Doug Johnson – Strategic Integration Coach


Investing for the future

The right people in the right jobs

A good manager asks: “How can I cut costs?”

A good leader asks: “How can I invest for the future?”

Both of these are valid questions, and you should be asking both, and acting on both.

You should be cutting costs, and you should be investing in your leaders.

This is a 3-minute summary of my Leadership Development Program

Unlocking Speed and Efficiency

The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang – Mary Kay Ash

Developing leaders is crucial for your success. While skills and experience can be acquired over time, I have the ability to accelerate the learning process to maximise the potential of the whole team. What might take you years to accomplish, I can help you achieve in months.

Save time, boost productivity

One of the hidden costs within any team or organisation is the lack of productivity while leaders are learning on the job. By partnering with me, you’ll minimise this downtime and see immediate results. My expertise will guide your leaders to become effective swiftly, leading to increased productivity and higher team performance.

Consistent Quality Over Time

The wrong question is: “Can you do the job?”

The right question is: “How long can you consistently do the job?”

Anyone can do anything for 3 months

The true measure of success lies in sustainability. When the right person is in the right job, they can consistently produce quality results over the long haul. I focus on finding the perfect match between individuals and their roles to ensure enduring success.

Beyond Productivity

My training, coaching, and consulting services not only enhance productivity but also offer a range of additional benefits. By working with me, you can expect:

  • Improved communication within your team.
  • More effective and efficient meetings.
  • Enhanced skills to manage stress and pressure.
  • Sharpened decision-making abilities.
  • Intelligent succession planning for long-term stability.
  • Insights into multi-generational family businesses.
  • Increased margins for leaders to think strategically.
  • Boosted sales and revenue growth.
  • Stronger relationships with clients.
  • Reduced staff turnover.

I help you build your team, so that you have …

The right people, in the right jobs, at the right time, doing the right things, and doing the right things right

Contact me

Mobile: +27 71 353 8850