Freedom Train

Music From A Timeless Generation - You've Lived It, Now Celebrate It!


Freedom Train brings the greatest songs of all time to life with an authentic respect to the essence and intensity of the original classics! 

Freedom Train is dedicated to keeping the best classic songs alive by keeping it live: no backing tracks, no autotune, just pure music played with faithful precision - LIVE! 

Performing over 150 shows annually (over a 1500 shows since 2010), Freedom Train has played Massey Hall, MGM Grand in Vegas, festivals, theatres, clubs, casinos, private parties and corporate events across Canada and the US.

Freedom Train continues to entertains audiences with their spin on the best of rock, R&B, funk, country and reggae. 

This power-trio features the four octave vocal range of vocalist / bassist Carl Jennings, the inventive drumming of Tim Jennings and the creative guitar stylings of Matt Gormley. 

Whether it’s bringing back memories of amazing musical eras or turning new listeners on to timeless songs, Freedom Train loves bringing people together to celebrate the best of times through music!


2024 is here!! 

Freedom Train is booked to play lots of festivals, galas, weddings, parties, and our favourite clubs, we hope to see everyone's FACES in the upcoming season!

Please stayed tuned for show details and updates in the SHOWS section on our site.

Highlight show from the past couple of years include:

  •  Headliner act at The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver 
  • Headlining act at Waterdown Oh Canada Day Music / Rib Festival 
  • Gala performance at The Royal York Ballroom
  • Headlining act at Burlington Rib Fest 
  • Headlining act at Brantford Rib Fest 
  • Hagersville Rocks Music Festival 
  • Dundas Cactus Festival 
  • New Years Eve at Hamilton Convention Centre
  • Winners of the Reader's Choice Awards for Best Musician / Band 2017 & 2018

Check out The Paper Street Journal's interview with Carl:

Big thank you to Gregory Cain for the article!

Click on pic to read story

Click on pic to read story

Downtown Guelph is the place to be on Sunday, June 2nd from 12:00-4:00 p.m. for the Prince Adventures Downtown Guelph Exotic Car Show, presented by Policaro Group, in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Guelph. This signature event is one of the great yearly opportunities to get up close with hundreds of rare, exotic, luxury, and hyper cars in support of a great cause.

Click pic for story