
Little Junior Parker

Real Name:Herman Parker, Jr.

Little Junior Parker or Junior Parker (born March 3, 1927, West Memphis, Arkansas, USA or May 27, 1932, Clarksdale or Bobo (Coahoma County), Mississippi, USA - died November 18, 1971, Blue Island, Illinois, USA) was an American Memphis blues singer, harmonica player and songwriter.

He first came to blues as a harmonica player, and backed Howlin' Wolf when he came to West Memphis in 1948. By 1950, Parker, now known as "Little Junior" due to the closeness with Wolf, had formed a band with pianist Bill Johnson (13). Known as Little Junior's Blue Flames, the band included Matt Murphy and L.C. Dranes and they were recorded by Ike Turner for Modern Records (2) early in 1952. By this time Parker was almost primarily a vocalist. The following year Pat Hare and John Bowers replaced Murphy and Dranes on guitar and drums respectively, and the band began to record for Sam Phillips (2)' new Sun Record Company label. Their first record, "Feelin' Good" was a hit, so much so that Parker was soon signed by Duke/Peacock Records in Houston in 1954. Bill Johnson took over the Blue Flames and together they made several hits such as "Mother In Law Blues" and Barefoot Rock". Parker later recorded in a soul style but occasionally reverted to playing the blues with a harp.

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In Groups:Little Junior Parker And His Orchestra, Little Junior Parker And His Band, Little Junior's Blue Flames
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