39 Facts about the movie We're the Millers - Facts.net
Micky Chisholm

Written by Micky Chisholm

Modified & Updated: 18 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Tvinsider.com

We’re the Millers is a hilarious and action-packed movie that has captivated audiences since its release. The film, directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber, tells the story of a small-time drug dealer, David Clark, who is forced to create a fake family in order to smuggle a huge shipment of marijuana across the Mexican border. Starring Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Emma Roberts, and Will Poulter, this comedy offers plenty of laughs and unexpected twists.

In this article, we will dive deep into the world of We’re the Millers and uncover 39 fascinating facts about the movie. From behind-the-scenes anecdotes to interesting trivia about the cast and crew, this comprehensive list will give you a whole new perspective on this beloved comedy. So, get ready to embark on an exciting journey of discovery as we explore the secrets and lesser-known aspects of We’re the Millers!

Key Takeaways:

  • “We’re the Millers” is a hilarious movie with a fake family, drug smuggling, and memorable characters. It’s a global hit that balances comedy and heartfelt moments, leaving audiences in stitches and touched by its themes of family and friendship.
  • The movie’s success led to talks of a potential sequel, and its international release gained a global fanbase. With a mix of physical comedy and witty dialogue, “We’re the Millers” delivers light-hearted and irreverent humor for an enjoyable experience.
Table of Contents

The screenplay for “We’re the Millers” was written by Bob Fisher and Steve Faber.

This hilarious comedy film was brought to life by the talented writing duo, Bob Fisher and Steve Faber.

“We’re the Millers” was directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber.

Under the direction of Rawson Marshall Thurber, the movie became a hit among audiences for its funny and entertaining storyline.

The movie was released in 2013.

The year 2013 marked the release of “We’re the Millers,” captivating audiences with its humorous plot and memorable characters.

The main cast of the film includes Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Emma Roberts, and Will Poulter.

With a star-studded cast, “We’re the Millers” brought together the comedic talents of Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Emma Roberts, and Will Poulter.

The storyline revolves around a fake family undertaking a drug smuggling operation.

In “We’re the Millers,” a motley crew of individuals poses as a family to transport a large amount of marijuana across the Mexican border, leading to hilarious and unexpected situations.

The movie was shot in various locations, including North Carolina, New Mexico, and Arizona.

The production of “We’re the Millers” took place in different states, providing diverse and visually appealing backdrops for the film.

“We’re the Millers” grossed over $270 million worldwide.

With its relatable humor and engaging storyline, the film achieved great success at the box office, garnering significant earnings.

The movie was well-received by audiences and critics alike.

“We’re the Millers” received generally positive reviews, praising its comedic performances and enjoyable storyline.

Ed Helms plays a memorable supporting role as Brad Gurdlinger.

Ed Helms brings his comedic talents to “We’re the Millers” with his portrayal of the eccentric character named Brad Gurdlinger.

The film features a memorable cameo appearance by Nick Offerman and Kathryn Hahn.

Comedic duo Nick Offerman and Kathryn Hahn make a delightful cameo in “We’re the Millers,” adding to the laughs and surprises throughout the movie.

“We’re the Millers” was nominated for two Teen Choice Awards.

The movie received recognition from the Teen Choice Awards, earning nominations for Choice Movie: Comedy and Choice Movie Actor: Comedy.

The soundtrack of the film includes popular songs like “Waterfalls” by TLC and “Gin and Juice” by Snoop Dogg.

The soundtrack of “We’re the Millers” features an eclectic mix of songs, adding to the overall enjoyment of the movie.

Will Poulter’s performance as Kenny Rossmore earned him critical acclaim.

Will Poulter’s portrayal of the socially awkward Kenny Rossmore was widely praised for its comedic timing and endearing nature.

The movie tackles themes of family, friendship, and redemption.

Alongside its hilarious moments, “We’re the Millers” explores deeper themes of belonging, trust, and personal growth.

The film’s tagline is “If anyone asks, we’re already screwed.”

The catchy tagline of “We’re the Millers” perfectly captures the misadventures and humorous predicaments the characters find themselves in throughout the movie.

The original script for the movie was titled “We Are the Millers.”

The initial title of the film was later shortened to “We’re the Millers” for a more concise and catchy appeal.

The role of Rose O’Reilly was specifically written for Jennifer Aniston.

The character of Rose O’Reilly, a stripper turned fake wife and mother, was tailored to showcase Jennifer Aniston’s comedic talents.

The movie’s concept was inspired by a true story.

The idea for “We’re the Millers” was derived from a real-life event involving a group of individuals pretending to be a family in order to smuggle drugs.

The film features numerous hilarious and memorable quotes.

“We’re the Millers” is filled with quotable lines that have become fan favorites, adding to its lasting appeal.

The movie’s runtime is approximately 110 minutes.

With its efficient pacing, “We’re the Millers” keeps audiences entertained throughout its runtime.

The film includes both comedic and dramatic moments, creating a well-rounded viewing experience.

“We’re the Millers” strikes a balance between comedy and heartfelt moments, providing audiences with a range of emotions.

The movie’s box office success led to talks of a potential sequel.

