EastEnders star Jessie Wallace expresses regret over arrest - BBC News

EastEnders star Jessie Wallace expresses regret over arrest

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Jessie Wallace has played Kat Slater in EastEnders on and off since 2000

EastEnders star Jessie Wallace has "expressed deep regret" after being arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer, and drunk and disorderly conduct, the BBC said.

Wallace, 50, was detained in St Andrew's Street, Bury St Edmunds, in the early hours of Sunday.

Suffolk Police said "a 50-year-old woman was released without charge after receiving a conditional caution".

The BBC said she had been warned the behaviour was "unacceptable".

Wallace has played the role of Kat Slater in the long-running BBC soap opera, on and off since 2000.

A BBC spokesman said: "Senior bosses have spoken to Jessie Wallace about the incident and issued a clear warning that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable and Jessie has expressed her deep regret."

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