The King's School - Transport
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The King's School

The King's School Founded 1545

Achievement for All


It is the responsibility of the parent or carer to ensure that each student is able to get to school on time every day. There are a variety of methods by which students can travel to school:


Many students walk to school particularly those who live in Ottery St Mary. There is a joint walking/cycle path from the Land of Canaan which avoids the busy roads into Ottery.


We encourage students to cycle to school but parents need to ensure that the route to school is safe, that bikes are in a roadworthy condition and that students are wearing appropriate safety equipment such as luminous clothes and a helmet. There is a cycle path from Ottery to Kings and there are two cycle shelters at school - one near the Tech Block and one adjacent to the coach park - where bikes can be locked away. The shelters are covered by CCTV.


The roads around the school are incredibly busy at the beginning and end of the school day.  Ideally students should be dropped off either at the Land of Canaan car park in Ottery so that they can walk up the path to school or near the coach park. We would ask parents who are dropping off students to be respectful of our neighbours and, in particular, not to park in the hospital car park. Students are not allowed entrance to the school via the Cadhay Lane Gate unless they have written to seek approval from the Headteacher. Students given such approval are given a special pass to show to allow them in out and out.

School Buses

The King’s School liaises regularly with the County Transport team but all enquiries regarding transport should be made directly to them. Their website can be accessed below and gives full details of who is eligible for free transport, how to apply and who to contact.

DCC Transport

In conjunction with Devon County the school now operates a no pass no travel rule on the school bus routes. If a child has lost their bus pass at home, parents must have a back up plan in place to get their child to school. If a student loses their pass at school they are able to get a temporary replacement from Student Support.

Public Buses

Some of our students travel on public buses particularly when travelling towards Exeter and Honiton. The bus stops for these buses are right outside the school.