港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 N3 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
06:30 - 01:00
06:30 - 01:00
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食評 (18)
⭐️評分:4.5/5-菜式Fusion新穎高質,絕對能刷新味蕾的體驗更有多款雞尾酒噴霧先嘗,感受至岩你的選擇,更甚有老干媽味🫣🫣極具創意玩味的酒吧,更可俯瞰維港靚景-✳Broken Lemon Tart 👍👍👍 超高質| 一試難忘,網紅必到🌸層次豐富鮮明,檸檬啫喱綿密柚子雪芭酸甜,清新好Refreshing❗️️-✳️Pearl of the Orient 👍👍👍 只此一家⚠️矛台雪糕 + 70%黑朱古力相遇,竟如此和諧加上果酸甜的鮮莓及醬,中和酒精濃味甘中帶甜,刷新味蕾的感觀-✳️Crispy Chicken Waffle 👍👍👍台式炸雞| 乾脆有肉汁窩夫必食❗️加入Basil 羅勒製成,蛋漿香中帶淡淡香草味,整體口味豐盛-✳️Crispy Corns 👍粟米粒| 粒粒飽滿,香甜濃郁香層炸得輕薄-✳️Lobster Pasta 👍👍自家製Creamy奶油通心粉,質地煙軔,配彈牙加拿大波士頓龍蝦,肉質鮮美,水牛芝士好滑溜,混合檸檬草更提鮮-✳️Fresh Oyster 👍新鮮蠔海水味偏重,鮮甜爽身,帶淡淡奶油感-✳️Barbecue Pork Spare Ribs 12小時慢烹豬肋骨,肉質軟熟,配搭特製BBQ汁,味道濃烈,表現正常-✳️Barley Risotto 👍👍 🌸初嘗薏米Risotto❗️好驚喜,推介!混合菠菜蓉、味道濃郁的羊奶酪Feta Crumbs,整體好濃郁綿密,薏米更煙軔,粒粒有彈性,加上椰菜花、橙肉、杏仁碎更豐富-✳️Mango & Smoked Feta Salad 芒果鮮甜蜜香-多到不能盡錄!款款都好想試🤤新穎好特別,價格尚可,一杯Cocktail 都要$100🫣但絕對有驚喜--⭐味道 4.5/5⭐️特色 5/5⭐️環境 5/5⭐️性價比 3.5/5 ⭐️服務 4.5/5 繼續閱讀
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最近尖沙咀開左間新酒店 Mondrian Hotel, 餐廳位於38樓, 呢度可以飽覽維港既海景, 每個窗口都設計只有一張餐枱, 就好似每枱都有自己空間, 另外仲有個特別既位置, 係角落位放左梳化床, 可以攤係度邊飲住cocktail邊欣賞維港夜景🍸 Truffle Toast (特別餐單, 小編唔記得錢啦🤣)吐司表面鋪滿一職層黑松露, 頂同中間有芝士加火腿, 麵包有搽牛油, 好香🍸 Beef Two Ways $298牛肉2食, 1係炸牛肉丸, 另1款係炆牛肉, 牛肉丸炸得好酥脆, 外脆內軟,而炆牛肉, 肉質燉得好冧, 配合由味噌調制既醬汁, 一流🍸 Lobster Pasta $328意粉吸晒濃濃龍蝦汁,  表面仲有忌廉做中和, 再提升左鮮味, 龍蝦肉夠晒爽口🍸 3:15PM MARTINI $118呢杯cocktail 以鴛鴦為概感, 飲落帶有少少咖啡既香味加奶既甜味, 最得意既係插左個縮細版既菠蘿包配合黎飲🍸 SESAME PEANUT BUTTER SOUR $138呢杯係以腸粉為概感,  用威士忌為基礎加左花生醬同麻醬, 而表面有少少蛋白泡, 飲落好清爽~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~📍 Avoca地址:尖沙咀赫德道8A號Mondrian Hong Kong38樓※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-05-23
0 瀏覽
Located on the 38th floor of the Mondrian, Avoca Restaurant offers more than just stunning views of Victoria Harbour. The menu features a delightful selection of dishes that cater to a variety of tastes.We began our meal with the 24 Hours Slow-Cooked Beef Belly Baos. The tender black angus beef belly, braised for an entire day, was served in fluffy buns with a mix of pickled veggies, onion compote, spicy kimchi, and fresh coriander, all drizzled with a sweet teriyaki sauce. The flavors and textures worked in perfect harmony.We also tried the Crispy Chicken Waffle, a playful combination of Taiwanese-style fried chicken thighs and a golden basil waffle. The dish was accompanied by a refreshing cabbage salad, basil powder, and a sweet soy mayo, creating a delightful balance of savory and sweet.We saw that fish tacos were highly recommended, Fish Tacos featured crispy barramundi fillets nestled in warm tortilla shells. The sweet-and-sour mango salsa and fresh lime zest provided a tangy contrast to the creamy shrimp paste mayo. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-04-29
249 瀏覽
之前夜晚黎過一次飲cocktail,今次同boss食lunch再黎Lunch set $298 Soup or Starter + Main + Dessert + Coffee/ TeaStarter: Tropical CevicheFresh hamach seasoned with an avocado concasse, shallots, crunchy cucumber, lime and coated with a homemade passion fruit dressing.油甘魚刺生,帶少少辣,好開胃🐟Main: Pulled Beef Ciabatta Pulled Beef Stew, Homemade Pickles, Coleslaw SaladPickles同coleslaw salad 唔太重味又好爽口,配手撕牛肉唔錯Ciabatta 質地不錯,配上pesto醬好好食😋🥪但side dish 嘅fries就好一般了Dessert: Baked Cheese Cake with BlueberryBaked Cheese Cake, Blueberry Compote,Vanilla Gelato 配vanilla gelato 好解膩!🍰Lunch time過黎冇咩人幾舒服,環境又不錯之後想再過黎試吓其他cocktail 🤤 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-04-03
529 瀏覽
Cocktails and Dinner at AvocaStopped by here after a straight perm appointment at the salon I frequent in on Cameron Road because it’s pretty nearby and another bartender from a different establishment I’ve had cocktails in the last time recommend this place, so I had to try it out.Avoca is pretty new, the interior is nice with a great view. Although I sat at the bar, which I normally do when I drink by myself, I got a glimpse of it. One of their selling points, I suppose. Staff is very friendly and accomodating, which is quite important. For the 4.5 hours I spent there, I’ve gotten to know a handful of them and it was great!Let’s get down to the drinks. I wanted to just stick with cocktails of the same spirit base, which was gin to see if the hangover would have a milder effect. Here are the cocktails I’ve tried out:1) Bee’s Knees- made of gin, lemon juice and honey syrup 2) Silver Fizz- made of gin, simple syrup, lemon juice and aquafaba, which is an egg white substitute3) Last Word- made of gin, green chartreuse, maraschino liqueur and lime juiceAmong these three, I liked Last Word the most, which was to my surprise as Gin Fizz is my favorite cocktail by far, so I thought I’d like Silver Fizz the most. But I guess different bars make it differently.I got hungry in the middle of those drinks and ordered their Beef Pastrami sandwich, which I would recommend if that’s your protein of choice. It’s quite tasty, generous portion of beef and the onions are pickled. I could taste the vinegar and sugar from it and who doesn’t like pickled stuff, lol.Avoca is a nice place to bring guests, friends and colleagues. It has that come one, come all vibe. Go try it out. 繼續閱讀
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