Inside Rob Kardashian's Weight Loss Journey and Healthier Life Since Stepping Away From the Spotlight | Entertainment Tonight

Inside Rob Kardashian's Weight Loss Journey and Healthier Life Since Stepping Away From the Spotlight

Rob Kardashian has been thriving since taking a step back from both social media and reality television.

Rob Kardashian has been thriving since taking a step back from both social media and reality television.

On Tuesday, a source told ET that the 31-year-old former Keeping Up With the Kardashians star has lost an estimated 30-50 pounds since he weighed his heaviest, and has been getting his life back on track for the sake of his 1-year-old daughter, Dream. 

According to the source, Rob has made major strides not only when it comes to his health, but also in terms of his personal relationships. The source said Rob has improved his co-parenting relationship with his ex-fiancee, Blac Chyna, and has also been spending lots of quality time with his sisters -- Kourtney, Kim and Khloe Kardashian, as well as Kendall and Kylie Jenner.

“His life is completely different now," the source said. 

Let's take a look at how Rob's life has changed since taking a break from the spotlight.

His relationship with Chyna:

Rob retreated from the spotlight after his very public fight with 30-year-old Chyna last July. The two exchanged wild accusations against one another in a heated NSFW social media war, both accusing one another of cheating. Rob also shared graphic naked photos of Chyna, which led her to get a restraining order against him and take legal action. 

In an interview with ABC News last July, Chyna talked about the incident.

"I was devastated, of course," she said. "I'm like, 'How could somebody, like, post these pictures of me?' And I'm like, 'Wow, OK.' This is a person that I trusted."

"I just felt betrayed," she added. "He doesn't respect me. If you can't respect me, you have to respect the law."

However, Chyna's lawyer, Lisa Bloom, made it clear the former stripper wasn't trying to take Dream away from her father.

"Chyna is not concerned about Dream being around Rob," Bloom told ET at the time. "She has said he's a good father, there are nannies around when the baby is with him and she hasn't had any reason to be concerned. We did not ask for the baby to be part of the restraining order… We just want him to stay away from her and to stop cyberbullying her."

But by September of that year, the two were able to reach a custody agreement. "Chyna is pleased that Rob has agreed to peacefully co-parent Dream with her, as she has been requesting all along," Bloom said in a statement.

Although Chyna filed a lawsuit last October against the Kardashian family for "slut-shaming her on social media" and canceling the E! reality show Rob & Chyna, by March it appeared she and Rob were on good terms. Chyna wished Rob a happy 31st birthday on Instagram with a sweet family photo of the three.


In an interview with DailyMailTV earlier this month, Chyna said she doesn't regret her famously stormy relationship with Rob. 

"I wouldn't change nothing of Rob and Chyna at all because that was our reality, the good, the bad and whatever else," she said. 

"You can look into [Dream's] face and just tell she's made of love," she added. "She's, like, perfect."

Interestingly enough, she didn't close the door on someday reconciling with Rob.

"Yes, maybe, we'll see. OK?" she answered when asked about a possible reunion between the two.

His weight:

Fans were shocked at Rob's weight gain in 2014, when he was photographed en route to Italy for Kim's wedding to Kanye West -- which he didn't end up going to because of his admitted insecurities about the way he looked.

"I was doing my suit fittings in Paris right before the wedding and I just wasn't comfortable," he later told People. "I'm 6'1" and at my most, I probably weighed 300 lbs."

He also explained why he stopped filming KUWTK.

"I just wasn't down to have photographers follow me, so I made sure I was away from all of that," he said. "I'm very good at disappearing."

In November 2015, Rob's mother, Kris Jenner, broke down in tears on an episode of KUWTK while discussing Rob's health. 

"I feel like if I don't help him do something drastic, that he's gonna die," she told Kim and Kourtney. "He was always someone who was very athletic growing up, and he's gained over 100 pounds in the last year. He doesn't want to participate. He doesn't go out of the house. He's missed Christmas, he's missed Kim's wedding."

"He obviously has some kind of depression," Kim added. "He is the king of excuses ... I'm the only one that's really tough with him so he probably avoids me the most."