Due to the positive reception and financial success of “We’re the Millers,” discussions for a sequel have taken place, leaving fans excited for the possibility of further adventures with the fake Miller family.

“We’re the Millers” features memorable and entertaining RV travel scenes.

The RV plays a crucial role in the movie, serving as the vehicles for the fake Miller family and leading to comedic mishaps and adventures along the way.

The film showcases the chemistry and comedic timing between the main cast members.

The dynamic between Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Emma Roberts, and Will Poulter brings the characters to life and enhances the comedic elements of the movie.

“We’re the Millers” was the debut feature film for director Rawson Marshall Thurber.

Marking his directorial debut in the feature film industry, Rawson Marshall Thurber showcased his talent for comedic storytelling and earned critical acclaim for his work on the movie.

The movie’s original runtime was longer but was later trimmed down during editing.

During the editing process, some scenes were cut to improve the pacing and overall flow of “We’re the Millers.”

The film’s production budget was approximately $37 million.

With a modest budget, “We’re the Millers” managed to deliver an entertaining and visually appealing movie to audiences around the world.

Jennifer Aniston received a People’s Choice Award nomination for her performance in the film.

Jennifer Aniston’s portrayal of Rose O’Reilly earned her a People’s Choice Award nomination for Favorite Comedic Movie Actress.

The movie features a memorable dance sequence set to the song “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart.”

One of the standout scenes in “We’re the Millers” involves a hilarious and unexpected dance routine that adds to the comedic moments of the film.

“We’re the Millers” explores the concept of found family.

Through their unconventional journey, the characters in the movie realize the importance of connection and unity, forming their own version of a family along the way.

The film’s opening weekend grossed over $26 million in the United States.

“We’re the Millers” had a strong debut at the box office, drawing in audiences with its unique premise and talented cast.

The DVD and Blu-ray release of the movie includes bonus features such as blooper reels and deleted scenes.

Fans of “We’re the Millers” can enjoy additional content with the DVD and Blu-ray release, providing behind-the-scenes glimpses and extra laughs.

The movie’s script underwent several revisions before reaching its final version.

Through the collaborative efforts of the writing team and the creative input from the cast and crew, the script for “We’re the Millers” evolved into the hilarious story we know today.

The film’s marketing campaign included the release of humorous movie posters and trailers.

The promotional material for “We’re the Millers” embraced the comedic tone of the film, enticing audiences with its clever advertising strategies.

The movie’s costume design played a crucial role in defining the characters.

The costumes in “We’re the Millers” helped distinguish the characters and added to their comedic personas, contributing to the overall entertainment value of the film.

“We’re the Millers” features a mix of physical comedy and witty dialogue.

The movie combines physical humor with clever wordplay, creating a comedic experience that appeals to a wide range of audiences.

The film’s success led to the creation of merchandise such as t-shirts and posters.

Capitalizing on the popularity of “We’re the Millers,” a range of merchandise was made available for fans to enjoy and show their support for the movie.

The movie’s international release helped it gain a global fanbase.

“We’re the Millers” was released in various countries, allowing audiences worldwide to join in on the laughter and enjoy the entertaining storyline.

The comedy in “We’re the Millers” is both light-hearted and irreverent.

The humor in the movie appeals to those seeking an enjoyable and entertaining experience, providing laughs from start to finish.


We’re the Millers is a hilarious comedy film that entertains audiences with its well-developed characters, witty dialogue, and outrageous situations. With a talented cast, including Jennifer Aniston and Jason Sudeikis, the movie provides non-stop laughs from start to finish. Whether you’re a fan of comedy films or simply looking for a movie to brighten your day, We’re the Millers is a must-watch. So grab some popcorn and get ready to join the Millers on their zany adventures!


Q: Who stars in We’re the Millers?

A: We’re the Millers features Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Emma Roberts, and Will Poulter in lead roles.

Q: What is the plot of We’re the Millers?

A: The movie follows a small-time drug dealer who forms a fake family, consisting of a stripper, a runaway, and a nerdy teenager, in order to smuggle drugs across the border.

Q: Is We’re the Millers suitable for a family movie night?

A: While the movie is classified as a comedy, it does contain some adult humor and content. Parents should exercise discretion when deciding if it is appropriate for their family.

Q: When was We’re the Millers released?

A: We’re the Millers was released on August 7, 2013, in the United States.

Q: Is We’re the Millers based on a true story?

A: No, We’re the Millers is a fictional story created for entertainment purposes.

Q: Are there any sequels to We’re the Millers?

A: As of now, there are no official plans for a sequel to We’re the Millers.

Q: What are some memorable scenes from We’re the Millers?

A: One of the most memorable scenes is when the Millers pretend to be a wholesome family on a camping trip, but their true identities and intentions are revealed, leading to chaos and hilarity.

Q: Who directed We’re the Millers?

A: We’re the Millers was directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber.

Q: Did We’re the Millers receive positive reviews from critics?

A: Overall, the movie received mixed reviews from critics, but it gained popularity among audiences for its comedic elements.

Q: Where can I watch We’re the Millers?

A: We’re the Millers is available for streaming on various platforms, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu, and can also be rented or purchased from online video stores.

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