The Meaning Behind The Song: This Magic Moment by Lou Reed - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: This Magic Moment by Lou Reed


The Meaning Behind The Song: This Magic Moment by Lou Reed

Title This Magic Moment
Artist Lou Reed
Writer/Composer Mort Shuman & Doc Pomus
Album Till the Night Is Gone: A Tribute to Doc Pomus (1995)
Release Date March 1, 1995
Genre Rock

This Magic Moment is a cover of The Drifter’s classic and was originally recorded for the Doc Pomus tribute album, Till the Night is Gone. It is a timeless song that captures the essence of a special moment shared between two people. With its enchanting lyrics and mesmerizing melody, Lou Reed’s rendition of This Magic Moment takes the listener on a journey of love and nostalgia.

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

The lyrics of This Magic Moment convey the indescribable feeling that occurs when two people experience a profound connection. The first verse sets the stage for this magical encounter, describing the moment as something different and new. The protagonist realizes that their life was forever changed from the moment they met the other person.

In the second verse, the singer reveals that the magical connection took them by surprise, but they could sense that the feeling was mutual. The look in the other person’s eyes confirmed that they too experienced this enchanting moment.

The pre-chorus highlights the intensity of the connection, describing it as sweeter than wine and softer than a summer’s night. Everything the singer desires is found in the arms of their loved one, whom they hold tight.

Finally, the chorus emphasizes the lasting effect of this magical moment. The lyrics convey the belief that as long as their lips are close to each other, the moment will last forever, until the end of time. The singer pleads for the other person to dance with them, emphasizing the desire to keep the magic alive.

Personal Connection

This Magic Moment holds a special place in my heart as it reminds me of a significant chapter in my life. I vividly remember the first time I heard this song playing softly in the background on a warm summer evening. At that moment, everything seemed to align, and the magic between my partner and me felt palpable.

As I listened to the lyrics, I realized that the song captured the essence of our connection. It perfectly encapsulated the enchantment we felt and the belief that our love was destined to last. This Magic Moment became our anthem, symbolizing the beauty and wonder of our relationship.

Whenever I hear this song, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for experiencing such a magical moment in my life. It serves as a reminder of the power of love and the transformative nature of connection. This Magic Moment will always hold a special place in my heart, forever reminding me of the beauty that can be found in a single moment.

In conclusion, This Magic Moment by Lou Reed is a timeless song that captures the essence of a profound connection. Its enchanting lyrics and mesmerizing melody take the listener on a journey of love and nostalgia. This song holds personal meaning for many who have experienced a magical moment in their lives, serving as a reminder of the transformative power of love and connection.

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