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The Secret History: From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Goldfinch Taschenbuch – 27. Mai 1993

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'Everything, somehow, fit together; some sly and benevolent Providence was revealing itself by degrees and I felt myself trembling on the brink of a fabulous discovery, as though any morning it was all going to come together---my future, my past, the whole of my life---and I was going to sit up in bed like a thunderbolt and say oh! oh! oh!'

Under the influence of a charismatic classics professor, a group of clever, eccentric misfits at a New England college discover a way of thought and life a world away from their banal contemporaries. But their search for the transcendent leads them down a dangerous path, beyond human constructs of morality.

'Haunting, compelling and brilliant' The Times

'Irresistible and seductive' Guardian

'Enthralling... Forceful, cerebral and impeccably controlled' New York Times

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The Secret History succeeds magnificently ... A remarkably powerful novel [and] a ferociously well-paced entertainment ... Forceful, cerebral, and impeccably controlled New York Times

So irresistible and seductive it's almost a guilty pleasureGuardian

A huge, mesmerizing, galloping readVanity Fair

Donna Tartt is an amazingly good writer. She's dense, she's allusive.
She's a gorgeous storyteller -- Stephen King

Takes my breath away -- Ruth Rendell

Brilliant and compulsiveEvening Standard

A haunting, compelling, and brilliant piece of fiction ... Packed with literary allusion and told with a sophistication and texture that owes much more to the nineteenth century than to the twentieth ― The Times


Truly deserving of the accolade Modern Classic, Donna Tartt's cult bestseller The Secret History is a remarkable achievement - both compelling and elegant, dramatic and playful.
'A haunting, compelling and brilliant piece of fiction' The Times
'So irresistible and seductive it's almost a guilty pleasure' Guardian
Under the influence of their charismatic classics professor, a group of clever, eccentric misfits at an elite New England college discover a way of thinking and livi


  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ 0140167773
  • Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Penguin; 1. Edition (27. Mai 1993)
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Taschenbuch ‏ : ‎ 640 Seiten
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0804111359
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0140167771
  • Abmessungen ‏ : ‎ 19.8 x 12.9 x 3.51 cm
  • Kundenrezensionen:

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Donna Tartt
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Donna Tartt ist eine amerikanische Autorin, die für ihre in vierzig Sprachen übersetzten Romane stets von Kritik und Publikum gefeiert wurde. Ihr erster Roman, »Die geheime Geschichte«, wurde 1992 veröffentlicht. Im Jahr 2003 erhielt sie den WH Smith Literary Award für ihren Roman »Der kleine Freund«, der auch für den Orange Prize for Fiction nominiert war. Für ihren zuletzt geschriebenen Roman, »Der Distelfink«, wurde sie mit dem Pulitzer-Preis und der Andrew Carnegie Medal for Fiction ausgezeichnet.


4,3 von 5 Sternen
4,3 von 5
39.361 weltweite Bewertungen
Dauert etwas bis es spannend wird
4 Sterne
Dauert etwas bis es spannend wird
Für mich persönlich hat es etwa 200 Seiten gedauert bis es wirklich spannend wurde.. und zum Ende hin lässt es auch etwas nach. Ich habe allerdings auch schon viel gutes gehört, also vielleicht liegt es einfach an meinen Lesevorlieben.
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Spitzenbewertungen aus Deutschland

