Demeanor — Meaning and Examples

Demeanor — Meaning and Examples

Daniel Bal
Written by
Daniel Bal
Edited by
Courtney Adamo
Fact-checked by
Paul Mazzola

What does demeanor mean?

Demeanor refers to someone’s outward appearance, attitude, and behavior. It is the way a person presents themself to others, including their actions and emotional state.

What is demeanor?
What is demeanor?

Types of demeanor

A person’s demeanor is typically categorized as either positive or negative.

The following chart lists examples of positive demeanors:

Examples of positive demeanor
Positive Demeanor Definition
Affable Good-natured; easy to talk to
Calm Peaceful; free from disturbance
Composed Free from agitation; self-disciplined
Confident Belief in one’s ability
Courteous Polite; respectful; considerate
Dignified Worthy of respect
Friendly Kind and pleasant
Gentle Kind and calm
Humble Not proud or arrogant
Polite Respectful and considerate of others

Each of the following sentences includes an example of a positive or good demeanor:

  • Her affable demeanor made her a great guidance counselor.

  • Despite the chaos of moving across the country, his calm demeanor made it easier.

  • All the puppies were excited to see us, but the one we adopted had an especially friendly demeanor.

Positive demeanor examples
Positive demeanor examples

The following chart lists examples of negative demeanors:

Examples of negative demeanor
Negative Demeanor Definition
Aggressive Likely to attack or confront
Arrogant Exaggerated sense of one’s abilities
Austere Strict in manner, attitude, or appearance
Cold Not showing emotion; unfriendly
Disruptive Causing trouble that interrupts something
Haughty Arrogant and prideful
Insolent Showing a lack of respect
Offensive Causing someone to feel hurt or angry
Surly Bad-tempered
Volatile Making things worse by changing moods quickly

Each of the following sentences includes an example of a negative demeanor:

  • His aggressive demeanor attracted some voters but turned others away.

  • The applicant’s arrogant demeanor was apparent as he told the panel his last company didn’t understand his “genius.”

  • The coach’s austere demeanor kept the players from stepping out of line.

Examples of negative demeanor
Examples of negative demeanor
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Demeanor examples

The following examples incorporate the use of “demeanor” in a sentence:

  • Despite the positive news, her demeanor suggested it wasn’t all good.

  • You should try and keep a calm demeanor, even if your mind is racing a mile a minute.

  • Your demeanor always changes when you’re nervous.

  • Her confident demeanor gave the rest of the group the courage they needed.

  • They demoted him because of his unprofessional demeanor.

In American English, the word ends in “-or,” whereas in every other English-speaking country, it ends in “-our.”

Demeanor synonyms

Synonyms of demeanor include attitude, disposition, and temperament.

Demeanor synonyms
Synonym Specific Definition Sentence
Attitude Feeling toward someone or something His positive attitude, which is apparent through his smile, is contagious.
Behavior Way in which someone acts Her behavior in class has always been commendable.
Disposition Someone’s mood or attitude Their cheery disposition radiated through the house.
Manner Way of behaving toward others The child’s good manners were impressive.
Poise Calm, confident, and controlled manner She showed great poise throughout the presentation.
Temperament Emotional response The pediatrician had a gentle temperament that kept his young patients calm.