Civilisation or Civilization: Which is Correct Spellings?

Civilisation or Civilization: Which is Correct Spellings?

The incorrect spelling is "civilisation," while the correct spelling is "civilization." "Civilization" refers to the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced.
Civilisation or Civilization: Which is Correct Spellings?

Which is correct: Civilisation or Civilization

How to spell Civilization?


Civilisation Spelling


Civilization Spelling

Is it Civilisation or Civilization

Note that "civilization" and "realization" both use "z" in American English.
Remember that "civilization" aligns with the American English spelling, like "organization."
Link "civilization" with "modernization," both containing a "z."
Associate "civilization" with "z" for its zest in cultural development.
Recall that "civilization" has a "z," similar to "citizen."

How Do You Spell Civilization Correctly?

Incorrect: This museum exhibits artifacts from various civilisations.
Correct: This museum exhibits artifacts from various civilizations.
Incorrect: Studying ancient civilisations helps us understand history.
Correct: Studying ancient civilizations helps us understand history.
Incorrect: The Mayan civilisation had a complex calendar system.
Correct: The Mayan civilization had a complex calendar system.
Incorrect: The fall of the Roman civilisation marked an era's end.
Correct: The fall of the Roman civilization marked an era's end.
Incorrect: The ancient civilisation was known for its architecture.
Correct: The ancient civilization was known for its architecture.

Civilization Definitions

Civilization (Culture): The stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained.
The Egyptian civilization is renowned for its hieroglyphics.
Civilization (Development): The process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social and cultural development.
The industrial revolution significantly advanced civilization.
Civilization (Society): A complex society with cities, a well-organized government, and workers with specialized job skills.
The Mesopotamian civilization is one of the oldest in history.
Civilization (Human Progress): The comfort and convenience of modern life, regarded as available only in towns and cities.
Technological innovations are a hallmark of modern civilization.
Civilization (Refinement): The society, culture, and way of life of a particular area.
The civilization of ancient Greece influenced many modern philosophies.

Civilization Meaning in a Sentence

The development of agriculture was crucial to early civilization.
Ancient civilizations like the Inca fascinate historians.
Each civilization has its unique art and culture.
The ruins tell a story of a lost civilization.
The concept of democracy originated in Greek civilization.
The library of Alexandria was a center of ancient civilization.
Ancient civilizations developed along river valleys.
The study of civilization reveals much about our past.
The Mayan civilization had an advanced understanding of astronomy.
The Indus Valley civilization had sophisticated urban planning.
Mathematics was greatly advanced by Islamic civilization.
Mesoamerican civilizations were skilled in astronomy and mathematics.
Ancient civilizations practiced various forms of religion and worship.
The spread of civilization was often accompanied by trade.
Urbanization is a key feature of modern civilization.
The Roman civilization had a significant impact on Europe.
Civilization progresses with the exchange of ideas and knowledge.
The Phoenician civilization was known for its maritime prowess.
The collapse of a civilization can have many causes.
The study of civilization includes understanding social structures.
The Egyptian civilization is known for its pyramids.
Mesopotamia is often called the cradle of civilization.
The Renaissance marked a rebirth of European civilization.
The rise and fall of civilizations can teach valuable lessons.
The Aztec civilization was rich in traditions and rituals.
Ancient civilizations left behind many architectural marvels.
The ancient Greek civilization excelled in philosophy and arts.
Understanding the history of civilization helps us appreciate diversity.
The cultural achievements of the Chinese civilization are numerous.
Civilization often flourishes in periods of stability and peace.

Civilization Idioms & Phrases

Pillar of civilization

A fundamental principle or element that supports a civilized society.
Rule of law is considered a pillar of civilization.

Cradle of civilization

The place where a civilization began or was highly developed.
Mesopotamia is often referred to as the cradle of civilization.

Dawn of civilization

The beginning or early period of historical or cultural development.
The invention of writing marked the dawn of civilization.

Height of civilization

The peak or most advanced stage of cultural and social development.
Ancient Greece is often cited as reaching the height of civilization.

Collapse of civilization

The complete breakdown or failure of a civilized society.
The novel explores the theme of the collapse of civilization.

Crossroads of civilization

A place or period where different cultures or civilizations meet and interact.
The city was a crossroads of civilization, bustling with traders from all over the world.

