Say Yes to the Marquess (Castles Ever After, #2) by Tessa Dare | Goodreads
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Castles Ever After #2

Say Yes to the Marquess

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Your presence is requested at romantic Twill Castle for the wedding of Miss Clio Whitmore and... and... ?

After eight years of waiting for Piers Brandon, the wandering Marquess of Granville, to set a wedding date, Clio Whitmore has had enough. She's inherited a castle, scraped together some pride, and made plans to break her engagement.

Not if Rafe Brandon can help it. A ruthless prizefighter and notorious rake, Rafe is determined that Clio will marry his brother—even if he has to plan the dratted wedding himself.

So how does a hardened fighter cure a reluctant bride's cold feet?
● He starts with flowers. A wedding can't have too many flowers. Or harps. Or cakes.

● He lets her know she'll make a beautiful, desirable bride—and tries not to picture her as his.

● He doesn't kiss her.

● If he kisses her, he definitely doesn't kiss her again.

● When all else fails, he puts her in a stunning gown. And vows not to be nearby when the gown comes off.

● And no matter what—he doesn't fall in disastrous, hopeless love with the one woman he can never call his own.

374 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published December 30, 2014

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About the author

Tessa Dare

45 books14.2k followers
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Tessa Dare is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of fourteen historical romance novels and five novellas. Her books have won numerous accolades, including Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA® award (twice!) and the RT Book Reviews Seal of Excellence. Booklist magazine named her one of the “new stars of historical romance," and her books have been contracted for translation in more than a dozen languages.

A librarian by training and a booklover at heart, Tessa makes her home in Southern California, where she lives with her husband, their two children, and a trio of cosmic kitties.

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281 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,783 reviews
January 22, 2015
I know I gave this book 3 stars, but for me, it was a vast, vast disappointment. I absolutely loved the first book. I raved about it. I was dead set on falling in love with this one. Sadly, it was not to be. It was a good book, don't get me wrong, but it just...deflated along the way. 100 pages into the book, I was intent on giving this a 4 or a 5, and ready to proclaim Tessa Dare the new Julia Quinn. The book had numerous moments of wit, humor, but it developed into something that was forced.

The romance didn't develop well. The whole boxer-bad boy thing didn't do it for me. There were hilarity aplenty, but it didn't feel like it fit within the book and the time frame. There were elements that I felt were completely out of place, for instance, the autistic sister, the childhood "humiliation" from her mother, the commoner brute disguised as a foppish nobleman, and above all, the stupid, nearly dead, flatulent, disgusting dog.

I hated that dog. I seriously hated that dog. It was a forced attempt at adorability (that's a word because I said so) that I despise. Really, am I supposed to fall in love with a disgusting dog that's more a product of taxidermy than a living, breathing (farting), creature?

There were also the unfleshed out relationships between the sisters, and my greatest disappointment was the unbuilt and largely nonexistent relationship between the hero and his brother (and love interest). This was a love triangle that I WANTED to develop (holy shit, right?!). It was not to be, it was eliminated as quickly as it appeared, and nobody was more disappointed than me.

Detailed review to come when I have time from my 60 hour work week. Which may be never ;_;
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,677 followers
December 31, 2014

4 scrumptious say yes, Yes, YES! stars!

Tessa Dare's Castles Ever After series is just so much fun! She's given historical romance a refreshing twist while staying true to what we love most about the genre.

About the story...

Say Yes to the Marquess is the second book in the series, and tells the story of two of society's less...acceptable...peers - Clio Whitmore who has been given the nick name Miss Wait-More thanks to her eight year engagement to Piers Brandon who seems in no hurry to tie the knot, and Rafe Brandon, Piers' black-sheep brother who prefers the title of Champion Pugilist to any he'd carry due to his bloodline.

But eight years have given Clio enough time to realize that she wants more from life than to be the property of a man who doesn't care for her. She wants to be independent, to make her own choices. And if she ever does decide to marry it'll be to someone like Rafe, a man she loves.

Rafe knows he's been a constant disappointment to his family, so when it comes to watching over Clio until his brother returns from his wanderings to claim his bride, he's not going to let anything, not even Clio's decision not to marry Piers, stand in the way of holy matrimony.

My thoughts...

There are only a handful of authors who can pen a tale guaranteed to sweep me off my feet, and Tessa Dare is one of them. Rafe and Clio are proof that opposites attract, and attract with a chemistry that burns up the pages. The supporting cast is made up of great characters, but Phoebe, Clio's sister...that is a girl I adore and want to see her find her happily ever after with a man who will love her for all her...quirks.