Rezension aus Deutschland vom 7. Januar 2024
"The Secret History" von Donna Tartt ist ein fesselnder literarischer Thriller, der die Dunkelheit der menschlichen Seele erkundet. Tartts meisterhafte Erzählweise entführt den Leser in eine Welt voller Geheimnisse, Intrigen und moralischer Ambivalenz. Die Charakterentwicklung ist tiefgreifend, und die Handlung ist durchweg packend. Ein Buch, das den Leser in seinen Bann zieht und lange nach dem Lesen nachhallt.
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Rezension aus Deutschland vom 10. November 2023
absolut gutes buch
Rezension aus Deutschland vom 20. April 2024
The secret history is defenitely a good book to read if you like dark academia however if you hate long chapters then you shouldn't read it since the book only has a few chapters which made it hard to read.
At the same time I really liked the charackters even though they kept to themselfes. However I personally thought that the book kind of streched and the end was a bit rushed.
Rezension aus Deutschland vom 29. Juni 2014
"The Secret History" ist eines dieses Bücher, das man nicht weglegen kann und wo man am Ende wirklich fast verzweifelt ist, dass es nicht mehr weitergeht, so sehr ist man abgetaucht in die Welt der Geschichte. Dabei gibt es im Buch eigentlich keine Figur, mit der man sich irgendwie identifizieren kann und mit der man aus diesem Grund mitfiebert. Alle Figuren tragen eine Schuld in sich und bei keiner Figur weiß man, wie sehr man ihr vertrauen kann. Und auch wenn jeder schuldig ist, hofft man doch in jeder Sekunde, dass die Schuld nicht aufgedeckt wird und jeder davonkommt. Auch wenn es um einen Mord am Freund geht. Gleichzeitig weiß man, dass die Figuren nicht davonkommen. Man merkt, dass sie sich selbst zerstören. Das ist alles so faszinierend zu lesen. Auch sonst hat das Buch viel zu bieten. Die Sprache ist dicht und gut, die Atmosphäre an der Universität sehr anziehend -- dieses Schweben im Dekadenten, zu dem der Mensch neigt. Dass dies eine klassische Tendenz im Menschen ist, zeigen die alten Griechen, die den Figuren als Beispiel dienen. Ich mochte das Buch also wirklich sehr und empfehle es daher uneingeschränkt.
8 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
Rezension aus Deutschland vom 4. November 2022
Let me tell you straight up: The story is neither clever nor complex.
It is an EASY READ and SUFFICIENTLY ENTERTAINING to finish the 500 pages in a week.

Also interesting to know: it's supposed to be the origin of the #DARKAKADEMIA aesthetic. So, it's really a good match for people who like reading for the SOCIAL REWARD of being able to talk about it.

IMHO: To me, though, it feels like the PLOT was a justification to write about the pathetic life of angsty, pretentious, rich students in their early twenties:
Young students try to figure out who they are, for themselves and collectively, eventually reenacting an antique Greek ritual. Different degrees of commitment to the endeavour are the reason why one of the young participants has to be eliminated.

How a person was murdered is not really described except in retrospect anecdotes, so NOT EXPLICIT stuff.
The motivation for the murder is understandable but not very unique nor creative - on the contrary, it feels rather plain. The very first murder of the two feels even more random (that is the point, in a way, still it feels not well integrated).

The WRITING STYLE is so easy to read because it's very concrete and basic, it's neither very lyrical, associative, or abstract.
Every character feels shallow and is described just enough to have a role in the plot. They lack depth and color.
The writing style is always a first person's perspective: a new student trying to adapt to his new university environment. He has no special attributes except for "good" but in the end only mediocre lying skills.

The much-heralded REFERENCES TO CLASSICAL TEXTS are underwhelming, imho. Intellectual and intriguing questions sparked by philosophers of ancient Greece are mentioned on perhaps 3 pages only briefly.
Although some lonely nights or cold winter day would allow opportunities for deep, (self-) reflective, philosophic monologues, there are none. There are some plot dumps, though.

-> Furthermore, this book probably needs a TRIGGER WARNING for substance abuse (alcohol and drugs, since literally one of the character always consumes something in every scene), and domestic violenc and domestic abuse.

FINALLY: Honestly, I like the essential parts and ideas, but I would just have hoped for a more elaborate story and writing style.
I would probably consider reading this book in 8th grade English class or in a middle/high school book club.

Also nice: The book was delivered fast and in good condition.
9 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
Rezension aus Deutschland vom 25. Juli 2023
Cannot recommend this book more. You will love it, your friends will love it, your neighbour's dog will love it!
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Rezension aus Deutschland vom 8. Januar 2016
Durch die Beschreibung "the secret history tells the story of a group of classics students at an elite American college, who are cerebral, obsessive and finally murderous... is a compelling and brilliant piece of fiction (The Times) - habe ich Erwartungen oder Vorstellungen gehegt, die nicht erfüllt wurden.
Denn die Beschreibung wurde dem Roman nicht gerecht.

