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Safety question


So me and my girlfriend are going to a Dax concert in landing in October however my mom was telling me Lansing is dangerous and has a crime rate of 1 every 39 people we are going to be on the east side of landing like a mile away from msu does anybody know if that’s a safe area? This will be my first concert and I’m anxious so hopefully people understand where I’m coming from (I WILL BE GOING TO THE JUNCTION)

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u/Lithium_8843 avatar

Yes your mom is being dramatic you’ll be just fine

Thank you for taking this serious unlike these other people I’m very anxious about it so I appreciate you

u/JoeyJoeJoeSenior avatar

Lansing isn't dangerous unless you rip someone off in a drug deal. Don't do that and you'll be fine.

u/LionelHutz313 avatar

Good advice for pretty much everywhere.

I hear you can get away with it in certain parts of Canada

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I've lived here my whole life and am only dead on the inside.

I second this

u/WestEmbarrassed6219 avatar

Same here lol 😂

u/l33tn4m3 avatar

Underrated comment

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u/yu210148 avatar

I used to live walking distance from there. Unless things have changed in the last year and a bit; the biggest danger is traffic accidents.

u/lifeisabowlofbs avatar

Statistically driving anywhere in the US is more dangerous than existing in even the worst cities. Crazy that people drive everyday without a thought but will draw the line at stepping one foot into a “dangerous” city.

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Your mom is delusional. I take a 3 mile walk in the city everyday after work - the worst anything has happened was someone asked me for change.

Your mom sounds like one of those conservative boomers that thinks every city with more than 20,000 people in it is a seething crime pit.

Crime rates everywhere are rising, but only back to pre-pandemic levels.

That is who she is to 💀

u/rarrkshaa avatar

Crime rates everywhere are rising, but only back to pre-pandemic levels.

Wait, huh?

I always thought crimes increased during the pandemic, not decreased.

u/Opening_Cabinet_9379 avatar

Shii i think hardcore crime went down like murder an shii but drug dealing sky rocketed 😂💯

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u/traway9992226 avatar

Your mom is dramatic as hell lmao. You’ll be fine unless you decide to try to fight someone.

Trouble doesn’t just find you here, you have to seek it out

That’s still in East lansing in my eyes. There’s nothing to worry about at all in that area. Honestly any area in Lansing is fine as long as you’re respectful.

u/MrPeePeePooPooPants3 avatar

The danger in Lansing mostly only exists for the idiots that are involved in that crap. There's nobody running around murdering random citizens, it's idiots shooting at other idiots.

u/Outfoxd21 avatar

Junctions fine. They run smash bros. tournaments that I go to and it seems nice and calm there whenever I go.

I work and live here - mind your business and you’ll be fine. Moms need to stay off the next door app. 🤣

u/beeokee avatar

That is a terrible terrible platform--I have deactivated my membership more than once because of too many Karens and way too much negativity, plus the staunch commitment many of them have to false information. Unfortunately, my neighborhood association uses it exclusively for their communications.

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  1. that’s the nice side of town

  2. most of the violent crime (in my experience i am no expert) is personal. no one is going to just like walk up to you and shoot you unless you insult their mother or choose to wear a pair of shoes that’s a little too nice

Gotcha I’m not gonna bring much with me I don’t carry cash ever and I have a hotel room not to far down the road I booked since I live an hour away

tbh i wouldn’t even be scared to carry cash through that area

Sounds like you’ve been there before? I appreciate the advice by the way it means alot

Yeah i was actually out on the east side until like 20 minutes ago lol i just left. And yeah it’s really no problem:)) hope you have a good time!!

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Bro there’s bodies in the street, we have resorted to burning them to keep the diseases down save yourself.

Wait, you guys been burning bodies in the east? We've been putting acid in ours northside.

Just throw them in bancroft park like a civilized northsider sheesh

u/traway9992226 avatar

South side has just given up and have started using them as bricks

u/l33tn4m3 avatar

And here I thought it was potholes ruining my car’s suspension.

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You only find trouble here if you're out looking for it. You'll be fine, lol

I live right down the road from there, you’ll be fine!

Thank you

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  1. Safety in numbers. Come with at least 15 people. Together you can fight off a mugging.