The bottom line...

This is a book that can be read alone, so if you're thinking about beginning this series but aren't quite sure, think no more. I love the way this story unfolds and, like all of Tessa Dare's stories, it's an entertaining, passionate, and fun read. I can't wait for more!!!!!

An eARC of this story was provided by Avon Books via Edelweiss. To show my appreciation I'm giving them an honest review.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,274 reviews70k followers
November 4, 2016
This wasn't the best, but it was still cute.
I'm not always sold on Tessa Dare's heroes, but I do seem to always like her heroines. They aren't the typical historical romance girl, and (to me) that's enjoyable. I guess I like that they're plucky and not quite proper?


Anyway, Clio is done waiting on her fiancee to return home and marry her. They've been engaged forever, and at this point, she's the butt of jokes because of him. She's recently inherited a castle (because, duh. That's what this series is about!) which she believes can turn a profit, and she's determined to get out of this embarrassing engagement. All she has to do is get her fiancee's brother (who basically has power of attorney) to nullify their agreement.
By the way, the brother (aka love interest) is a boxer...
Mmmmm. Sexxxxy!


He (for a multitude is ridiculous reasons) wants her to go through with the marriage. So, he basically becomes a wedding planner in an attempt to sway her decision.
Ok. Not really. But some of it was cute, and I giggled a few times.


If you're looking for something to read at the beach, you could do worse than this. Which, I'll admit sounds like I didn't like it, but I did! I flew through in a a day or two, and it left me with a smile on my face. Can't ask for much more than that, right?

Oh. And I almost forgot. There's an aging, gross dog thrown in for good measure...

Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,564 reviews166 followers
June 9, 2021
Say Yes to the Marquess (Castles Ever After #2), Tessa Dare

The story starts with our heroine engaged (for 8 long years) to the hero's brother. After eight years of waiting for Piers Brandon, the wandering Marquess of Granville, to set a wedding date, Clio Whitmore has had enough.

She's inherited a castle, scraped together some pride, and made plans to break her engagement.

Castles Ever After:
Romancing the Duke (February 2014)
Say Yes to the Marquess (January 2015)
When a Scot Ties the Knot (August 2015)
Do You Want to Start a Scandal (Sept 2016)

تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز دهم ماه سپتامبر سال 2017میلادی

عنوان: به خیمه شب بازی بله بگو؛ کتاب دوم از قلعه های پس از آن؛ نویسنده: تسا دیر؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م

در کتاب نخست از این سری «ایزی» دختر نویسنده ای نام آور بود، و داستان آن کتاب نخست سری از خواندنیهای پیش از خواب شیرین؛ انگار کنید داستانی از هزار و یکشب و افسانه های دیگر همانند «سیندرلا» را میخواندید؛ داستانها از زمانی آغاز میشدند که «ایزی» دوازده سال داشته، و در حال رشد بوده، و در دنیای داستانهای خیال انگیز شوالیه های شجاع، و دختران باکره زندگی میکرده، او هماره امید به شبهای سفید، و عشق عاشقانه داشته؛ و سپس او بیست و شش ساله، و بی پناه شده، و هیچ عشقی را تجربه نکرده بود؛ در آن کتاب «ایزی» نامه ای ناباورانه، از وکیل پدرخوانده ی خود دریافت میکند، که به او میگوید، چیزی به ارث برده است، و باید او را در یک قلعه ی عجیب دیدار کند؛

در این کتاب «ایزی»؛ آنگونه که از تصویر روی جلد کتاب پیداست، انگار یک عروسی باشکوه در راه است؛ و ...؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 18/03/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Irena BookDustMagic.
677 reviews773 followers
May 8, 2021
This was really good! Not as good as Romancing the Duke but I still enjoyed it so much.

Full review to come.
Profile Image for April (Aprilius Maximus).
1,131 reviews6,477 followers
July 3, 2019
1.) Romancing the Duke ★★★★★
2.) Say Yes to the Marquess ★★★★★
3.) When A Scot Ties The Knot ★★★★.5


It's official. I'm trash for this series. I LOVED that this featured an independent young woman who challenged inequality between men and women and that masturbation was openly discussed and that this was mainly about the main character learning to love herself and become who she's meant to be and IT JUST GAVE ME ALL THE FEELS. THIS SERIES IS DA BEST.
Profile Image for Carol Cork *Young at Heart Oldie*.
425 reviews221 followers
November 2, 2016
I LOVE Tessa Dare’s books! They are romantic, sexy, funny and full of wonderful characters that always capture my heart. I was totally captivated by SAY YES TO THE MARQUESS from start to finish.


