SOIL Bassist Interviewed On 'The Bobby D Show' (Audio) - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

SOIL Bassist Interviewed On 'The Bobby D Show' (Audio)

July 20, 2011

Bassist Tim King of Chicago heavy rockers SOIL was interviewed on a recent edition of "The Bobby D Show". You can now listen to the chat using the audio player below.

SOIL will be rejoined by its original lead singer and founding member Ryan McCombs (on loan from the band DROWNING POOL) for its upcoming U.K. co-headlining tour with PUDDLE OF MUDD. McCombs, along with Tim King and Adam Zadel (lead guitar),will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the "Scars" album by performing it in full.

"The U.K. has always been a true home for SOIL," states Tim King. "To also have Ryan singing and to be sharing the stage with PUDDLE OF MUDD will be something special for both us and the fans."

SOIL has confirmed a setlist comprised of select cuts from the "Scars" and "" albums, along with a surprise song from the debut "Throttle Junkies" release.

The band's breakthrough effort, "Scars" (featuring the hits "Halo" and "Unreal"),was released on September 11, 2001, making 2011 the 10th anniversary of its release.

Tour dates:

Oct. 14 - London, UK @ Electric Ballroom
Oct. 15 - Conventry, UK @ Kasbah
Oct. 16 - Wrexham, UK @ Central Station
Oct. 18 - Glasgow, UK @ The Garage
Oct. 19 - Middlesbrough, UK @ Empire
Oct. 21 - York, UK @ Fibbers
Oct. 22 - Peterborough, UK @ Club Revolution
Oct. 23 - Manchester, UK @ Moho Live
Oct. 25 - Sheffield, UK @ Corporation
Oct. 26 - Cardiff, Wales The Coal Exchange
Oct. 27 - Norwich, UK @ Waterfront
Oct. 28 - Southampton, UK @ Talking Heads

SOIL's current lineup includes Zadel and King alongside the band's latest additions, Jordan Lee (ex-SILVERGUN) and Mike Tignino (drums; CHAINWAX).

The band's's latest album, "Picture Perfect", sold 1,500 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 56 on the Hard Music chart. The CD was released in the U.S. on October 20, 2009 via Bieler Bros. Records and three days later in Europe through AFM Records/Soulfood.

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