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Pay with peace of mind

No Hidden Fees

It costs nothing to pay with PayPal, you'll only be charged a fee when you sell something or request a payment.

Earn Rewards

We work with local and overseas banks so you can use your preferred card/s and continue earning rewards.

Always Protected

Shopping with PayPal is safer with Buyer Protection, 24/7 anti-fraud monitoring and world class security.

Less worrying, more shopping

Shop and pay with PayPal and not only will you never have to worry about security, you'll also get to enjoy exclusive PayPal deals at your favourite stores.

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It's as easy as 1,2,3


Create Your Account
Signing up for your very own PayPal account is easy and free.


Link Your Cards
Link your preferred credit, debit or prepaid cards to your PayPal account.


Choose PayPal at Checkout
Use PayPal and you never need to enter your card details every time you pay.

Send money across the table or around the world

It’s now a lot easier to pay someone. All you need is an email address to send cross-border commercial payments in over 25 currencies to almost anyone, anywhere.

More about sending payments

Manage your recurring payments easily

Whether it’s monthly subscriptions, recurring bills or instalment plans, it’s a lot easier to keep track and manage your recurring payments with Automatic Payments.

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Shop everywhere, anywhere

Looking for business solutions?

PayPal offers solutions for you to get paid easily and more securely however you do business - on your online store or directly via email.

Explore Business Solutions

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