Rafe Brandon was a black sheep. A hotheaded rebel. The Devil’s Own. He was known throughout England for being quick, crude, strong, dangerous.

I love that, beneath that tough exterior, Rafe hides a tender, vulnerable heart. As a boy, he longed to be the sort of son his father could love, studious and level-headed like his older brother, Piers, and someone his father could be proud of. However, Rafe was big and rough and, by nature, impulsive and unruly, preferring outdoor pursuits to studying. Finally, things came to a head with his father and he was banished from the house. He is forced to make a life for himself and prizefighting gives him that chance and provides the discipline he has always lacked.


“I quietly declared my own independence. I am the sovereign nation of Clio now. And there will be no terms of surrender.”

I love this determination she has to grasp her independence and live her own life and inheriting Twill Castle means she doesn’t need the security of marriage anymore. She has learnt a lot about herself during the past eight years and knows her own capabilities. I love the idea of her opening a brewery and her wide spectrum of reading during the lonely eight years has provided her with the necessary knowledge. Unlike so many heroines, she is curvaceous and I hated her mother for so cruelly trying to mould Clio into something she isn’t.

Clio and Rafe had such wonderful chemistry and watching their romance unfold was an absolute delight. It was funny, poignant, romantic and sensual and here are just a few of my favourite moments.

“And for every crusading knight who won a tournament for his lady in this castle, I promise you— there were a hundred men who spent a solid decade scratching themselves and having pissing contests from the ramparts.”

“I’m a faithful, drooling little thing you want to keep alive, so Piers can come home and pat me on the head. Toss me a biscuit, perhaps.”

The image erupted in his mind’s eye, as unbidden as it vivid. Clio. Breathless. Naked. Under him. Stripped of all good manners and inhibitions. Begging him to learn her every secret shade of pink. Rafe blinked hard. Then he took that mental image and filed it away under pleasant sounding Impossibilities. Right between “flying carriage” and “beer fountain”.

They kissed and kissed, as the rain fell around them. It was so absurdly romantic, Clio thought her heart would burst.

We’re going to drape her in silks. Drown her in flowers and fancy cakes, until she’s giddy with bridal excitement.

In that moment, Clio looked inside her heart. It was the clearest glimpse she’d ever had. She saw the entirety of her future. Their future . The castle, the brewery . Children. Christmases and Easters and summer rain.

“Clio, you are . . .” Sensual, alluring, voluptuous. “Beautiful.”

As always, Ms Dare delighted me with a lively cast of secondary characters. There is “Sir Coxcomb and Lady Featherbrain” alias Daphne, Clio’s snobbish, overbearing sister and her husband, the preening, obnoxious prig, Sir Teddy Cambourne; smart, quirky Phoebe, Clio’s youngest sister, who sometimes says the most outrageous things; Bruno Aberforth Montague Esquire, alias Bruiser, Rafe’s trainer, who kept me thoroughly entertained with his capers; Piers, Rafe’s brother, who was certainly a surprise and definitely worthy of his own book. Last but not least, Ellingworth, the squattest,oldest, ugliest bulldog ever, who had me cheering when this happened…

“Oh.” She clapped a hand to her mouth. “Oh, dear.” Evidently she wasn’t the only one who’d mistaken Daphne for statuary.
Ellingworth was urinating on her foot.

Once again, Tessa Dare enchanted me with her beautiful writing, her heart-warming stories, her endearing characters and her brilliant humour.


Castles Ever After series so far (click on the cover for more details):

Romancing the Duke (Castles Ever After, #1) by Tessa Dare Say Yes to the Marquess (Castles Ever After, #2) by Tessa Dare When a Scot Ties the Knot (Castles Ever After, #3) by Tessa Dare

This review is also posted on my Rakes and Rascals blog:
Profile Image for Saswati.
473 reviews331 followers
August 10, 2020
“Every man has one woman who was his first proper fantasy. The first he thought about, day and night. The first he woke from dreams of, hard and aching.” He met her gaze. “You were that woman for me.”

Story : 4.25 'cake-sounds' stars 🌟

I can't even begin to describe how hot Rafe was. A historical romance with a hero who is a ring-boxing champion? Yes, please! *stars in my eyes*

Clio was a very strong heroine. She was brave, intelligent, sassy and not to mention, when she wants something, she really goes for it.

“You say your brother is perfect? Well, apparently I prefer men with flaws. Maybe Piers is one of England’s heroes. Rafe, you’re mine.”