Harbinger of civilization

A sign or symbol indicating the arrival or development of a culture.
The construction of monumental architecture was a harbinger of civilization in ancient times.

Civilization and its discontents

The problems and conflicts that arise in a developed and organized society.
Modern authors frequently explore themes of civilization and its discontents.

Lost civilization

A once great but now vanished or declined culture or society.
Archaeologists are fascinated by the mysteries of lost civilizations.

March of civilization

The ongoing development and advancement of human societies.
The march of civilization has brought about both positive changes and new challenges.

Roots of civilization

The original or most basic aspects of a culture or society.
The study focused on the roots of Western civilization.

Civilization's footprint

The impact or mark left by a society on the world.
Environmentalists are concerned about civilization's footprint on the earth's ecosystems.

Civilization's reach

The extent or influence of a society's culture and values.
The explorer was amazed by civilization's reach, even in remote areas.

Witness to civilization

Something that serves as evidence or a record of cultural development.
Ancient artifacts act as witnesses to civilization, telling stories of the past.

Civilization's echo

The lasting influence or remnants of a culture.
The ruins of the ancient city were a civilization's echo, hinting at its former glory.

On the fringes of civilization

In a remote or undeveloped area far from cultural and social centers.
They lived on the fringes of civilization, where the wilderness began.

Milestones of civilization

Significant achievements or events in the development of human societies.
The discovery of fire was one of the earliest milestones of civilization.

Civilization's demise

The end or downfall of a particular culture or way of life.
The historian's book detailed the factors leading to the civilization's demise.

Civilization's progress

The advancement and development of human societies.
The invention of the internet significantly contributed to civilization's progress.

Civilization's fabric

The basic structure and elements that make up a society.
Multiculturalism has become woven into the fabric of modern civilization.

Common Curiosities

What is a stressed syllable in civilization?

The third syllable is stressed in civilization: civ-i-li-za-tion.

What is the verb form of civilization?

There is no direct verb form of "civilization." The related verb is "civilize."

How many syllables are in civilization?

Civilization has five syllables.

How do we divide civilization into syllables?

Civilization is divided into syllables as: civ-i-li-za-tion.

Which vowel is used before civilization?

There is no specific vowel consistently used before "civilization;" it depends on the context.

What is the root word of civilization?

The root word of civilization is "civil," from the Latin "civilis," meaning citizen.

Is civilization an abstract noun?

Yes, civilization is an abstract noun.

Is civilization a negative or positive word?

Civilization is neutral; it is neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is civilization a collective noun?

Civilization can be seen as a collective noun when referring to the collective human society.

What is the pronunciation of civilization?

Civilization is pronounced as /ˌsɪv.ə.lɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/.

Is the word civilization Gerund?

No, civilization is not a gerund.

Is the civilization term a metaphor?

Civilization can be used metaphorically but is typically used in its literal sense.

Is the word “civilization” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Civilization can be used as either a direct object or an indirect object in a sentence.

How is civilization used in a sentence?

Example: "The rise and fall of ancient civilizations fascinate historians."

Is civilization a noun or adjective?

Civilization is a noun.

Is civilization an adverb?

No, civilization is not an adverb.

Why is it called civilization?

It is called civilization because it refers to the complex human society with developed social organizations, culture, and institutions, derived from "civilis" meaning relating to citizens.

What is the singular form of civilization?

The singular form is "civilization."

Is civilization a vowel or consonant?

Civilization is a word, not a vowel or a consonant.

Is the word civilization imperative?

No, civilization is not imperative; it is a noun.

What is another term for civilization?

Another term for civilization is "culture" or "society."

What is the opposite of civilization?

The opposite of civilization could be "barbarism" or "primitivism."

Which preposition is used with civilization?

"Of" is commonly used, as in "the civilization of Rome."

Which conjunction is used with civilization?

There is no specific conjunction that is always used with civilization; it depends on the sentence.

Is civilization a countable noun?

Civilization is usually considered an uncountable noun.

What part of speech is civilization?

Civilization is a noun.

Which determiner is used with civilization?

Determiners like "the," "a," or "this" can be used with civilization, depending on the context.

What is the plural form of civilization?

The plural form is "civilizations."

Which article is used with civilization?

Both "the" and "a/an" can be used with civilization, depending on the context.

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