  2. Carry a gps tracker. When you inevitably get kidnapped people can find you. Pro tip hide it in your shoe.

  3. Always wear your bullet proof vest. Self explaintory.

  4. Learn karate before visiting. You need to know how to defend yourself here. We smell weakness and cannot help but to attack those who are weak.

u/Aindorf_ avatar

If Lansing had a crime rate of 1 in 39 people being victim of crime it would be one of the most dangerous cities in the world. East side of Lansing is safe, city of East Lansing is even safer.

Your mom needs to lay off the fox news and touch grass. General tips to stay safe in Lansing are the same as many other cities, walk in groups at night, don't flash obvious displays of wealth, don't accept drinks or drugs from strangers, and stay out of the rough pockets of the city (the area you described should be fine.) Though frankly, Lansing is a safe enough city that outside of those pockets I mentioned, even if you did walk alone wearing flashy jewelry, you'd likely be fine.

Lived in Lansing for 5 years and the only crime I was victim to was someone stole my bike from the bike rack at my apartment complex. Never felt unsafe for a moment when I lived there.

u/udntgettheshow avatar

Go to dinner at Dagwoods. You won’t regret it

Your stomach will though.

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It’s horrible. I was shot at twice today, and I live on the good side of town.

u/JoeyJoeJoeSenior avatar

I think I was the guy shooting at you. Sorry.

u/svenviko avatar

Shit, sorry, I think I shot you both in the confusion

We all have bad days

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u/Acrobatic-Papaya8596 avatar

Been in Lansing area for 50+ years. Most common crime. Theft from cars. Violent crime is almost always drug, gang or domestic related. I would not worry.

u/roto_disc avatar

Have you seen the Mad Max movies? It’s like that.

u/JarbaloJardine avatar

Like most places, Lansing isn't unsafe if you're being safe.

u/theOutside517 avatar

We don’t generally have just random violence or strong arm robberies. Most shootings happen between known parties over bad behavior like drug transaction disputes and personal beefs.

You'll be fine. Zero worries. Enjoy your concert.

Thank you

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As someone who grew up in Lansing, you will be just fine. The only time that really happens is a drug deal gone wrong. If you find yourself in one of the sketchy neighborhoods, keep your eyes on the road, don't move your head or make eye contact. I learned that the hard way recently because I did so and someone tried to sell me drugs (report has been made). I found it unnerving, but I got through it like a champ. Just keep your nose clean and you'll be perfectly safe.

u/ChevyJim72 avatar

Tell mom thank you for looking out. She is right ya know we do have a high crime rate. It does reflect on the city. That being said you are in a area that isn't know for random crime encounters so you will be fine as long as you stay alert and don't make yourself a target. First concert tips are basic. Don't try to rip off the drug dealer, no using drugs that you dont know what they are before you use them. Oh oh and use your turn signals please.

The concert isn't on the Southside so your safe

That’s practically East Lansing. You’re totally fine there!

If you’re going to the avenue you’re safe there the east side neighborhood is one of the better ones overall. Lansing is like everywhere else, poverty issues, drug abuse issues and late stage capitalism continuing to be unchecked by most local and the federal government.

Thanks for the heads up I’m going to a venue called the junction

u/timothythefirst avatar

I live down the street from there, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Even some of the advice people are giving you in this thread is crazy. People telling you to stay away from streets that are nowhere near where you’re going in the first place. People telling you to “flee to okemos” like there’s going to be a threat to the entire half of the city or something is just ridiculous lmao. Nobody robs anyone for their shoes anymore, wear whatever shoes you want. I live on the east side and wear expensive stuff to the bar all the time and no one has ever even looked at me weird.

Just don’t be a jackass. If you bump into someone just say sorry like a normal person. It’s really nothing crazy.

I just looked dax up, and he’s not even like a tough guy gang affiliated rapper. I guarantee you the crowd ends up being 90% msu students and suburban kids.

Lol Gotcha thank you for letting me know :)

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You’re mom should be more worried about The Junction than that area of Lansing.

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Lived on the East side my entire life, it's totally safe. You'll be more than fine!