Also, I think this is the first time I've read a historical romance with a plus-sized heroine. Loved that!

Their chemistry was so, so good.

They kissed and kissed, as the rain fell around them. It was so absurdly romantic, Clio thought her heart would burst.

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I really enjoyed this book more than the first one! 🙈

Audio : 4.5 stars 🌟

As always, Carmen Rose's narration was amazing. ❤️
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,401 followers
January 11, 2017
If you are going to read a series by this author, definitely go for the Spindle Cove series instead of this one. The first book was cute and funny enough, but this one just fell a bit flat. I never really fell in love with the characters. I think I liked the side characters better than either of the main couple.

First, there is the sister who has some form of autism. She was pretty brilliant.

When they are picking out an ice sculpture for the wedding and our main girl says "swans":

"Yes, but everyone has swans,” Daphne said.

“They’re supposed to be romantic because they mate for life.”

In the mirrored reflection, Phoebe arched one slender eyebrow. “So do vultures, wolves, and African termites. I haven’t seen any ice sculptures of them.”

I think I would pay good money for an African Termite ice sculpture.

This is an African Termite mound. Even the giraffe is blown away by it. Holy Shit, dudes! Your home is fabulous! We should immortalize it in ice form and let it slowly melt into a giant punch bowl!

Actually, I think I could make one of those ice sculptures myself. I'll need a chunk of an iceberg and a chain saw. Never mind that my hubs has forbidden me from going near the chain saw ever again. Everyone's fine now. Sheesh! Some people hold a grudge. Pinky toes aren't THAT important.

The other side character that I loved was the main guy's trainer, who is posing as a gentleman. He has a secret weapon to fit in with high society: a monocle. Apparently they called them "quizzing glasses"? I don't get it.

"Someone talks over your head? Quizzing glass. Someone asks a question you can't answer? Quizzing glass."

"You honestly think a stupid monocle is all you need to blend in with the aristocracy?"

Bruiser raised the quizzing glass and peered at Rafe through the lens. Solemnly.

The idiot might be onto something...

Yes, a monocle makes anything classier.

See? Point proven!

So, there were funny moments, but they were usually from other characters. I never felt a huge connection to our main couple, and because of that, I didn't really care all that much about whether or not they got together.

Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,977 reviews6,111 followers
December 1, 2016

Vastly, hugely disappointing.

I probably should have given less than 2 stars because I paid a lot of money for the ebook + audiobook and I could barely finish it. I'm utterly devastated because I loved the first in the series, but this was such a let down.

First of all, the plot really made no sense. The whole conflict with Rafe trying to convince Clio to marry his brother though NO ONE wanted that scenario was very weak. I usually think that Tessa Dare does a brilliant job with plotting, but this one dragged with a plot that felt half-hearted. And the whole thing with Rafe prize fighting and being ejected from society, though he was a son of a marquess, also didn't make much sense. It was all such a mess, honestly, and I struggled my way through it.

Clio belonged in a contemporary romance, not a historical romance. The whole book had no bearing on anything historical. Ugh.

The narration was fair at best. I was annoyed at the narrator, and she didn't grow on me like she did in the first book in the series.

I'm telling you, skip right over this one. My first Tessa Dare miss.
Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,151 reviews55.3k followers
December 14, 2018
i could go my whole life without ever hearing or reading the word "tupping" again

but that being said, this was fun. it's my third tessa dare book this month and it didn't disappoint. there was a lot to love. a plus sized (maybe??? idk it wasn't explicit but def implied) heroine who wanted to run her own brewery. a damaged ring fighting hero. and a whole lot of cake and bull dogs.

i mean it's a historical romance so i'm not sure much needs to be detailed in terms of plot, but i liked how everything unfolded. and unlike the previous 2 books i've read of tessa dare, this one didn't have a last minute "hero gets cold feet about love" situation. which i really appreciate. i can't stand last minute contrived conflict.

all of that aside, i don't think this story is that memorable or dare's best work. i wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to someone looking for a fun historical but it didn't wow me. 3 stars.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,733 reviews1,562 followers
February 13, 2015
This was missing…..something I can’t quite put my finger on it but it needed a little dash of… OMG and I can’t believe I’m going to say this…. a love triangle.

*Ducks Head from flying fruit and shoes*

I NEVER really enjoy most love triangles but this book could have done with a little splash of one. Clio has been engaged to Piers for 8 years….8 years….8 years of him being away and them never getting married. It has become a big joke and a betting attraction in High Society as to IF there will ever be a wedding.

