10 Things You Didn’t Know About Tyler Blackburn – TVovermind

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Tyler Blackburn

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Tyler Blackburn

If you have been an avid fan of teenage shows like “Pretty Little Liars,” and “Ravenswood” then you must have come across Tyler Blackburn who has been acting since he was in elementary school. He does not talk much about his love life, although in 2019, he said he was dating an amazing guy. Most of his interviews have been about his sexuality, so here is what he has disclosed so far.

1. He felt he had to suppress his bisexuality

Tyles has known he is bisexual since he was a teenager, but then after learning bisexuals are treated like people who cannot figure out which side they are on, he suppressed his attraction to men. However, in his late twenties, Tyler realized he needed to get his back power back, admitting that he had been bullied since 10th grade thus has always opted for what felt safe. The actor hence told TeenVogue that he wanted to feel powerful in his skin by coming out publicly as bisexual.

2. His first serious relationship with a man

Tyler had his first serious relationship with a man as the final season of “Pretty Little Liars” was coming to an end. Although a few castmates knew he was bisexual, he did not know how to let the rest know; therefore, he was not comfortable on set. His new relationship was strained further since Tyler did not publicly introduce his boyfriend thus during the series’ convention, the boyfriend was mistaken for Tyler’s brother. Ultimately, the two lovebirds went their separate ways.

3. He struggled with depression

When it rains, it pours, and not everyone is mentally-equipped to deal with difficult times. Consequently, when “Pretty Little Liars” final season ended in 2017, Tyler had no work and did not know the next step he would take for his career. Unfortunately, he had also just broken up with a man he had considered the first serious boyfriend, so he was an emotional wreck. The actor therefore became depressed and struggled with anxiety too. He had to wait for a while to get another meaningful role in a show; he was confirmed a cast member in “Roswell, New Mexico” in early March 2018.

4. He watched the original “Roswell” before filming the reboot

Tyler watched the original show when he was a teenager, and after he was confirmed as a cast member for the reboot, the actor watched the pilot of the original. However, he realized the two shows were very different hence did not continue watching the original otherwise, it would affect his portrayal of the character. All the same, it was not easy for him filming his part of Alex since he was forced to become vulnerable.

5. He was hoping his father would accept him as a bisexual

Fathers always hope their sons, will make them proud, and Tyler realized his sexuality might upset his father; thus, he was worried that his father would shun him. The two had not been close, considering that Tyler met his father when he was five years old. Still, Tyler was eager to get his approval. As published by Playboy when he came out publicly, he was anxious to hear what his father had to say. Luckily, he said he was proud of Tyler.

6. He has always loved music

Growing up, Tyler’s mother loved listening to music, so he was exposed to songs by Diana Ross, Sara McLachlan and Chopin. His father, on the other hand, was in the music industry and introduced Tyler to several bands which helped reinforce his passion for music. As a result, the actor starred in musicals, and since some of his friends were musicians too, they influenced him to become a musician as well. He does not feel a particular fondness for a specific genre because what matters to him is the soul in them. He, therefore, confessed that he loves listening to Billy Eilish, James Blake and Frank Ocean.

7. He has worn contacts since he was 12

In April 2012, Acuvue announced the celebrities that would be in the mentorship program. The 1-Day Contest saw five stars, including Tyler partner with a person whom they were supposed to mentor for a day. For Tyler, he was excited to do it because having worn contact lenses since he was 12, the actor knew the brand was one he could support. Tyler therefore helped Courtney see the potential that lay ahead if she only focused on being an actor.

8. He was more than friends with Ashley Benson

Where there is smoke, there is fire. People were right to assume that Tyler and Ashley had chemistry beyond the screen. He admitted that they connected because they both hated the tabloids for prying into their lives. Their friendship grew, and Tyler said that she was a significant part of his life because she had helped him overcome a few challenges. Still, that friendship line was blurred, and as reported on Mail online, they never officially dated, which could only mean they did things that official couples usually do.

9. His advice for teenagers

When Tyler was 25, he explained that a teenager needs to have the right support system as he had from his family and friends. He added that in the acting world, people are forced to behave and look a certain way, and unless you remain true to yourself, you will most likely give in and lose yourself. He consequently advised that you can beat such pressure by surrounding yourself with those who love you as you are and hold an uncompromising stance in your life.

10. Why he stayed for long without going public on his sexuality

People have struggled with their sexuality so much that it has been to the detriment of their careers. For instance, Ian Thorpe admitted that he was gay after denying it for so long, and his ex-teammate said that Ian had retired early because he could not deal with lying about his sexuality. Tyler, on the other hand, was ready to come out as bisexual, but his management team advised him to hold on until he had secured another job after “Pretty Little Liars.”

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