Seraphim vs. Cherubim — What’s the Difference?

Seraphim vs. Cherubim — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 3, 2024
Seraphim are often depicted as fiery six-winged beings who stand above God in celestial hierarchy, while cherubim, typically shown with four wings, guard sacred spaces.
Seraphim vs. Cherubim — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Seraphim and Cherubim


Key Differences

Seraphim are described in religious texts as having six wings, with two covering their face, two their feet, and two for flying, emphasizing their sanctity and awe-inspiring presence. In contrast, cherubim are usually portrayed with four wings and are often associated with a more guardian role, protecting divine realms and earthly paradises.
The primary role of seraphim is to continuously worship and praise God, illustrating their position in the celestial hierarchy as being closest to the divine. Meanwhile, cherubim have broader functions that include acting as guardians of God's holy places and embodying God's glory and power.
In artistic representations, seraphim are depicted with a fiery and intense appearance, symbolizing their name which means "the burning ones." Cherubim, on the other hand, often appear more serene and are sometimes depicted as young children or babies in art, reflecting a more gentle aspect of the divine.
Theologically, seraphim's role as purifiers is highlighted in scriptures, where their touch is said to cleanse and sanctify. Cherubim do not have this purifying role but are instead seen as embodiments of knowledge and wisdom, guarding the secrets of God.
In terms of their symbolic meanings, seraphim are often seen as the light of God's fire, representing purification and the illumination of the divine. Cherubim symbolize the presence of God and serve as reminders of his immanence and authority in the sacred spaces they guard.

Comparison Chart

Number of Wings

Six wings
Four wings

Main Role

Worship and praise of God
Guardians of sacred places

Symbolic Meaning

Purification and illumination of the divine
Divine presence and authority

Artistic Depictions

Fiery appearance, intense
Serene, often youthful or childlike

Scriptural Role

Cleansing and sanctifying with touch
Embodying wisdom and guarding secrets

Compare with Definitions


Symbol of divine light and fire, often associated with purity and holiness.
The seraphim in the painting radiated an aura of divine fire.


Associated with the guarding of the way to the Tree of Life in Genesis.
Cherubim guarded the eastern side of Eden with a flaming sword.


Mentioned in the Book of Isaiah as standing in the presence of God.
Isaiah described the seraphim as calling to one another in reverence to God.


Represents divine wisdom and the omnipresence of God.
Cherubim embroidered on the ancient veils were symbols of divine knowledge.


Agents of purification as described in religious texts.
A seraphim purified the prophet by touching his lips with a burning coal.


Embodiments of divine glory and majesty.
In theological discussions, cherubim are cited as manifestations of God's glory.


A celestial being with six wings, revered in Christian and Jewish mysticism.
In visions, seraphim appeared above the throne of God, singing praises.


Integral to artistic depictions in many religious traditions.
The fresco featured cherubim with serene expressions, hovering over the sacred.


Considered the highest rank of angels in the heavenly hierarchy.
Seraphim are often depicted orchestrating the chorus of angels in celestial hymns.


Celestial beings often depicted as having four wings and serving as guardians.
Cherubim statues flanked the ancient temple entrance, symbolizing protection.


(Bible) A celestial being having three pairs of wings.


A winged celestial being.


Seraphim(Christianity) The first of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology.


Cherubim(Christianity) The second of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology.


Plural of seraph


A putto.


Lobophora halterata, a species of Geometrid moth.


A person, especially a child, with an innocent or chubby face.


The Hebrew plural of Seraph. Cf. Cherubim.


Plural of cherub


A cherub.


The Hebrew plural of Cherub.. Cf. Seraphim.

Common Curiosities

Can seraphim and cherubim interact with humans according to scriptures?

Yes, both seraphim and cherubim interact with humans in scriptures; seraphim purify prophets, as seen in Isaiah's vision, while cherubim guard sacred spaces accessible to humans.

Are seraphim or cherubim involved in biblical narratives?

Cherubim are more involved in biblical narratives, such as guarding the Garden of Eden, whereas seraphim are primarily mentioned in visionary contexts.

What is the difference in the hierarchical status of seraphim and cherubim?

Seraphim are often considered among the highest order of angels, directly serving before God, while cherubim also hold a high status but are more involved in the protection of God's glory.

Where do seraphim and cherubim appear in religious texts?

Seraphim are prominently mentioned in the Book of Isaiah in the Bible, while cherubim appear in various texts, including the Book of Genesis and the Book of Ezekiel.

How do different denominations view seraphim and cherubim?

Views can vary: Orthodox and Catholic traditions often give them significant liturgical importance, whereas Protestant interpretations may be less literal, viewing them as symbolic.

Do seraphim and cherubim have specific feast days in the Christian liturgical calendar?

There are no specific feast days for seraphim or cherubim, though angels collectively are celebrated on Michaelmas and other angel-focused observances.

What is the impact of seraphim and cherubim in popular culture?

They appear in various forms in literature, art, and media, often symbolizing aspects of divine intervention or the spiritual realm.

How has the perception of seraphim and cherubim evolved over time?

Initially, both were viewed as terrifying and powerful; over time, cherubim, in particular, evolved in Christian art into more child-like figures, whereas seraphim maintained a more awe-inspiring, fearsome depiction.

Do seraphim and cherubim have different origins in angelology?

Both are rooted in ancient Near Eastern religions, but seraphim are specifically linked to visions of the divine council in Hebrew texts, while cherubim have broader connections, including Akkadian and Sumerian traditions.

What symbolic meanings do seraphim and cherubim hold?

Seraphim symbolize purification and divine fire, reflecting their role in bringing humans closer to divine purity. Cherubim represent divine wisdom and guardianship, emphasizing their role in protecting sacred truths.

Can seraphim and cherubim be considered guardian angels?

While cherubim are explicitly described as guardians in their scriptural roles, seraphim are more typically associated with the worship and praise of God, though their actions also protect and guide humanity spiritually.

Are there different types of seraphim and cherubim?

Theologies typically describe these beings singularly in their roles without subdivisions, focusing instead on their collective attributes and duties.

Are seraphim or cherubim mentioned in apocryphal or non-canonical texts?

Yes, both appear in various apocryphal texts, which elaborate on their roles and characteristics beyond the canonical scriptures.

What roles do seraphim and cherubim play in contemporary religious practices?

In contemporary worship, both are symbols of the divine used in liturgical art and hymns, emphasizing their enduring spiritual significance.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.