Discussion: A Red Carpet for Asta Nielsen - Internationales Frauen Film Fest

Discussion: A Red Carpet for Asta Nielsen

Discussion: A Red Carpet for Asta Nielsen

Heide Schlüpmann, Karola Gramann

Among the many interview partners who shed more light on the actor are film curators Karola Gramann and Heide Schlüpmann, founders of the Kinothek Asta Nielsen and authorities on the life and work of Asta Nielsen, who are invited to talk about the film A Red Carpet for Asta Nielsen.

Heide Schlüpmann

Heide Schlüpmann studied philosophy in the 1960s in Frankfurt am Main, among other places, and has been an enthusiastic cinephile since 1970. She has taught film since 1977, and in the 80s studied early cinema. Between 1991-2008, she was a professor of film studies at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. She has published widely on film-related subjects and is co-editor of the magazine Frauen und Film. Schlüpmann co-founded the Kinothek Asta Nielsen, and has been a member of its executive board since 2000.

Karola Gramann

Karola Gramann studied English, American and modern German literature, with a focus on film, in Frankfurt am Main and London. She has published articles on film with Heide Schlüpmann since 1978. Between 1985 and 1989, she was director of the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen and from 1993 to 2003 research associate at the Institute for Theatre, Film and Media Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. Gramann is co-founder and director of the Kinothek Asta Nielsen.