Flag of Nigeria | Flagpedia.net

Flag of Nigeria

Flag of Nigeria

The Nigerian flag was adopted after gaining independence from Britain in 1960. The flag was chosen in 1959 from more than 200 drafts and the winning "designer" was a student from the city Ibadan Michael Taiwo. Originally, the flag consisted of three vertical stripes - two green on sides and one white in-between. Moreover, there was a red sun in the middle of the white stripe, but it was omitted later on, so only three stripes remained till nowadays. The flag should evoke the river Niger undulating between the greenery of Nigerian fields and forests. Another interpretation says that Green refers to the agricultural tradition of Nigeria and that white stripe represents peace.

Country information

Sovereign State Yes
Country codes NG, NGA (ISO 3166-1)
Official name Federal Republic of Nigeria
Capital city Abuja
Continent Africa
Member of United Nations, Commonwealth of Nations, African Union, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, OPEC
Population 200 963 599 (2019)
Total area 923 768 km2
Highest point Chappal Waddi (2 419 m, 7 936 ft)
Lowest point 0 m (0 ft)
GDP per capita $ 2 028 (World Bank, 2018)
Currency Nigerian naira (₦, NGN)
Calling code +234
Internet TLD .ng

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