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  1. It's the year 2039, and Neo Astra's at the cutting edge of tech. We've got AI that's like talking to a real person, smart buildings that touch the clouds, and cars that don't need roads. People's lives are easier, faster, more connected.

    But with all this tech comes questions. Big corporations, the ones behind these innovations, they're making life better, sure. But at what cost? They're everywhere, in everything, watching, controlling everything you do.

    Enter Solar, Neo Astra's radiant defender. She's more than a crime-fighter; she's a symbol of hope in a world obsessed with technology.

    Then there's Eclipse, the shadow in Solar's light, questioning the status quo, challenging the power of big tech. Her motives may be veiled but her message is clear: Who's really in control?

    And you? You're in the driver's seat. The fate of the city, the destiny of its heroes and most of all their sex lives are in your precious hands. Make your choices count!

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