UC Newsroom |

UC’s rich and thriving poetic tradition goes back 100 years — and will keep you reading all year long

From poet laureates to Nobel Prize winners, UC has been a major influence on American poetry.
UC Newsroom |

Three federal policies that matter to UC students right now

UC students traveled to DC to give lawmakers a primer on what policy changes students need.
UC Newsroom |

How UC will you be?

Campus by campus, dive into clubs, classes and experiences you can only get here.
UC Irvine |

Bringing ancient Egypt to life

A professor uses pop culture to demystify pharaohs, pyramids and more.
UC Newsroom |

Young UC scientists selected as fellows to prestigious Nobel laureate meeting

27 highly accomplished young scientists were awarded the opportunity to join Nobel laureates from around the globe at the 2024 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany.
UC Newsroom |

Coming of age in a warming world: How UC students are turning climate anxiety into action

How do UC students think about their futures, knowing that the climate they were born into will probably look a whole lot different than the one they grow old in?
UC Newsroom |

‘The UC Effect’: Shaping the future of AI

UC’s first systemwide Congress on AI delved into the technology’s promise and perils — and the unique role the university can play in leading the way forward.
UC Irvine |

New study unlocks the secrets of birth defect origins

Research findings offer new targets for early detection and prevention strategies.
UC Newsroom |

Got climate anxiety? This UC course can help.

The deadline to register for the new UC Climate Resilience course is March 29.
UC Irvine |

Autonomous vehicle technology vulnerable to road object spoofing and vanishing attacks

UC Irvine researchers find security flaws in first- and next-generation LiDAR systems.
UC Irvine |

Boosting health equity with lab-grown tissues

UC Irvine engineer named one of Popular Science’s Brilliant 10 for using lab-grown blood vessels to benefit marginalized groups.
UC Newsroom |

UC has sent more women to space than any other school in the solar system

Since Sally Ride's history-making flight in 1983, the University of California has built a stellar roster of woman astronauts.