Vorab: Es ist ein Schmöker und ein Page-Turner, und man kann nicht davon lassen, sobald man angefangen hat, darin zu lesen.
Die klassischen Stereotypen werden aber nur bedingt bedient.
Spannend ist, dass die Geschichte vor Zeiten von Smartphone, Twitter und Facebook spielt (1992 veröffentlicht), und so vielleicht in der heutigen Zeit gar nicht mehr glaubhaft wäre, man fast etwas Nostalgie im Stil von Agatha Christie Romanen spürt. Fesselnd und gar nicht schonend wird die Geschichte um eine kleine Gruppe Studenten der klassischen Philologie beschrieben, das Uni-Leben, Probleme von Mit-Zwanzigern, insgesamt aber düster und melancholisch.
Ernüchternd würd ich den Ton nennen, gerissen der Plot, kühl und schrecklich (positiv) die Figuren.
Es ist Hitchcock, nur auf 670 Seiten.
4 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

Spitzenrezensionen aus anderen Ländern

Sandra Avila
5,0 von 5 Sternen Llegó en muy buenas condiciones
Rezension aus Mexiko vom 3. März 2024
El libro llegó en tiempo y forma.
Ya hablando de la lectura la disfrute mucho. Tiene una buena historia y un ritmo que te mantiene enganchado.
5,0 von 5 Sternen the gods party at night
Rezension aus Kanada am 16. Juli 2023
Personally for me, this was a great book.

The style of writing was unique and charming - and though while it was sometimes laborious to try and get through the descriptions were amazing and captured this sense of both complexity (through the usage of details of the background and surroundings) and simplicity (through the usage of simple, realistic dialogue between characters.)

What succeeded in drawing me into this book was the way it was presented - told through Richard who was fundamentally an outsider of the group even at least slightly until the very end. Throughout the entire book theres this outsider-type of feeling you experience while reading and it shows that Donna Tartt was able to perfectly capture this. The unreliable narrator and the many scenes where things are kept a mystery (Henry and Camilla, etc.) all fit into this as well as they will be something Richard will never know - and in turn, we as the readers will never know.

This book can be read as both something extremely deep: a showcase and satirical telling of aestheticism and elitism, of the dangers of what someone will do to achieve the picturesque. Even the eventual reveal of Charles and Camilla fit this narrative - showing that truly in pursuit of this odd godhood-like life and self that they forgo basic morals. So does Henry and all the members of the group, who all find this odd justification for all the deeds they have done - painting murder as nothing more than a redistribution of matter or worrying about it for entirely selfish reasons.

It can be also read as it's most basic, purest form. Throwing aside the metaphors, symbolisms and all, the basis of the book is really just shitty people doing shitty things. And while despite this being an extremely simple assumption of the book, it is very symbolic as well - showing that despite the way the Greek class views the world, the things they do and the "gods" they metaphorically believes themselves to be - that all of their actions and lives are still just regular, average lives. Where there isn't a divine or holy explanation - where there isn't a romanticized play of the murder but rather just cold harsh truth. They aren't anything special and really, shitty people doing shitty things is what they are.

A while ago I heard of the title of "The Secret History" translated into different languages and in what I think is the Italian translation (?) the title is "The gods party at night". Both titles fit beautifully - the "Secret History" referring to how much of the Greek class's history will remain secret, from the world and Richard and "The gods party at night" refers to how they view themselves and later the bacchanal.
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Guilherme Elias
5,0 von 5 Sternen sim, ele é isso tudo mesmo…
Rezension aus Brasilien vom 19. März 2024
Die Medien konnten nicht geladen werden.
 essa leitura é uma viagem, em vários sentidos, personagens complexos, com muitas camadas, muitas intrigas, um frio na barriga constante, uma história que te deixa preso até o fim, é simplesmente incrível, vale definitivamente o hype que tem, que livro excelente!
Guilherme Elias
5,0 von 5 Sternen sim, ele é isso tudo mesmo…
Rezension aus Brasilien vom 19. März 2024
essa leitura é uma viagem, em vários sentidos, personagens complexos, com muitas camadas, muitas intrigas, um frio na barriga constante, uma história que te deixa preso até o fim, é simplesmente incrível, vale definitivamente o hype que tem, que livro excelente!
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För tunna för att öva djup på, då behövs 3mm
5,0 von 5 Sternen Så bra bok
Rezensiert in Schweden am 29. April 2024
Fantastiskt välskriven
Alexander W
5,0 von 5 Sternen Ça m'a enchanté
Rezension aus Frankreich vom 10. April 2024
Une des meilleures romans que j'ai lus. Une de mes favorites