Here's what actress Jyothirmayi is upto, goes bald and surprises fans

Here's what actress Jyothirmayi is upto, goes bald and surprises fans

Jyothirmayi goes bald (c) and with husband Amal Neerad

It's been a while that fans got to see Jyothirmayi. The actress had been staying away from social media platforms and even away from the light post her wedding.

Amid lockdown, people have been confined to their homes and are getting ahead with creative things. That's when director Amal Neerad lefted everyone in astonishment.

Amal Neerad shared a pic of his wife and actress Jyothirmayi for the very first time and it has set the internet on fire. While sharing the pic, Amal captioned it as, 'Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya', which stands for a Sanskrit shloka meaning, ‘Lead us from Darkness to Light’.

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#Amalneerad with his wife #jyothirmayi !

A post shared by Mollywood Mad (@mollywoodmad) on

The actress has donned a new look and have gone bald.

While many are wondering what made her opt for such a look, some applauded her bold move as well.

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Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya 😊 . #Jyothirmayee

A post shared by Amal Neerad (@amalneerad_official) on

Many celebs including Nazriya, Srinda, Rima Kallingal commented on the photo.

Starting her career in modelling, Jyothirmayi made her debut in Meesa Madhavan. Since then, she acted in many Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu films.

Jyothirmayi was married to Nishanth Kumar and the couple later separated. She then married director and cinematographer Amal Neerad on 4 April 2015.

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