Well Clio is done with all of that. After she is left a castle by a dead relation she has no need to marry anymore and has set off to get Pier’s brother Rafe to sign some papers to dissolve the engagement contract. Except Rafe is bound and determined that Clio marry his brother so that Piers will settle down at home and Rafe can be free of handling all of the family business since his father’s death. Rafe will see them married even if he has to plan the entire wedding himself.
He doesn’t love me.”
“Of course he does. Or he will. Love has a way of creeping up on a man. I’d venture to say love has to creep up on a man. If men ever saw it coming, we’d only run away.”

First there is Rafe will I like him, he is a ‘I’m a fighter not a lover’ sort of brute who is just a little misunderstood and broken. He has recently lost his championship boxing title and the only thing in the world he wants is to be left alone to he can train to reclaim it.

Second there is Clio. I like her most of the time but she doesn’t compare to Izzy from Romancing the Duke was this incredible funny full of life heroine who wanted a whirlwind romance so much she was sometimes just cutely ridiculous. Clio gets a little whiny at times and lets people walk all over her. I totally get it, with the upbringing and her background and then Rafe the fighter is going to teach her how to fight for herself….it is cute but she annoyed me sometimes. At least Rafe didn’t see it as sulking he knows how much family can cut you.
“Just because they're family doesn't mean they won't hurt you. It means they know how to cut deep.”

And then there is the ever absent Piers who didn’t show up until really close to the end of this story. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy he is just absent. I really would have liked to see him or some form of him earlier perhaps in love letters, or something but he is just gone.

Rafe and Clio do have some very tender and romantic moments together as they are thrown into some situations planning a wedding, the wedding Clio doesn’t want. I particularly liked the scene with the wedding cakes.

While most of Clio’s family is dismal she does have one slightly odd and peculiar sister that at least I enjoyed. Pheobe is odd I love odd girls and I would read an entire story about someone trying to win her since she is freaking adorable. Lost in numbers, calculations and string Pheobe added a lot to the story for me. She is the one friend that Clio seems to have in her family. Everyone else who tried to help her seemed to hurt her and damage her more than anything else. But Pheobe adds just enough innocence and straight man comedy that she is who made me laugh the most.
“Yes, but everyone has swans,” Daphne said. “They’re supposed to be romantic because they mate for life.”
In the mirrored reflection, Phoebe arched one slender eyebrow. “So do vultures, wolves, and African termites. I haven’t seen any ice sculptures of them.”

This isn’t my favorite Tessa Dare story she has a few that I enjoyed so much more but it still have some fun banter, cutesy scenes and tender moments. Romancing the Duke is a must in the Tessa Dare collection but this one is really just when you don’t have anything else going on.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,618 followers
January 6, 2019
Clio Whitmore has been engaged to Marquess Piers Brandon for several years, until she is fed up waiting when he will back from abroad.
Luckily she has inherited a beautiful castle. Now she can put a stop in this arranged engagement and live her life independently.

Unfortunately she needs the help of Piers’ brother, Rafe Brandon.
Rafe is a notorious rake and a famous fistfighter. He does not need any more complications in his life. Miss Clio needs to marry his brother so that he can be left alone to fight to win his title back again.

Well, Clio does NOT want to get married to his brother and that is final.
What happens next is that Clio will turn Rafe's world upside down.

“Ah.” He paused. “I see where this is going. You want to know my secret pain.”
“Secret pain?”
“Oh, yes. My inner demons. The dark current of torment washing away little grains of my soul. That’s what you’re after. You think that if you keep me here in your pretty castle and cosset me with sixteen pillows, I’ll learn to love myself and cease submitting my body to such horrific abuse.”
Clio bit her lip, grateful it was too dark for him to see her blush. If she’d been flamingo pink the other day, she must be fuchsia now. “I don’t know where you get these ideas.”
He chuckled. “From every woman I’ve ever met, that’s where. You’re not the first to try it, and you won’t be the last.”
“How disappointing. Can I at least be the best?”

