31 Facts about Chongqing - Facts.net
Rebbecca Ullrich

Written by Rebbecca Ullrich

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Prologis.cn

Chongqing, the sprawling metropolis nestled in southwestern China, is a city that brims with rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning natural wonders. From towering skyscrapers that punctuate its skyline to the meandering rivers that flow through its core, Chongqing is a city that captivates the senses and tells a tale of a city that has evolved and adapted throughout the ages. In this article, we will delve into 31 fascinating facts about Chongqing, revealing the hidden gems and intriguing stories that make this city truly unique. So buckle up and get ready to explore the marvels of Chongqing, from its mouthwatering cuisine and breathtaking landscapes to its bustling markets and captivating traditions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chongqing is a vibrant metropolis nestled among mountains and rivers, known for its rich history, spicy cuisine, and breathtaking river cruises. It’s a modern city with a mysterious “Fog City” charm.
  • Visitors to Chongqing can explore UNESCO World Heritage Sites, savor mouthwatering hot pot dishes, and enjoy traditional music and tea ceremonies. The city’s rapid growth and diverse culture make it a must-visit destination.
Table of Contents

Vibrant Metropolis

Chongqing is a bustling metropolis located in southwestern China. With a population of over 30 million people, it is one of the largest cities in the world.

Mountainous Terrain

Chongqing is known for its unique geography, nestled between mountains and bordered by the Yangtze and Jialing rivers.

The Fog City

Chongqing is often shrouded in mist and fog, creating a mysterious and enchanting atmosphere. It is often referred to as the “Fog City” or “Mountain City.”

Rapid Urban Development

In recent years, Chongqing has experienced rapid growth and development, transforming into a modern and cosmopolitan city.

Economic Powerhouse

Chongqing is a major economic hub in China, known for its booming manufacturing, automotive, and technology industries.

Rich Cultural Heritage

Chongqing has a long and rich history, with influences from various ethnic groups and dynasties throughout the centuries.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Chongqing is home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Dazu Rock Carvings and Wulong Karst.

Mouthwatering Cuisine

Chongqing is famous for its spicy and flavorful cuisine, particularly its hot pot dishes. It is the birthplace of the popular Sichuan hot pot.

Stunning River Cruises

Visitors can embark on breathtaking river cruises along the Yangtze and Jialing rivers, offering panoramic views of the city’s skyline and natural beauty.

Diverse Ethnicity

Chongqing is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups, including Han, Tujia, Miao, and Yi, contributing to its multicultural atmosphere.

Modern Skyscrapers

The cityscape of Chongqing is adorned with impressive skyscrapers, showcasing its modern architectural marvels.

Giant Panda Sanctuary

Chongqing is a gateway to the famous Wolong National Nature Reserve, a sanctuary for the endangered giant pandas.

Ciqikou Ancient Town

Ciqikou Ancient Town is a well-preserved historical district in Chongqing, offering a glimpse into the city’s traditional architecture and culture.

Cableway Across the River

The Yangtze River Cableway is a popular attraction in Chongqing, providing a thrilling ride across the river with stunning aerial views.

Impressive Bridges

Chongqing is renowned for its magnificent bridges, such as the Chaotianmen Bridge and the Dongshuimen Bridge, which are engineering marvels.

Breathtaking Gorges

Chongqing is the gateway to the Three Gorges region, known for its awe-inspiring landscapes and the mesmerizing Yangtze River.

Cultural Festivals

Chongqing hosts various cultural festivals throughout the year, including the Chongqing Hot Pot Festival and the Three Gorges Tourism Festival.

Tea Culture

Chongqing boasts a vibrant tea culture, with tea houses scattered throughout the city, where locals gather to enjoy traditional tea ceremonies.

Traditional Music

The city resonates with traditional music, with locals playing instruments like the erhu and performing folk songs that reflect the region’s heritage.

The People’s Liberation Monument

The People’s Liberation Monument is a historic landmark in Chongqing, symbolizing the city’s contribution to the Chinese revolution.

The Yangtze River

The Yangtze River, the third longest river in the world, flows through Chongqing, offering stunning views and opportunities for water-based activities.

Nu River Valley

Chongqing is also the gateway to the breathtaking Nu River Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its spectacular scenery and diverse wildlife.

Traditional Street Food

Chongqing is renowned for its delectable street food, including delicious skewers, noodle dishes, and a variety of savory snacks.

Skyline at Night

The Chongqing skyline transforms into a mesmerizing tapestry of lights at night, showcasing the city’s vibrant nightlife and urban charm.

Patriotic Mountain

Located in the heart of Chongqing, Nanshan Mountain is considered a symbol of patriotism and offers panoramic views of the city.

Chongqing Rail Transit

Chongqing boasts an extensive and efficient rail transit system, making it easy for residents and visitors to navigate the city.

Fengdu Ghost City

Fengdu Ghost City, located on the Ming Mountain, is a unique attraction known for its eerie statues and depictions of the afterlife in Chinese mythology.

Rapidly Growing Tourism

Tourism in Chongqing has been rapidly growing, with visitors flocking to explore the city’s natural beauty, historical sites, and unique cultural experiences.

Fortune Cookie Origins

Contrary to popular belief, fortune cookies, a staple in Chinese restaurants worldwide, actually originated in Chongqing and not in the United States.

Traditional Dragon Boat Racing

Chongqing hosts exciting dragon boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival, where teams paddle fiercely to the rhythm of drums and compete for victory.

The Chongqing Grand Theatre

The Chongqing Grand Theatre is an architectural masterpiece, hosting various performances, including ballet, opera, and theatrical productions.


In conclusion, Chongqing is a fascinating city with a rich history, stunning natural landscapes, and a booming economy. Whether you are interested in exploring the vibrant cityscape, indulging in mouthwatering cuisine, or discovering the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding mountains and rivers, Chongqing offers something for everyone. With its unique blend of traditional and modern, Chongqing truly captivates visitors with its charm and allure. So, plan your trip to Chongqing and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure in this remarkable city.


Q: What is Chongqing known for?

A: Chongqing is known for its spicy Sichuan cuisine, its impressive skyline, and its association with the Yangtze River. It is also famous for its hot springs, cable cars, and the Three Gorges Dam.

Q: How do I get around Chongqing?

A: Chongqing has an extensive public transportation network, including buses, metro lines, and taxis. The city also has a unique feature called “jiefangbei,” which is a pedestrian-friendly downtown area that can be explored on foot.

Q: What are some must-visit attractions in Chongqing?

A: Some must-visit attractions in Chongqing include the Hongya Cave, Ciqikou Ancient Town, the Yangtze River Cableway, and the Wulong Karst National Geology Park. Don’t forget to try the famous Chongqing hot pot while you’re there!

Q: Is Chongqing a safe city for tourists?

A: Chongqing is generally a safe city for tourists. However, it is always advisable to take common safety precautions, such as keeping an eye on your belongings, avoiding unlit areas at night, and using registered taxis.

Q: When is the best time to visit Chongqing?

A: The best time to visit Chongqing is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is mild and pleasant. The summers can be hot and humid, while the winters can be chilly.

Chongqing's captivating allure extends beyond its vibrant cityscape and rich history. Delve deeper into this fascinating metropolis by exploring the wonders of Chongqing Zoo, where exotic animals and thrilling adventures await. For a unique perspective on man's best friend, uncover the extraordinary facts about the loyal Chongqing Dog breed. Ready to expand your knowledge even further? Embark on a journey to Yongchuan, a district brimming with surprises and hidden gems that will leave you craving more.

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