Welcome to our School - St Thomas à Becket Catholic Secondary School

Our School

Welcome to our School

Our Catholic school welcomes young people from across the Deanery, the District and beyond.
We are a Catholic school for our whole community and offer each young person, whatever their background and starting point, the chance to grow and flourish spiritually, academically, physically and emotionally.

Our goal is that we support their families in enabling them be fully awake, fully human and fully alive to the possibilities of living a fruitful and fulfilled life, realising their God-given individuality, importance and potential in all that they do and become.

We insist on respect, kindness and excellence from all members of our community and guide and support them in the search for and development of Faith.

Our pupils spend their days in an orderly, purposeful environment where achievement is celebrated and individuality is valued.

We take enormous joy and pride in being a very happy school, where pupils feel safe and cared for and know that they belong to an incredibly special family.

We are proud of our excellent reputation, which is built on outstanding pastoral care in which each individual is known, treasured and supported throughout their school journey, rich wider opportunities and excellent exam results.

The relatively small size of the school as well as the way we structure learning, allow us as a staff team to genuinely know each child as an individual, enabling them to thrive and flourish.

Our outstanding facilities, including one of the only cycle circuits in the North of England built to British Cycling standards, our Sports England size and standard Sports Hall, our bespoke Theatre and other dedicated teaching and leisure spaces, belie the fact our school is “human-sized”; the opportunities we offer via a wide range of local, national and international trips as well as local, regional and national sports, arts and other events are truly rich and varied.

We place significant value on preparing our students for a rapidly changing world. They are our future; we must give them the all round skills and values to flourish in and contribute to that world.

The pages in this website will tell you more about our school and the unique way we aim to offer a distinctive and personalised educational experience. I hope you find it both informative and interesting and that it helps you to make the right choice for your child’s future.

Catholic schools are unique and distinctive. Our school is, I believe, unique and distinctive even amongst other Catholic schools and we look forward to welcoming you to the school should you choose to visit us.

Dr Patrick Caldwell
Head Teacher

DID YOU KNOW? St Thomas à Becket celebrates their highest ever GCSE progress score! Click here to find out more