4 stars for the story and 1 extra star for the magnificent cake fight.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,606 reviews4,367 followers
April 14, 2019
3.5 Stars

Overall Opinion: This was an enjoyable HR read! I really like Tessa Dare's ability to give us likable characters and some great witty banter. This is what I like and look for when reading a HR. I just wish the ending gave me more! I can't justify (to myself at least) a higher rating because I was left wanting in the end. I know that this couple makes a cameo in the brother's book, Do You Want to Start a Scandal, but I don't think it was that much -- and definitely not enough to satisfy my need for some good closure.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Clio and Rafe's story. Clio is at her wit's end and reaches out to Rafe to help her end her ~8 year engagement to his brother. Rafe doesn't want anything to do with it even though he understands where she is coming from, so he devises a plan to get her so involved and excited about wedding planning that she will for sure marry his brother when he returns from the states in a couple weeks. There is the small problem of the strong attraction between them and the connection that they have felt towards one another since they were children. There are some funny scenes, some sexy times, and a few sad moments...and they get a HEA ending.

POV: This alternated between focusing on Clio and Rafe in 3rd person narrative.

Overall Pace of Story: Good, I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well.

Instalove: No, they've known each other since they were children and had some feelings when the story begins.

H rating: 5 stars. Rafe. I loved him! He was damaged from his family and he just wanted someone to love him (even though he might not have recognized it)! He was a great mix of being a brute, sweet, and sexy.

h rating: 4.5 stars. Clio. I really liked her. It seems to be that I tend to enjoy Ms. Dare's hs where normally I am tougher on the h in other stories. She was smart, sassy, loyal, and sweet.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW/OM drama: Yes, but not in the typical sense

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This didn't have nearly enough closure for me! We get them finally together and then the epilogue! Why not let us have some time with them figuring out their futures together? Why not a farther glimpse into their future with a family of their own? I'm probably being overly picky again. I would still call this a HEA even though I wanted more.

Safety: This one should be either Safe or Safe with exception for most safety gang readers depending on personal preferences
Profile Image for maura delaney.
429 reviews82 followers
August 27, 2020
Unpopular opinion coming. I absolutely loved this more than any of her other books! I have now read four Tessa Dare books and this one is my absolute favorite. I can't believe I am adding a historical romance to my favorite shelf!

I think my love from this book mainly comes from the main character Clio. I related to her in ways that I have not in a very long time. She is a curvy heroine who has let people walk all over her for too long and she is sick of it. She grows and learns so much about herself throughout this book in ways that were so realistic. Then we have Rafe. He was so swoon-worthy. I mean, everyone who likes a bad boy just wants that one bad boy who is soft for them and that is exactly what he was. He was caring, lovable, and just so sweet to Clio.

I can't wait to continue on with this series!

Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
868 reviews1,523 followers
April 14, 2022
This was very cute, with a great setup, and after absolutely loving book one I had high hopes for this but I didn't love it quite as much. I think it's largely because the bad boy vibes that seemed placed on the hero and the back and forth that seemed to last a bit too long.

Still a really delightful read.
Profile Image for Azet.
1,050 reviews260 followers
May 24, 2022
"Say Yes to the Marquess" is the second book in the "Castles Ever After"-series that have completely captured my romantic heart.Tessa Dare always makes me laugh and swoon and tempts me into this blissful journey of wedding battle,cake fights,castles and two individuals who finds themselves falling passionately in love with each other against all odds.Ah my pounding heart,i loved this romance!!!
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Clio Whitmore is a blonde beauty of a heroine who has just inherited a castle called Twill Castle (did they really name castles that way?).After 8 years of waiting to marry her fiance she just realizes that she has no urge to ever marry him.After all now people even calls her Wait-More,i mean how embarrasing that must be.So she will need the help of his rebellious younger brother to help her sign the engagement papers so she will be free from the engagement.But the hot-tempered and infamous prize fighter Rafe Brandon called The Devil`s Own will have none of it!She must marry his brother if he have to plan that damn wedding himself.


“I was so stupid this morning,” he whispered. “If you want me to shuffle papers, I’ll shuffle papers. If you wanted me to give up fighting, I’d do that. I’d do anything to keep you, Clio. I love you. I wish I had better ways to show it. All I have is this brash, reckless heart. But it’s yours.”



Clio and Rafe are child-hood friends who used to prank each other and play games all the time.Its so sweet when they remember those moments,and now finally find each other after all these 8 years.I love their deep conversations,the fun bickering and the sexy talking.Rafe made her bloom into a woman,and made her appreaciate her beauty while she made him feel worthy as a man.There was a sort of desperation in the emotions that stirred in every moment with them together.It was sorching hot and intensely romantic how they find love in Twill Castle.I adored Clio`s younger sister Phoebe and wish her to have her own book someday,Rafe`s trainer Bruiser made many comedic remarks and made me fall down with laughter,and Rafe´s brother Piers Brandon proves to be a promising future hero,i know he will find his heroine in the lovely Charlotte Highwood from the "Spindle Cove" series and i damn well look forward to it!
Profile Image for Julie.
4,143 reviews38.1k followers
December 14, 2014
Say Yes to the Marquess by Tessa Dare is a 2014 Avon Publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

This is a wonderful, well rounded, entertaining historical romance from Tessa Dare.

