The Right Honorable Ben Wallace - SOF Week 2024 Skip to main content



The Right Honorable Ben Wallace

The Right Honorable Ben Wallace

Former Minister of Defence, United Kingdom

Heralded as the United Kingdom’s most experienced Minister in the fields of Defense, Security, and Foreign Affairs, Rt. Hon. Ben Wallace offers extensive expertise in geopolitics and global affairs. Most recently, Wallace occupied the position as NATO’s longest-serving Defense Secretary. His time in office saw Wallace steer both the domestic and international response to Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Salisbury poisoning, the WannaCry cyberattacks, as well as NATO and defense reform. Contrary to the mainstream views at the time Wallace forewarned of the Putin’s invasion and established the earliest lethal aid and proactive assistance to Ukraine.

Wallace has witnessed first-hand the emergence of new technologies in Defense and the impact on our security. During his tenure as the UK’s longest-serving Conservative Defense Secretary, Wallace published the UK’s first Defense AI strategy as well as established the National Cyber Force. Wallace has worked alongside two U.S. Presidential administrations and was a key facilitator in AUKUS – the U.S./UK/Australian nuclear and technology alliance. Before serving as Defense Secretary, Wallace served as Security Minister, led on counterterrorism, cyber security, counter espionage, and economic crime. A decorated former army officer, Wallace brings first-hand personal experience to global issues. Wallace also brings substantial knowledge of the Middle East and the Pacific theatre, providing an unmatched geostrategic outlook from a European perspective.


  • We are extremely excited to convene the community at SOF Week 2024. This convention for U.S. and International SOF will include a diverse slate of programs, to include professional development sessions, interactive discussions about the future of SOF, and an up-close view of some of the best tech available to our warfighters. GSOF looks forward to working with USSOCOM to make SOF Week 2024 an impactful event.
    Stuart Bradin
    President and CEO, GSOF