How to Grow Gorgeous Morning Glories from Seed: A Complete Guide - (UPDATE 👍)

How to Grow Gorgeous Morning Glories from Seed: A Complete Guide

How to Grow Gorgeous Morning Glories from Seed: A Complete Guide photo 4

A Complete Guide to Growing Morning Glories from Seed

If you’re looking to grow some beautiful morning glory vines in your garden this year, starting from seed is the most inexpensive and rewarding way to go about it. In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know to successfully germinate and cultivate morning glory seeds from planting through harvest.

Choosing Morning Glory Seeds

Variety Selection: Morning glories come in a stunning array of colors like purple, pink, white, and blue. Think about what colors will complement your garden space. You may also want to consider varieties suited to your climate like heat tolerant or cold hardy types. Some top varieties to consider include:

  1. Heavenly Blue – The quintessential morning glory with beautiful sky blue flowers.
  2. Pearly Gates – White blooms that seem to glow in the morning sun.
  3. Crimson Rambler – Vibrant red flowers on vigorous vines.

Buying Seeds: Purchase seeds from a reputable garden center or seed catalogue. Check the pack expiration date and make sure the seeds aren’t old. Seeds can last 2-3 years when stored properly.

Starting Seeds Indoors

For an early summer display, start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before your last spring frost date. Morning glories germinate best in warm soil temperatures between 70-80°F.

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  1. Fill seed starting trays or pots with a loose, well-draining seed starting mix.
  2. Plant seeds 1/4 inch deep and space them 1-2 inches apart.
  3. Keep the soil consistently moist until seeds sprout in 5-14 days.

Once seedlings have 2 sets of true leaves, you can transplant them outdoors after risks of frost have passed. Hardening them off first is recommended.

Direct Sowing in the Garden

For a later summer/fall bloom, direct sow seeds outdoors once soil has warmed up to at least 65°F. Plant 1/4 inch deep and thin to 12-18 inches apart as they grow. The key is to keep the soil consistently moist until seeds germinate. Morning glories can be finicky germinators, so don’t get discouraged if it takes a few weeks.

Planting and Care

Morning glories thrive in full sun and average, well-draining soil. Amend clay or heavy soils with compost prior to planting. Grow as a groundcover, or train vines up a trellis, arbor, or fence for maximum show.

While morning glories are fairly low maintenance once established, they will need regular watering during hot/dry spells. Basically, aim to keep the soil moist but not soaked. I like to use a soaker hose for convenience. Fertilizing every 4-6 weeks during growth and bloom with a balanced organic fertilizer also boosts productivity.

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Pests are rarely an issue, but watch out for common vine and leaf diseases in your area. Remove any diseased foliage to prevent spread. By following these tips, you’re sure to be rewarded with tons of glorious morning blooms all season long!

Enjoying the Bounty

There’s nothing quite like waking up to the sight of morning glories in full bloom. Their frilly petals seem to glow as the morning sun filters through. I sort of zone out and daydream gazing at them. Morning glories make for amazing cut flowers too. Snip stems in the cool morning hours before vines wilt in the heat. Arranging the blooms in a vase is kind of like bringing a little bit of the garden indoors.

You can even eat morning glory flowers if you want! Sort of spicy tasting but make for a fun edible garnish. Just be sure to grow non-toxic varieties listed for culinary use. Do some research if you plan on ingesting any part of the plant. Overall, taking time to appreciate flowers is what gardening is all about if you ask me. I hope following these tips will help you grow your own glorious morning vines! Thanks for reading.

How to Grow Morning Glory from Seed

Step Details
1 Choose a sunny spot for your morning glories to grow. They need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
2 Prepare the soil by loosening it and mixing in compost or other organic matter.
3 Plant the morning glory seeds 1/4 inch deep, spaced 6 inches apart in rows 1 foot apart.
4 Water the soil regularly to keep it moist but not soaked. Morning glories need 1-1.5 inches of water per week.
5 Feed your morning glories once every 2 weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer to encourage blooms.
6 As vines grow, train them up a trellis, fence or other support for the flowers to climb.


  1. How do I start growing morning glory from seed?

    Basically, you’ll want to plant the seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost date. Sow the seeds 1/4 inch deep in seed starting mix and keep them warm and moist. Within a week or two the seeds should sprout. Once they have their first set of true leaves, you can transplant the seedlings outdoors after the danger of frost has passed.

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  2. When should I plant morning glory seeds outside?

    Morning glories do best when planted outdoors after the last spring frost date in your area. However, some varieties may kind of tolerate an earlier planting if you cover them on chilly nights. But to be safe, most gardeners wait until mid-spring to sow seeds directly in the ground or set out transplanted seedlings. Check your local growing zone to find out the average last frost date.

  3. How far apart should I space morning glory seeds or plants?

    For most vigorous morning glory varieties, space the seeds or seedlings about 1-2 feet apart. This gives them enough room to grow without overcrowding each other. At the same time, plant them closely enough so their vines will intertwine and create that lovely tangled look. Staking is recommended if you space plants more than 18 inches apart.

  4. Do morning glories need full sun?

    Yes, morning glories strongly prefer full sun to thrive. They’ll grow in partial shade but may not bloom as prolifically. Morning sun and afternoon shade works for some varieties. Despite this, you’ll get the best results planting them in a spot that gets at least 6 hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight every day. Staking is a must in any area that’s not completely sunny.

  5. How do I care for morning glory plants?

    Once planted, morning glories are fairly low maintenance. Water them during dry spells but allow the soil to partially dry out between waterings. Give them a boost of fertilizer in early summer. Stake or trellis the vines as they grow. Also, be sure to pick off spent flower heads to encourage continuous blooming. Watch out for pests like aphids – a strong spray of water usually does the trick.

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  6. Will morning glories self-seed?

    Yes indeed, morning glories have a tendency to go a bit overboard with self-seeding. Their seeds can remain viable in the soil for years until conditions are right for germination. While this ensures their survival, it may result in more plants than you have space for. To control resprouting from the previous year’s seeds, pull up and dispose of unwanted seedlings as they appear.

  7. Do morning glories attract butterflies?

    Definitely! Morning glories are a favorite of several species of butterflies and provide a rewarding habitat. The nectar-rich flowers support butterflies through their entire lifecycle. Monarchs are particularly drawn to many morning glory varieties as a host plant for their caterpillars. Planting morning glories creates a beautiful garden with bonus butterfly visitors all summer long.