, also known as the Guri Dam. The construction started in 1963 concluded the first part in 1978 and the second one in 1986.

Interior hall at the dam
Interior hall at the dam

This imposing engineer work can produce up to ten million kilowatts/hour in two main machine rooms. The power station comes second only to the Itaipu one (Between Brazil and Paraguay). It may be interesting to consider that to produce such amount of energy out of oil it would take a daily production of 300,000 barrels.

Side view of the concrete dam
Side view of the concrete dam

View from the bottom of the dam
View from the bottom of the dam

Water coming out the drain
Water coming out the drain

The drain side view
The drain side view

The lake artificially formed is the second biggest in the country (after Maracaibo Lake) with an area of 3919 km bigger than Carabobo State. In this lake you can fish pavones and enjoy other recreational facilities

Interesting article on the ecological aspect of the lake filling process

>The artificial lake, seen from the dam
The artificial lake, seen from the dam

There are two machine rooms with ten generators each. The walls in room number two (seen in this picture) were decorated by the kinetic Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz Diez.

Machine room. The rear wall changes its color
(Video - MPG 120K)

Details of the side wall
Details of the side wall

A masterpiece for its beauty, the artist's work and the Sun and Moon Square aesthetic composition.

Otero's sculpture called Delta Solar
Otero's sculpture...

Otero's sculpture called Delta Solar
...called Delta Solar
Video (MPG - 72 K)

The sun and the moon square
The sun and the moon square

The construction of the Necuima National Park is currently being carried out. It will be provided with excellent recreational facilities.

The Caroni river leaves the dam
The Caroni river leaves the dam

Futuro parque nacional Necuima
Futuro parque nacional Necuima

A visit to the Guri Dam is an unforgettable experience, we highly recommend.
From Monday to Sunday, there are four daily visits scheduled at 9:00 and 10:30 in the mornings and 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoons. A bus takes the visitors to the dam, where polite, well trained guides will make your tour a very pleasant experience.

Our gratitude to Ruben Rodriguez, our excellent guide from the Public Affairs Department in Edelca
Our gratitude to Ruben Rodriguez, our excellent guide from the Public Affairs Department in Edelca

Ver adem�s

Alejandro Otero - Notable pintor, dibujante, escultor y escritor venezolano.

Carlos Cruz Diez - Es considerado el m�ximo representante del arte cin�tico venezolano.

Guri dam - Guri dam, generator of electricity for an important portion of Venezuela, was inaugurated in 1968 after long years of construction. In that same year, sometime before the inauguration, as water level began to rise, a rescue operation of animals living in

Maracaibo - At the Western Venezuelan end, there is Maracaibo capital of the Zulia State, second only to Caracas and one of the country's top oil centres. It is on the coast of the lake named after the city and discovered on August 24th 1499, by Alonso de Ojeda a sai

Ra�l Leoni - Destacado miembro de la llamada "Generaci�n del 28", uno de los fundadores de Acci�n Democr�tica, y presidente de la Rep�blica en el per�odo 1964-1969. Fueron sus padres Clemente Leoni, de origen Corso y Carmen Otero Fern�ndez. Sus estudios primarios los

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