Clio is tired of waiting for her fiance to return and go through with their arranged marriage. She has been fortunate enough to inherit a castle and wishes to have her freedom. This involved having papers signed that will officially break the engagement and set her free. So, Clio searches out her fiance's brother, Rafe. She will have him sign the dissolution papers and be on her way. But, Rafe refuses to sign the papers. Instead, he insist on helping Clio plan her wedding.

Rafe, is the second son and mostly left to his own devices by his family. He is a boxer and has other business plans as well, which is why he needs his brother to follow through with this wedding. So, he sets out to convince Clio that she will be very happy and have everything she ever wanted if she goes forth with the wedding.

Clio is more than skeptical and has already made up her mind against a loveless marriage. So, Rafe pulls out every trick in the book to no avail. In the meantime, he is finding himself beginning to understand Clio's point of view more and more, but he still can not sign those papers... even though he is falling love with his brother's fiance.

Tessa Dare has a voice that is unique and speaks to her readers in a special way. I thoroughly enjoyed this refreshing historical that left out all the pomp and circumstance of regency romance. Instead, the characters were real, sincere, human and each had an almost palpable loneliness about them which will make you root for them all the more. The pace is excruciating at times because the tension between Clio and Rafe was so thick I couldn't stand the suspense. Humor, true love, hot love scenes, and sweet, heart tugging moments makes this one a 5 star read.
Profile Image for K..
4,123 reviews1,145 followers
November 14, 2022
Trigger warnings: Fat shaming and forced dieting by a parent (in the past. The character mentions it as something that used to happen), toxic parenting

On reread, I'm bumping this up to 4.5 stars because it just honestly brought me an endless amount of joy.

4 stars. What the hell was I supposed to read while dealing with a suspected case of FREAKING MUMPS LIKE IT'S 1935 UP IN HERE. I stand by everything I said last time. This was delightful and ridiculous and a hell of a lot of fun.

Okay, so here's the thing: these books are utterly ridiculous from start to finish. But they're also utterly enjoyable.

They all seem to feature a female protagonist who's suddenly independent after being left a castle by her godfather in his will. They all seem to feature a slightly douchey male protagonist with a heart of gold who just needs to be taken down a peg or two and reminded of his humanity. They all feature delightful supporting characters and fun side plots and general mayhem and swooning.

In this one? The female protagonist has decided she's sick of waiting for her fiance of eight years to come home from Europe and marry her, and so she's going to persuade his slightly estranged brother - who seems to have power of attorney - to sign off on the dissolution of their engagement so that she can start a brewery.


That's a thing.

Basically? It was great. I think this may actually be my favourite of the three Tessa Dare books I've read so far. Also? Clio's youngest sister definitely read as being on the autism spectrum to me, which was a fun touch, given that historical fiction is frequently the whitest, straightest, most able bodied place of ever.

So yeah. This was great. It's April's fault. Okay bye.
Profile Image for Sara (sarawithoutanH).
589 reviews3,924 followers
August 27, 2018
I enjoyed this a lot more than Romancing the Duke. I really loved Clio - I liked her boldness and ambition. Also, Rafe was a vast improvement as far as love interests go (I really didn't like Ransom in RTD). Overall, this romance was cute. I'd recommend it if you're looking for something quick and fun.
November 26, 2015
I don't know what it is with this book, but it didn't work for me. I had to work to read this and ended up skimming when I got bored. Rafe spent the whole book trying to convince Clio (I dislike that name) to go through with marrying his absentee brother while being attracted to her the whole time. And she's spent 8 years engaged to this absentee man & still lacks a backbone, even after finally deciding to dissolve the engagement. She lets everyone trod over her, even Rafe.

Others have said this was funny, I didn't find it so. The only one humorous was the youngest sister, Phoebe. The middle sister and brother-in-law were obtusely insulting. Rafe was insulting at times as well, and fickle.

I'll probably read the next book in this series as it's so well rated, but if that's a dud, I'm done with this author. I've not been wowed by her books.
Profile Image for b.andherbooks.
2,205 reviews1,190 followers
October 10, 2023
Clio was the talk of the ton after securing a proposal at her debut, but after waiting 8 years for her erstwhile fiancee to come home, she and the rest of society doubt the marriage will ever take place. Deciding that she is through with waiting, and ready to build her own life (and her own brewery!!) after inheriting a castle, Clio just needs the missing fiancee's brother to sign a nullification of the marriage contract. Too bad for Clio, the wild, prizefighting brother she has always been attracted to is not going to let her off so easily.

