Most Graphic NC-17 Movies: Full-Frontal Nudity, Oral Sex Most Graphic NC-17 Movies: Full-Frontal Nudity, Oral Sex

Another year brings another NC-17 controversy at the movies. This time it’s for “Passages,” the acclaimed romance drama from Ira Sachs that earned strong reviews out of the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. Franz Rogowski, Ben Whishaw and Adèle Exarchopoulos (no stranger to NC-17 drama thanks to “Blue Is the Warmest Color”) star in the love triangle drama, which the MPA outrageously gave an NC-17 rating due to the film’s nudity and prolonged sex scenes. Nothing about these scenes are exploitative or even graphic, making the MPA’s decision something of a head-scratcher. The film’s distributor, Mubi, and Sachs rebuked the rating and “Passages” is opening in theaters unrated.

“Passages” is the latest in a long line of films that have had to contend with the NC-17 rating, which prohibits anyone under the age of 17 years old from buying a ticket  Last year, it was Andrew Dominik’s Marilyn Monroe drama “Blonde” that made headlines for its NC-17 rating. Despite the controversial certification, star Ana de Armas still earned an Oscar nomination for best actress.

The NC-17 rating was officially created in 1990 to replace the X rating, which distributors had long disliked since it evoked pornographic films and not simply adult-skewing dramas with explicit scenes. But even creating a rating a lower than X did nothing to stop the NC-17 from courting controversy and igniting shock from moviegoers. The rating, which is often given to films that show full frontal nudity or explicit sexual acts, has often been used as one example as to why the MPA is outdated and fearful of pleasure (especially female pleasure).

With “Passages” opening in theaters, Variety takes a look back at some of the most notable films to be branded with an NC-17 rating.

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