A Ranking Of The 26 Best Quest Bars
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    All 26 Quest Protein Bars Ranked From Worst To Best Because I Truly Cannot Stop Eating Them

    As a connoisseur of this type of stuff, here's the official ranking.

    One of my absolute favorite things in the world is a good protein bar.

    a protein bar section in a grocery store

    Over the past few years, there's been a "candy-bar-ification" of protein bars because I truly believe the "protein bar technology" has improved*.

    man bites into granola bar

    My favorite and go-to brand of protein bars has always been Quest, so I got as many of their protein bars as I could and decided to rank them.

    A selection of protein bars
    a selectoin of unwrapped protein bars

    26. Chocolate Hazelnut

    25. Cinnamon Roll

    24. Peanut Butter Brownie Smash

    23. Quest Hero: Chocolate Coconut

    22. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip

    21. Blueberry Muffin

    20. Caramel Chocolate Chunk

    19. Double Chocolate Chunk

    18. Cookies & Cream

    17. Quest Candy: Gooey Caramel With Peanuts

    16. Peppermint Bark

    15. Quest Hero: Chocolate Caramel Pecan

    14. S'mores

    13. Mocha Chocolate Chip

    12. Quest Hero: Cookies & Cream

    11. Chocolate Brownie

    10. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

    9. Pumpkin Pie

    8. Lemon Cake

    7. Birthday Cake

    6. Quest Hero: Chocolate Peanut Butter

    5. Mint Chocolate Chunk

    4. White Chocolate Raspberry

    3. Quest Hero: Blueberry Cobbler

    2. Maple Waffle

    1. Chocolate Sprinkled Dougnut