This was so much fun. Tessa Dare imbues her characters with a great sense of self, and a great sense of humor. There was cake, beer, and even a farty old bulldog. Rafe was a great hero, and the strife between the characters was not about resisting love for silly reasons, but for the real issue of Clio's engagement to Rafe's brother. Also, the sex scenes were super steamy and had wonderful tension building. Loved it!

2017 - Listened to this on audio book and it was just as enjoyable a romp as the first time. Clio is a great heroine who genuinely cares for herself, her family, and the man she loves. She wants her brewery and she'll have it just like when she decides she wants Rafe and she WILL have him as well. I adored how Rafe only wanted the best for her and his qualms about being with her stemmed from his fears of alienating his last family member. Also, when we finally meet the missing fiancee, we find out Piers isn't really an asshole, he just wasn't really in love with Clio. Of course he could have handled things better, but he had his reasons.

And let's not forget Bruiser the trainer and Ellingworth the bulldog! Such great secondary characters in Tessa Dare's novels. <3

2020 -Basically this book is one of my all-time favorite romances. You know who gives me a mighty thirst? One of my all-time favorite romance heroes, Rafe Brandon. This prizefighter gave my heart a TKO when he tried to plan the best ever wedding for his one true love, Lady Clio Whitmore, and her intended, HIS BROTHER.
Before you say wait a minute, how is this romantic, let me tell you this is the best pining I’ve ever seen on page. Rafe is completely devastated by his love for his brother’s fiancee and all he desires is to make her happy, even if that means giving her all the cakes to choose from for her wedding.
His selfless actions AND his care for Clio make him an A+ in my book.

I am going to add a CW now that I've read this again in 2020. Lady Clio is described as "voluptuous, curvy" and called "Dumpling" by her jerk brother-in-law and her sister. She is starved by her own mother and abused for her entire young adult hood to make her "acceptable" to her fiancee and society. This is awful, and something I noticed in previous reads but really was extra awful to me this go around. Rafe loves Clio for who she is and loves her cake noises. But Clio's family is awful. So, tread lightly if this may be hurtful for you to read.

2021 - reread with the #ButDoTheyBang Darelings and I'm still just as in love with this book as I ever was. Rafe, described by author Tessa Dare as a "gruff-buff hero" is my favorite type of romance character. Growly, gruff, desperately pining for the woman he loves; doesn't understand feeeeelings and is slayed by a warm hug. Picked up more of Rafe's ADHD in this read, and disagreed with an assessment that Rafe was taking Clio's agency away. Clio and Rafe made a deal, I saw this more as a bout between two prizefighters. Also Bruiser is bisexual!

2023 - remains just as delightful upon my umpteenth re-read (this time by audio). The "why can't they be together" is absolutely heartbreaking in so many ways, and the how the HEA is won is both deft and hard won without making any of the parties true villains (even if I see Clio's sister and husband and mother as VILLAINS because they are).
Profile Image for Sabina.
24 reviews
November 19, 2018
I usually love Tessa Dare books, and while I liked this one there was a bit too much saccharine for me. I think for once I would love a novel where the hero isn’t emotionally tortured over his love for the heroine, but just goes for it. I mean, clearly Piers was kind of a jerk for leaving Clio waiting for eight years without giving her any idea of what her fate would be. Yes he was off doing daring and dramatic things in the name of the crown, but he either should have filled her in, or let her out of her arrangement. The fact that Rafe would want to force her into a marriage with someone who pretty much abandoned her for that long didn’t make sense to me. If he loved her, he’d be angry on her behalf … not trying to push her into the situation even further.
Profile Image for Sher❤ The Fabulous BookLover.
910 reviews576 followers
March 10, 2015
Maybe I'm burned out with HR, but I've been trying to read this for a month, so I ended up just skimming the story. I do know it's not as good as Romancing the Duke IMO. I think maybe I'm just not into two brothers vying for the same girl. If you don't mind that storyline then you'll like this book:)
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,548 reviews552 followers
July 30, 2021
Usual Tessa Dare fare with fun characters, nice banter, sizzle, hunky hero, smart and sweet heroine, and mutual unrequited love.

Nice bonus of this at the end.

I would love to get Phoebe's romance though.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,783 reviews

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