However, in March 2016, Khloe told ET that Rob is "doing really good" and was definitely working on his health. 

"He's doing really good and he's on his healthy fitness journey, which I'm so ecstatic about," Khloe said. "I just want everyone to be happy and healthy -- that's, like, the goal in life ... You gotta do the journey when it's on your time and for you -- you can't do it for anybody else, and that's what's important about life."

By May 2016, Rob revealed he had already shed a significant amount of weight, sharing side-by-side photos of himself on Instagram looking notably trimmer.

"Still got a lot of work to do and weight to lose but glad I'm getting better," he wrote. 

In November of that year, Kourtney and Khloe proudly posted video of him on Snapchat working out with them.

These days, our source says he’s managed to get his health under control by working with professionals and exercising and eating well. 

“Getting out of the spotlight was so important for Rob,” the source said. “He needed to completely change his life, things were spiraling out of control for him and his health and relationships were suffering. He needed to refocus.”

His relationship with his sisters:

Rob hasn't always gotten along with his famous siblings -- especially Kim. In March 2015, Rob infamously called her "the b**ch from Gone Girl" on Instagram.

"Everyone licks Rob's a** and does whatever he says," Kim bluntly told Kris during an episode of KUWTK in April 2015. "It's just like, at some point you just have to give it up. We all make his life so easy."

"We're not gonna cater to him anymore, but it has to be all of us," she declared, also calling him "pathetic."

But the siblings appeared to turn the page after Rob became a father. Kim recently shared video of herself on Snapchat working out in his garage, and last November, Kim shared a sweet birthday message for Dream on her website. "I can't believe you are 1 today," she marveled. "North and Saint are so blessed to have such amazing cousins to grow up with. I love you so much, beautiful girl!"

Clearly, Kim's kids are close with Dream. 

Another close relationship Rob has appeared to have patched up has been with Khloe. Rob actually spent Valentine's Day with Kris, Kim and Khloe this year. 

In November 2015, Khloe admitted to "babying" Rob in her memoir, Strong Looks Better Naked.

"I was doing everything in my power to try to help him, and my entire family accused me of being an enabler," she wrote. "I was the only one who was there for him, I said. They didn't care. None of that was true, of course. They all cared."

"I was constantly checking up on him, making sure he had the food he liked, seeing if he needed anything from the store, asking what I could do to make him more comfortable," she recalled. "My sisters said I was babying him and that he'd never leave the house if I didn't let him fend for himself. I argued with them because it was an emotional issue, and emotion tends to cloud your thinking."

Eventually, she came to the conclusion that Rob needed to help himself.

"I love him and he knows I love him, but he fell into a deep, dark place and couldn't find his way back," she wrote. "He will make changes in his life when he is able to motivate himself. And as much as I wish I could light that fire for him, I now see that the chances of that happening are slim to none."

But these days, our source said that although there was a time when Rob barely left his home, he’s been seen out and about a lot more and seems happy and in good spirits. According to the source, Rob has been spending a lot of time with his sisters and with their children. 

“All the cousins [Dream and Rob’s sisters' kids] are very close,” the source said.

Earlier this month, Khloe hosted a "cousin cupcake party" for her daughter True's 6-month birthday, which included Dream. The priceless group photo also included Kylie's 8-month-old daughter, Stormi, and Kim's youngest kids, 2-year-old Saint and 9-month old Chicago.

Being a dad to Dream:

Despite his personal struggles, Rob has always appeared to be a doting dad to Dream. Although Rob has deleted his Instagram account and rarely posts on Twitter, his personal posts have revolved around spending time with his daughter. 

In June, Khloe compared Rob's parenting to their late father, famed attorney Robert Kardashian. 

"My brother Rob is like my father in so many ways -- his sense of humor, silly nature, the way he loves and respects family," she wrote in a blog post on her website. "My dad would do anything for his kids and my brother is the same way for Dream. I'm so proud of him!"

These days, our source noted that Rob has "his priorities in check."

"First and foremost he is there for Dream and he knows that to do so he needs to be healthy,” the source said.

In February, Khloe commented on Rob's weight on her E! show, Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian. Watch below: