The Best 'Breaking Bad' Characters, Ranked

Ranker TV
Updated June 2, 2024 34.6K views 35 items
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63.5K votes
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All minor and major characters from Breaking Bad. Vote for your personal favorite characters from the show, regardless of how beloved they are by others.

List of the best Breaking Bad characters, with pictures and character bios when available. With such a great cast of characters, it's tough to say who the greatest really is without everybody weighing in on the discussion. Do you love the villains of Breaking Bad like Gustavo Fring and Hector Salamanca, or do you prefer more innocent characters like Walter Jr.? Vote for your favorite Breaking Bad characters and help make this list the ultimate source for who the best characters of the show are. Breaking Bad character roles from every season are included, along with the names of the actors who play them.

List ranges from Walter White to Saul Goodman, and even includes Breaking Bad side characters like Huel, Kuby, and Uncle Jack. If you find yourself missing these unforgettable characters, you can watch more shows like Breaking Bad here. Who is the fan favorite character of Breaking Bad? Scroll down so you can find out once and for all.


  • Walter White
    Bryan Cranston
    3,563 votes

    The protagonist of the series, Walter White begins as a high school chemistry teacher who turns to cooking meth in order to provide for his family after being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. His transition from a mild-mannered, struggling family man into the ruthless and cunning Heisenberg is one of television's most riveting character arcs. Walter's ambition, intelligence, and ultimately, his hubris make for an engrossing tale of a man undone by his own choices.

  • Jesse Pinkman
    Aaron Paul
    3,480 votes

    Initially portrayed as an irresponsible drug addict, he evolves into a complex and compelling character as the series progresses. His vulnerability and sense of morality make him stand out among the show's more unscrupulous characters. His tumultuous partnership with Walter White leads him down a dark path that ultimately results in loss, heartbreak, and redemption. Fans continue to root for Jesse throughout the show's five-season run.

  • Saul Goodman
    Bob Odenkirk
    3,477 votes

    The smooth-talking lawyer with an unforgettable catchphrase, Better Call Saul! He is a master manipulator and always seems to find a way to bend the law to benefit his clients. Despite his sleazy demeanor, he proves himself to be surprisingly loyal and willing to put himself at risk for those he cares about. His humor and charm provide a much-needed element of levity amid the show's darker moments.

  • Mike Ehrmantraut
    Jonathan Banks
    3,149 votes

    A former police officer turned hitman and private investigator, he is stoic, pragmatic, and incredibly skilled. His calm and calculated demeanor contrasts sharply with the chaos that surrounds him. He forms a fatherly bond with Jesse Pinkman, revealing a deep sense of empathy beneath his hardened exterior. The character's tragic end leaves a lasting impact on fans of the series.

  • Gustavo Fring
    Giancarlo Esposito
    2,639 votes

    The seemingly mild-mannered owner of Los Pollos Hermanos is, in fact, one of Albuquerque's most powerful drug kingpins. His intelligence, sophistication, and terrifyingly calm nature make him a formidable adversary for Walter White. Underneath this veneer of respectability lies a ruthless leader who is not afraid to eliminate anyone who threatens his empire. His eventual downfall is one of the show's most shocking moments.

  • Hank Schrader

    Hank Schrader

    Dean Norris
    2,504 votes

    Walter White's brother-in-law and DEA agent, he is driven and dedicated to his job. His boisterous personality and good humor provide a stark contrast to the darkness around him as he unwittingly pursues his own family member. When Hank uncovers Walter's true identity, their dynamic shifts dramatically leading to a thrilling and tragic end for the character.

  • Huell


    Lavell Crawford
    1,831 votes

    This large and imposing presence serves as Saul Goodman's loyal bodyguard and enforcer. Though silent and stoic for the majority of his time on screen, Huell manages to be memorable through his actions and unshakeable loyalty. As he becomes entangled in the complex web spun by other characters, he proves himself to be far more than just muscle.

  • Skinny Pete
    Charles Baker
    1,634 votes

    One of Jesse Pinkman's friends and fellow drug dealers, Skinny Pete adds a touch of comic relief amidst the show's darker moments. He may not be as intelligent or devious as other characters in the series, but his loyalty to Jesse and genuine humanity make him memorable.

  • Hector Salamanca

    Hector Salamanca

    Mark Margolis
    1,759 votes

    A former high-ranking member of the Mexican cartel turned wheelchair-bound invalid, he communicates solely through ringing a bell attached to his chair. Though initially appearing static and unresponsive, Hector's hatred for Gustavo Fring intensifies throughout the series, culminating in one of the show's most explosive moments.

  • Tuco


    Raymond Cruz
    1,665 votes

    A dangerously unpredictable drug kingpin who briefly becomes Walter White and Jesse Pinkman's distributor. His volatile nature keeps audiences on edge as they wonder what he might do next. Despite his relatively short time on the show, Tuco leaves a lasting impression as one of Breaking Bad's most iconic villains.

  • Badger


    Matt Jones
    1,637 votes

    Another member of Jesse Pinkman's inner circle, he is a lovable slacker with a penchant for getting himself into trouble. His unlikely friendship with Skinny Pete provides some much-needed camaraderie while also showcasing their shared struggles with addiction.

  • Steven Gomez

    Steven Gomez

    Steven Michael Quezada
    1,446 votes

    Hank Schrader's DEA partner and friend, he is dedicated to his job and loyal to his colleagues. Although he primarily serves as a supporting character, his tragic end reminds viewers of the high stakes involved in the battle against Albuquerque's criminal underworld.

  • Kuby


    Bill Burr
    1,116 votes

    A member of Saul Goodman's team, he brings a unique mix of humor and danger to the show. As a former cop turned criminal, Kuby is adept at navigating both sides of the legal spectrum. His willingness to carry out any task for Saul, no matter how morally dubious, demonstrates his loyalty and ruthlessness.

  • Walter White Jr.
    1,643 votes

    The son of Walter White, he grapples with cerebral palsy throughout the series while simultaneously carrying the burden of his father's increasingly secretive life. He valiantly strives to maintain a sense of normalcy despite the world around him crumbling under the weight of deception and betrayal.

  • Gale Boetticher

    Gale Boetticher

    David Costabile
    1,355 votes

    A talented chemist with an endearingly quirky personality, he is brought in as Walter White's new lab partner by Gustavo Fring. His openness and genuine love for chemistry provide a counterpoint to the self-serving machinations of the other characters. However, Gale's loyalty and enthusiasm ultimately lead him to a tragic and sudden end.

  • The Cousins

    The Cousins

    Daniel and Luis Moncada
    1,397 votes

    These two silent but deadly assassins arrive in Albuquerque with a single-minded mission: to kill Walter White in retribution for his role in their cousin Tuco's death. Their chilling presence and ruthless efficiency make them formidable adversaries and memorable additions to the show's roster of villains.

  • Jane Margolis
    Krysten Ritter
    1,582 votes

    Jesse Pinkman's girlfriend and neighbor, she is an aspiring tattoo artist struggling with her own addiction issues. Her relationship with Jesse introduces a new vulnerability for both characters as they navigate love amidst their troubled lives. Jane eventually becomes another tragic figure whose loss has a profound impact on Jesse.

  • Andrea Cantillo
    Emily Rios
    915 votes

    A single mother who falls in love with Jesse Pinkman, she provides him with a sense of stability and hope for a life free from drugs and crime. Her son Brock becomes a central figure in some of the series' most gripping moments, as his safety is continually placed at risk due to the dangers surrounding Jesse.

  • Brock Cantillo

    Brock Cantillo

    Ian Posada
    848 votes

    Andrea's young son, he becomes a symbol of innocence endangered by the actions of others. Several key events within the series center around his well-being, prompting Jesse to confront his own role in creating danger for those he cares about.

  • Combo


    Rodney Rush
    952 votes

    Another of Jesse Pinkman's close friends, he meets an untimely demise early in the series due to his involvement in selling drugs. His death serves as a sobering reminder of the harsh realities that accompany this dangerous lifestyle.

  • Todd Alquist

    Todd Alquist

    Jesse Plemons
    1,359 votes

    Greed-driven and conscience-free, he eventually replaces Jesse Pinkman as Walter White's meth-cooking partner. His chilling indifference toward violence and lack of empathy make him a uniquely terrifying presence within Breaking Bad's world.

  • Don Eladio

    Don Eladio

    Steven Bauer
    759 votes

    The ruthless leader of the Mexican cartel responsible for much of the drug trafficking in New Mexico, he exudes power and charisma despite limited screen time. Don Eladio demonstrates how far-reaching and influential criminal organizations can be, even from across national borders.

  • Tortuga


    Danny Trejo
    808 votes

    Played by legendary musician and actor Danny Trejo, he is a drug informant who famously loses his life and quite literally his head. His gruesome and shocking death signifies the brutal measures that criminal organizations will take to maintain their power.

  • Donald Margolis

    Donald Margolis

    John de Lancie
    704 votes

    Jane's father and an air traffic controller, he becomes a tragic figure following the death of his daughter. Consumed by grief, his inability to separate personal and professional life leads to catastrophic consequences, further showcasing the far-reaching effects of the show's central characters' actions.

  • Francesca Liddy

    Francesca Liddy

    Tina Parker
    684 votes

    Saul Goodman's loyal secretary, she offers comic relief while also demonstrating how seemingly everyday people can be drawn into the criminal underworld. Her willingness to assist Saul in illegal activities showcases her own problematic moral compass.

  • Marie Schrader
    Betsy Brandt
    1,409 votes

    Hank's wife and Skyler White's sister, she provides a contrasting presence to many of the show's other characters as she remains adamantly opposed to their criminal activities. Her kleptomaniac tendencies reveal that even those who appear morally superior have their own hidden flaws.

  • Victor


    Jeremiah Bitsui
    773 votes

    Gustavo Fring's right-hand man, he's efficient and highly skilled in various aspects of criminal activity. His role escalates when he is forced to act as a meth cook while Walter White is incapacitated. The gruesome manner of his demise at Fring's hands serves as a chilling reminder of the drug lord's ruthless nature.

  • Uncle Jack
    Michael Bowen
    1,046 votes

    The leader of a violent white supremacist gang, he is responsible for some of the series' most gut-wrenching moments. As a figure who places loyalty above all else, his unraveling in the show's final episodes makes for a satisfying end to this despicable character.

  • Lydia Rodarte-Quayle

    Lydia Rodarte-Quayle

    Laura Fraser
    1,150 votes

    An executive at Madrigal Electromotive, she becomes entangled in the criminal affairs of both Gustavo Fring and later Walter White. Her paranoia and cowardice make her an unpredictable character whose ultimate fate is sealed by her ambition and self-preservation instincts.

  • Skyler White

    Skyler White

    Anna Gunn
    1,892 votes

    Walter White's wife, she is initially unaware of her husband's illegal activities but eventually becomes a reluctant partner in crime. Her moral struggle and gradual acceptance of their new life create a fascinating character arc that balances vulnerability with inner strength.

  • Tyrus Kitt

    Tyrus Kitt

    Ray Campbell
    643 votes

    A loyal enforcer for Gustavo Fring, he diligently carries out assignments, even when they conflict with his conscience. His quiet demeanor adds to the mystery surrounding his true motivations, and his eventual demise comes at the hands of one of the show's most iconic explosions.

  • Bogdan Wolynetz

    Bogdan Wolynetz

    Marius Stan
    935 votes

    The owner of the carwash where Walter White initially works, he serves as a symbol of the protagonist's dissatisfaction with his mundane life. Over time, Bogdan becomes an unwitting pawn in Walter's escalating criminal empire. His forced sale of the car wash to the Whites marks a turning point for the characters and their new life.

  • Kenny


    Kevin Rankin
    624 votes

    A member of Uncle Jack's gang, he is ruthless and willing to carry out any task assigned to him. His role in some of the series' most brutal scenes highlights the grim reality of violence within the criminal world. As fate catches up with key players in Breaking Bad's final episodes, Kenny meets a fitting end.

  • Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz

    Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz

    Jessica Hecht; Adam Godley
    995 votes

    The former business partners of Walter White, their successful careers serve as a constant reminder of what could have been for him. Their brief appearances throughout the show provide context for Walter's deep-seated feelings of resentment and betrayal. Ultimately, they become pawns in one of his final schemes, showcasing the extent of his desperation.

  • Ted Beneke

    Ted Beneke

    Christopher Cousins
    1,260 votes

    Skyler White's boss and eventual secret lover, he becomes embroiled in her husband's dangerous world by association. Despite his initial ignorance to the Whites' illicit activities, his own moral failings make him complicit in their crimes. Ted's story arc emphasizes that even seemingly ordinary people can be corrupted by greed and pulled into a web of deception and lawlessness.