Very safe area

u/FlutePlayer77 avatar

Yes, you should be fine in that area. Lansing has had some highly publicized violent incidents recently. However, they have mostly been situations between people who know each other, not random violence. The Junction is in East Lansing which is a mostly safe area. I think the largest concerns would be the typical "crowd" things like theft. Have a great time and assure your Mom you are staying in a good part of town.

That's not a bad area, but it's always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings especially if you haven't been to the area before.

you’ll be fine man

i think the worst thing that has happened there has been fights when people are drunk. but other than that, you’re fine.

You will be 100% safe. I ride my bike down there all the time. Don't be rude or disrespectful and you'll be fine anywhere.

I am confident enough that I let my daughter rent an apartment in the city. It's as safe as any other city. Especially where you are going.

Where did you buy tickets? That’s a safe spot for sure. Used to be a fun night club long time ago.

u/CheeseSkirts avatar

I live in that neighborhood and it’s overall a safe place. We eat at Steakhouse Philly next door a couple times a month and would feel safe walking home drunk from there. Like any city, keep your wits about you. Don’t walk into the road when cars are coming, don’t hold money in your hand like a poker hand and walk around the dark parking lot, watch your drinks from weirdos, don’t start a fight with someone… usual common sense rules. The area of Lansing you are going to boarders MSU’s campus and is quite safe. Things happen, but things happen anywhere. Have fun!

u/Gits_N-Shiggles avatar

I'm not familiar with the artist you are going to see and the crowd their music caters to. Just be aware of your surroundings and you'll be fine. If you get sketchy vibes, easy enough to walk out the door.

There are bad areas. The east side is not one of them. Just take the typical precautions, don’t walk down dark alleys alone or get into stranger’s cars.

Now I'mma tell you what; uhh...

I likes ya;

and I wants ya.

Now we can do this the easy way;

or the haard wayyy...

the choice is yaawrs...

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u/LionelHutz313 avatar

I cannot imagine being so isolated that Lansing is viewed as the terrifying “big city” lol.

Bro I live over an hour away from lansing I am in no way shape or form isolated I just haven’t been there and wanted to make sure it was safe I literally just got home from armada which was over an hour away lol

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It's pretty dangerous, I just got murdered yesterday.

It's a college town wost case is getting drunk at a college party if you make friends early but still be careful anywhere can be dangerous in the wrong situation

u/ceiling_fanzz avatar

There are some areas you should avoid at night. Don't walk alone in these areas.

  1. Hunter park on Kalamazoo st. According to the police dispatch radio , lot of prostitution and mugging happen there.

  2. Baker Street. Lot of shooting and robberies happend around there.

  3. Certain areas of the river trails have a homeless that live there that harass you for money


You’re going to be fine. I don’t know the time of your concert but during the day Lansing is fine north of 496. South of 496, aka South Lansing, not so much. Just always be aware. East Lansing does had numerous sex crimes, oblivious but aware of where you’re getting drinks from & who you are hanging out with. But communities east of east Lansing are mostly safe though Okemos I’ve heard do have druggies & crackheads who are willing to mug you to pay for their next fix by the red cedar river at dusk especially on weekends …

I’m going to the junction right off of 127 on google earth it looks very run down but I could be wrong

visually kinda looks like that but inside isn’t run down!


You’re going to be fine, not far from Dagwood. If anything goes wrong you can flee to east Lansing or even Okemos real quick. It’s south of 496 but you have to worry about. Just don’t feed the crackheads by the river.

Thank you from the inside of the venue it looks clean


Yeah i think it used to be green dot stables but something happened there I don’t know the full story about that change.

East of east Lansing is like 90% safe & Williamston is like 98% safe except for teenagers that like property destruction if you feel really that unsafe just drive towards Williamston as a last resort. Though watch out for the deer & coyotes. Especially if you’re taking small dogs or cats, coyotes like feeding off little critters.

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Also parts of north Lansing aren’t great maybe baker street cuz they have crackhouses. Once again. Don’t Feed The Crackheads….

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u/hansjurgen9000 avatar

Someone said “drop your pockets” to me in 2007. I made him repeat himself because I didn’t get it.

u/Simple_Poet_7258 avatar

I just seen this ... I'll be there detroit lions cap if you feel uncomfortable just come up let me know who u are and I got u

Did the owners rape you in the buttox?